Abortion "misinformation" to be censored now

Feelings of the left? When you lot are censoring discussion of CRT?
That is a gross misrepresentation. CRT is being forced on others without the benefit of an alternative view. If we actually wanted to promote critical thinking there would be multiple viewpoints available, yet liberals continue to narrow that selection to one item of their choosing.
Nope. It is a case of it is only censorship when you agree with the message.
Bullshit. Can I come teach your kids something YOU think is bad? You gonna let me come spout off my "beliefs" to your kids/grandkids?
Our fist duty as parents is to protect our children from people like you if in fact you think it's OK to make our children focus on race rather than character.
CRT is a poison pill for an entire generation
Bullshit. Can I come teach your kids something YOU think is bad? You gonna let me come spout off my "beliefs" to your kids/grandkids?
Our fist duty as parents is to protect our children from people like you if in fact you think it's OK to make our children focus on race rather than character.
CRT is a poison pill for an entire generation

Bullshit. Can I come teach your kids something YOU think is bad? You gonna let me come spout off my "beliefs" to your kids/grandkids?
Our fist duty as parents is to protect our children from people like you if in fact you think it's OK to make our children focus on race rather than character.
CRT is a poison pill for an entire generation
You have no idea what CRT actually is...or that isn't taught in K-12. Or that the laws are purposefully broad in defining CRT making teachers afraid to teach anything on racism for fear of prosecution. That is censorship. And it is the government doing it, not some private company making rules about the use of it's private property.
You have no idea what CRT actually is...or that isn't taught in K-12. Or that the laws are purposefully broad in defining CRT making teachers afraid to teach anything on racism for fear of prosecution. That is censorship. And it is the government doing it, not some private company making rules about the use of it's private property.
Teachers damn well should be afraid to teach anything about racism. That is teaching values, which must be the job of parents.
You have no idea what CRT actually is...or that isn't taught in K-12. Or that the laws are purposefully broad in defining CRT making teachers afraid to teach anything on racism for fear of prosecution. That is censorship. And it is the government doing it, not some private company making rules about the use of it's private property.
Racism is a social & cultural construct. Teachers are supposed to be teaching children how to read and write.
The topic clearly has a role to play from a historical perspective and that is fine in an American history setting when explaining slavery and civil rights.
Asking children to define white privilege or teaching them that blacks are at a disadvantage because of their skin color is bullshit.
When my grandson sees his black friends he sees A FRIEND, A PLAYMATE. Your garbage would have him see his skin color first and foremost and that is the precursor to actual racism.

Everything Left wing corporations don't agree with or like about what is being said about the abortion industry will now be censored.
Facebook isn't remotely left-wing - they censor the left more heavily than the right.

But yes - Facebook and the Democrats (not the left, which despises & is despised by the Democrats) are behaving like the Nazis in Germany.
It is already happening.

It has been happening.

For example, Dennis Prager had videos regarding abortion put on YouTube that were taken down. They claimed that it was "obscene" material, despite no obscenity being in it. So he sued, and our wonderful Left wing court system did nothing to help.

There is no left-wing court system.

It's Democrats, not the left.

The left hates Democrats, and the feeling is mutual.
The US is now controlled by a DNC oligarchy, with the illusion of free elections as the media is censored by them.

You can't have democracy and not a free press.
Welcome back to Germany in the 1930s.
You have no idea what CRT actually is...or that isn't taught in K-12. Or that the laws are purposefully broad in defining CRT making teachers afraid to teach anything on racism for fear of prosecution. That is censorship. And it is the government doing it, not some private company making rules about the use of it's private property.
Parents aren't fighting the boards of regents, they are fighting against school boards, that's K-12. I believe you may wish to look into that. Nobody complained when it was just in college, students there can opt to learn real history if they wish. Any challenge to CRT is considered 'racist', talk about censorship. The very premise of CRT is brutally flawed, it's grossly inaccurate with no real purpose beyond instilling guilt on white folks.
Teachers damn well should be afraid to teach anything about racism. That is teaching values, which must be the job of parents.

Nah, That's called History and Current Events.

Banning the teaching of certain historical events because those historical events are used in a college level theory class, is like banning mathematics because you have a problem with differential equations.
Nah, That's called History and Current Events.

Banning the teaching of certain historical events because those historical events are used in a college level theory class, is like banning mathematics because you have a problem with differential equations.
If you say so, champ.
Nah, That's called History and Current Events.

Banning the teaching of certain historical events because those historical events are used in a college level theory class, is like banning mathematics because you have a problem with differential equations.
Except CRT is 'history' in a bubble, ignoring all other aspects of history and pushing ideas over events. It's a cheap and sleazy rewrite with no purpose beyond instilling white guilt.

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