Abortion is a racist cause


Oct 2, 2007
Always has been, always will be.

The modern day abortion rights movement began as the American Birth Control League in 1921. Among its founding board members were Margaret Sanger, Lothrup Stoddard, and C. C. Little. The latter two people were known for their racist views, but Margaret Sanger continually shows up in the company of other racists. In fact, she was the guest speaker at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Silverlake, N. J. in 1926.[1] Not only did she not disassociate herself from these racist views, her own writings leave little doubt as to her sympathies. In implementing a plan called the "Negro Project," that was designed to sterilize Blacks and reduce the number of Black children being born in the south, Sanger wrote: "[We propose to] hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. And we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." [2] Abortion - A Liberal Cause? (Margaret Sanger and Eugenics)

Gosh, what does that sound like? Oh yeah, funding ABORTIONS in areas of the world that are...bothersome to us....and populated largely by blacks. How odd! How amazing!

"There is but one practical and feasible program in handling the great problem of the feeble-minded. That is, as the best authorities are agreed, to prevent the birth of those who would transmit imbecility to their descendants. Feeble-mindedness as investigations and statistics from every country indicate, is invariably associated with an abnormally high rate of fertility. Modern conditions of civilization, as we are continually being reminded, furnish the most favorable breeding-ground for the mental defective, the moron, the imbecile. ``We protect the members of a weak strain,'' says Davenport, ``up to the period of reproduction, and then let them free upon the community, and encourage them to leave a large progeny of `feeble-minded': which in turn, protected from mortality and carefully nurtured up to the reproductive period, are again set free to reproduce, and so the stupid work goes on of preserving and increasing our socially unfit strains....

I have touched upon these various aspects of the complex problem of the feeble-minded, and the menace of the moron to human society, not merely for the purpose of reiterating that it is one of the greatest and most difficult social problems of modern times, demanding an immediate, stern and definite policy, but because it illustrates the actual harvest of reliance upon traditional morality, upon the biblical injunction to increase and multiply, a policy still taught by politician, priest and militarist. Motherhood has been held universally sacred; yet, as Bouchacourt pointed out, ``to-day, the dregs of the human species, the blind, the deaf-mute, the degenerate, the nervous, the vicious, the idiotic, the imbecile, the cretins and the epileptics--are better protected than pregnant women.'' The syphilitic, the irresponsible, the feeble-minded are encouraged to breed unhindered, while all the powerful forces of tradition, of custom, or prejudice, have bolstered up the desperate effort to block the inevitable influence of true civilization in spreading the principles of independence, self-reliance, discrimination and foresight upon which the great practice of intelligent parenthood is based.

"To-day we are confronted by the results of this official policy. There is no escaping it; there is no explaining it away. Surely it is an amazing and discouraging phenomenon that the very governments that have seen fit to interfere in practically every phase of the normal citizen's life, dare not attempt to restrain, either by force or persuasion, the moron and the imbecile from producing his large family of feeble-minded offspring...

"The emergency problem of segregation and sterilization must be faced immediately. Every feeble-minded girl or woman of the hereditary type, especially of the moron class, should be segregated during the reproductive period. Otherwise, she is almost certain to bear imbecile children, who in turn are just as certain to breed other defectives. The male defectives are no less dangerous. Segregation carried out for one or two generations would give us only partial control of the problem. Moreover, when we realize that each feeble- minded person is a potential source of an endless progeny of defect, we prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded.

"This, I say, is an emergency measure. But how are we to prevent the repetition in the future of a new harvest of imbecility, the recurrence of new generations of morons and defectives, as the logical and inevitable consequence of the universal application of the traditional and widely approved command to increase and multiply?...

" Philanthropy and Charity: This is the present and traditional method of meeting the problems of human defect and dependence, of poverty and delinquency. It is emotional, altruistic, at best ameliorative, aiming to meet the individual situation as it arises and presents itself. Its effect in practise is seldom, if ever, truly preventive. Concerned with symptoms, with the allaying of acute and catastrophic miseries, it cannot, if it would, strike at the radical causes of social misery. At its worst, it is sentimental and paternalistic.

Marxian Socialism: This may be considered typical of many widely varying schemes of more or less revolutionary social reconstruction, emphasizing the primary importance of environment, education, equal opportunity, and health, in the elimination of the conditions (i. e. capitalistic control of industry) which have resulted in biological chaos and human waste. I shall attempt to show that the Marxian doctrine is both too limited, too superficial and too fragmentary in its basic analysis of human nature and in its program of revolutionary reconstruction.

Eugenics: Eugenics seems to me to be valuable in its critical and diagnostic aspects, in emphasizing the danger of irresponsible and uncontrolled fertility of the ``unfit'' and the feeble-minded establishing a progressive unbalance in human society and lowering the birth-rate among the ``fit.'' But in its so-called ``constructive'' aspect, in seeking to reestablish the dominance of healthy strain over the unhealthy, by urging an increased birth-rate among the fit, the Eugenists really offer nothing more farsighted than a ``cradle competition'' between the fit and the unfit. They suggest in very truth, that all intelligent and respectable parents should take as their example in this grave matter of child-bearing the most irresponsible elements in the community. "

Sounds like a page out of the book of Jillian, KK, Ravi and Strolling.... but it's from "The Pivot of Civilization" by Margaret Sanger (Chapter 4).

Can't wait to hear them re-iterate every lovely point of the above philosophy, while adamantly insisting it's the ones who don't want eugenics, who don't want genocide, and who have no interest in determining whose life is "more" valuable and whose life is "less" valuable and therefore expendable who are the judgmental, moralistic pigs.
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Only the vegetarians who think it's okay to kill babies if they don't like the lifestyle or race of the moms.

Get it yet? We're not talking about haircolor, you twit. We're talking about the basic understanding that it's okay to kill babies you judge to be less valuable than other babies.

In other words, bringing your own morality into the government, using government money to weed out "undesirables" and saying that anyone who opposes is violating someone's rights...when the only rights being violated are those of the undesirables and the babies.
Only the vegetarians who think it's okay to kill babies if they don't like the lifestyle or race of the moms.

Get it yet? We're not talking about haircolor, you twit. We're talking about the basic understanding that it's okay to kill babies you judge to be less valuable than other babies.

In other words, bringing your own morality into the government, using government money to weed out "undesirables" and saying that anyone who opposes is violating someone's rights...when the only rights being violated are those of the undesirables and the babies.
LOL! It's your side the currently wants to weed out undesirables...who was that idiot that advocated aborting all black fetuses?
btw allie ...do you believe that abortion is allowed under any circumstances...or do you believe in a total ban on abortion? tell us your view...in depth
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It's a straw man. Abortion in every instance has never been illegal. Nobody has ever proposed that all women who become pregnant be "forced" to bear children if their health..physical or mental...is at risk. That's just a terror tactic used by the left. Just as they are continually trotting out the tried and true flag of "You want to force the victims of incest to bear monster children!".

These events account for less than one percent of one percent of all abortions in the first place....although it's almost impossible to get anything even remotely intelligent regarding statistics from Planned Parenthood because they steadfastly refuse to answer to anyone or keep records. Just as they steadfastly refuse to report sexual predators and child molesters and rapists when they have victims of incest come through their doors, or hideously underaged girls. They protect those people, not those of us who want to do away with Planned Parenthood and abortion factories.

I think anyone who is pregnant, barring health issues (and we're not talking about a baby with crooked teeth or webbed toes) should not be able to get an abortion. It's murder. I don't care who the mother is. Do you think killing your newborn child should be okay for some mothers, but considered murder for others? I don't. I think it's murder regardless of who the mother is.

I don't blame the women who are brainwashed into thinking it's okay to get abortions, though. I blame the liberal propaganda machine that has taught girls from the cradle up that babies are non-entities, that they are not obligated in any way to life which begins, in whatever way, in their bodies. I have nothing but pity for women who fall for that garbage and get abortions, thinking it means nothing. It doesn't change their lives, they continue to live their lives. I've seen women with 6 children get abortion after abortion after abortion. How easy would it be just to put those babies up for adoption? Who would it hurt? Do you honestly think the comfort of a woman who has had 6 children with 5 different men is more important than the life of a child?

Has comfort become more important than life?

Of course it has.
Nice, moving this to conspiracy theories. I wonder who did that? Hmmm...let me think. Someone who wants people to think abortion has nothing to do with eugenics, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Move it back.
Interesting statistics.

Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2002

In the 37 reporting areas for which race was provided classified according to the same categories used in previous years, approximately 54% of women who obtained legal induced abortions were known to be white, 36% black, and 8% other; for 3%, race was not known (Table 9). The abortion ratio for black women (495 per 1,000 live births) was 3.0 times the ratio for white women (164 per 1,000), and the ratio for women of the nonhomogeneous "other" race category (357 per 1,000) was 2.2 times the ratio for white women. The abortion rate for black women (29 per 1,000 women) was 3.0 times the rate for white women (10 per 1,000), whereas the abortion rate for women of other races (20 per 1,000 women) was 2.1 times the rate for white women.

Abortion Statistics - By Race.
Let's find some more connections between racism and abortion:

"When the Nazis came to power in 1933 one of the first acts Hitler did was to legalize abortion. By 1935 Germany with 65 million people was the place where over 500,000 abortions were being performed each year. Although Hitler and his government encourged Aryan women to produce a lot of children, he left the matter of abortion and all its facets in the hands of a decidely pro- abortion medical establishment. Even in the midst of Nazi propaganda aimed at increasing the Aryan population, scores of Aryan women still chose to abort their unborn children. The medical publication Deutsches Aerzleblatt reported the abortions in Germany each year reached a half-million.

Further, a Nazi decree of October 19, 1941 established abortion on demand as the official policy of Poland. Hitler, however, expressed dissatisfaction with this policy. Abortion, he believed, should NOT be limited to Poland. He therefore ordered that abortion be expanded to all populations under the control of the "Ministry of the Occupied Territories of the East."

On July 22, 1942, the Fuhrer exhibited a highly positive attitude towards abortion as an indispensable method of dealing with the non-German populations in countries under Nazi control. "In view of the large families of the native populations," he asserted, "it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible." Hitler also personally announced that he "would personally shoot" any "such idiot" who "tried to put into practice such an order (forbidding abortion) in the occupied Eastern territories."
Hitler Pro-Abortion

BTW, a conspiracy theory is a THEORY not fact. Just because you don't like the facts doesn't make it a conspiracy theory.

For example, all the 9/11 shit belongs in conspiracy theories because it's conjecture and supposition. Saying abortion is a racist cause and providing evidence that all the past supporters of government funded abortion were racists and eugenecists is not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact.

"Adolf Hitler - Dictator of Nazi Germany "The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring. . . represents the most humane act of mankind." Mein Kampf, vol. 1, ch. 10"

Gosh, is that a conspiracy theory? Why no, it's a quote from Hitler!

"Margaret Sanger - Founder of Planned Parenthood ". . .we prefer the policy of immediate sterilizarion, of making sure that parenthood is ' absolutely prohibed ' to the feeble-minded." The Pivot of Civilization, p102"

Conspiracy theory...or fact? Hmmmm..

Move it back, propagandist.
Interesting statistics.

Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2002

In the 37 reporting areas for which race was provided classified according to the same categories used in previous years, approximately 54% of women who obtained legal induced abortions were known to be white, 36% black, and 8% other; for 3%, race was not known (Table 9). The abortion ratio for black women (495 per 1,000 live births) was 3.0 times the ratio for white women (164 per 1,000), and the ratio for women of the nonhomogeneous "other" race category (357 per 1,000) was 2.2 times the ratio for white women. The abortion rate for black women (29 per 1,000 women) was 3.0 times the rate for white women (10 per 1,000), whereas the abortion rate for women of other races (20 per 1,000 women) was 2.1 times the rate for white women.

Abortion Statistics - By Race.

my post asking what was wrong with one child families? and saying abortion has declined? or saying that people need to decide...anti abortion or if you can feed them dont breed them...what about this do you not understand?
my post asking what was wrong with one child families? and saying abortion has declined? or saying that people need to decide...anti abortion or if you can feed them dont breed them...what about this do you not understand?

Actually, that's not what you said. What you said is that I had a problem with one parent families, which I do not. Your (idiotic) assumption is that because I called Jillian on her belief that the more children there are, the less value they have means that I think people shouldn't have just one child. It's a juvenile leap to make, and a huge red herring that only the simplest of minds would not recognize.

And abortion hasn't declined since the legalization of abortion. It has declined minisculely since we began telling kids that just because abortion is legal doesn't mean everyone should get knocked up and get one.

But the fact is, there are no good stats about abortions. Everyone agrees they have not been reduced since their legalization, and there has not been the big move away from abortions, which the left insisted would happen if we made them free and available to all.

The Guttmacher Institute, which promotes and tracks abortion, prints a disclaimer that there is no way to track who or how many abortions are being performed nationwide because most states do not track, and Planned Parenthood will not provide statistics.

"• Forty percent of pregnancies among white women, 69% among blacks and 54% among Hispanics are unintended.

• In 2005, 1.21 million abortions were performed, down from 1.31 million in 2000. From 1973 through 2005, more than 45 million legal abortions occurred.[2]

• Each year, about two percent of women aged 15-44 have an abortion; 47% of them have had at least one previous abortion.[3] ..."

Gosh, more "conspiracy" about the racism inherent in abortion.

"In 2005, 57% of abortion providers, or 1,026 facilities, provided one or more medication abortions, a 70% increase from the first half of 2001."
Guttmacher Institute: Abortion

Although not widely recognized, the U.S. abortion rate reached its height in the early 1980s and has been drifting downward ever since. Over the last few years, however, the decline would appear to have stalled. At the current rate, about one-third of all U.S. women will have had an abortion by age 45. Certain groups are overrepresented among women having abortions: those who are young, poor or near-poor, black, Hispanic or unmarried, and those who already have had one child....

Repeat Abortion, Repeat Unintended Pregnancy, Repeated and Misguided Government Policies

Gosh, I guess that's a conspiracy theory, too.

Another conspiracy:

"The data collected by the CDC and AGI are complementary, but have different emphases. The CDC, consistent with its federal function, focuses particular attention on the safety of the procedure, while AGI concerns itself with the availability of abortion services throughout the country.

The CDC collects most of its information indirectly, mainly through reports from state health departments. Reports for the 45 states that collect information on abortion and the District of Columbia vary in completeness, with some lacking information on as many as 40-50% of the abortions that occur in the state....

"The CDC also conducts limited surveys of abortion providers or makes estimates for the states that do not collect abortion information (Alaska, California, Iowa, New Hampshire and Oklahoma)....As noted above, the only national data on the incidence of abortion by weeks of gestation come from the CDC reports, which are dependent on state-generated information that is often incomplete."

And yet another "conspiracy theory" that the Guttmacher Institute is spreading willy-nilly:

"The results of the 1995 survey show that the women who are most likely to obtain an abortion have an annual inco me of less than $15,000, are enrolled in Medicaid, are aged 18-24, are nonwhite or Hispanic, are separated or never-married, live with a partner outside marriage and have no religious affiliation. Catholics are as likely as the general population of women to terminate a pregnancy, Protestants are less likely to do so, and Evangelical Christians are the least likely to do so."

The collection of health and vital statistics in a country as vast and decentralized as the United States is a massive undertaking, fraught with problems of definition, compilation and verification. State reports, which form the basis of the collection ef fort in this instance, are often inadequate. Furthermore, they are unlikely to improve in the years to come. In fact, the new welfare reform law, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, almost guarantees the status quo.

One of the many features of the law is the provision of up to five "bonuses" of $20 million each to states that can show a reduction in the number of out-of-wedlock births in the 1998 fiscal year, along with a lowering of the state's abortion rate (with fiscal year 1995 as the comparison year). The law attempts to guard against the potential manipulation of data by states seeking to qualify for a bonus. A section entitled "Disregard of Changes in Data Due to Changes in Reporting Methods" states: "In making the determination required by subclause (I), the Secretary shall disregard...(II) (bb) any differences between the rate of induced pregnancy terminations in a state for a fiscal year and such rate for Fiscal Year 1995 which is attributable to a change in State methods of reporting data used to calculate such rate."

Given the chronic underreporting (or, in some cases, nonreporting) of abortion statistics by the states, the legislation—in essence—provides them with an incentive to be even less diligent in the future in producing accurate and complete data on abortions obtained by residents of their state.
The Limitations of U.S. Statistics on Abortion

It sounds to me like the only "conspiracy theory" that exists in this thread are as follows:

1. That abortion and eugenics are in no way related;
2. That abortion does not disproportionately target the poor and minority classes;
3. That abortion statistics are readily available, accurate, and show what a great job of reducing abortion numbers legalizing abortion has accomplished.
Let's find some more connections between racism and abortion:

"When the Nazis came to power in 1933 one of the first acts Hitler did was to legalize abortion. By 1935 Germany with 65 million people was the place where over 500,000 abortions were being performed each year. Although Hitler and his government encourged Aryan women to produce a lot of children, he left the matter of abortion and all its facets in the hands of a decidely pro- abortion medical establishment. Even in the midst of Nazi propaganda aimed at increasing the Aryan population, scores of Aryan women still chose to abort their unborn children. The medical publication Deutsches Aerzleblatt reported the abortions in Germany each year reached a half-million.

Further, a Nazi decree of October 19, 1941 established abortion on demand as the official policy of Poland. Hitler, however, expressed dissatisfaction with this policy. Abortion, he believed, should NOT be limited to Poland. He therefore ordered that abortion be expanded to all populations under the control of the "Ministry of the Occupied Territories of the East."

On July 22, 1942, the Fuhrer exhibited a highly positive attitude towards abortion as an indispensable method of dealing with the non-German populations in countries under Nazi control. "In view of the large families of the native populations," he asserted, "it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible." Hitler also personally announced that he "would personally shoot" any "such idiot" who "tried to put into practice such an order (forbidding abortion) in the occupied Eastern territories."
Hitler Pro-Abortion

BTW, a conspiracy theory is a THEORY not fact. Just because you don't like the facts doesn't make it a conspiracy theory.

For example, all the 9/11 shit belongs in conspiracy theories because it's conjecture and supposition. Saying abortion is a racist cause and providing evidence that all the past supporters of government funded abortion were racists and eugenecists is not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact.

"Adolf Hitler - Dictator of Nazi Germany "The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring. . . represents the most humane act of mankind." Mein Kampf, vol. 1, ch. 10"

Gosh, is that a conspiracy theory? Why no, it's a quote from Hitler!

"Margaret Sanger - Founder of Planned Parenthood ". . .we prefer the policy of immediate sterilizarion, of making sure that parenthood is ' absolutely prohibed ' to the feeble-minded." The Pivot of Civilization, p102"

Conspiracy theory...or fact? Hmmmm..

Move it back, propagandist.

Godwin's Law to the extreme.

Because Hitler did it = It was bad.

Hitler also didn't smoke and didn't want others to smoke. So I guess smoking is good you fucking crazy religious wingnut? :cuckoo:
That's the conspiracy. You're denying that abortion is a cause of eugenecists, which it most certainly has always been historically, and which is proven here. It's a racist cause.

""There was a time when the church was very powerful in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society. Whenever the early Christians entered a town, the people in power became disturbed and immediately sought to convict the Christians for being "disturbers of the peace" and outside agitators. But the Christians pressed on in the conviction that they were "a colony of heaven" called to obey God rather than man. Small in number they were big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be "astronomically intimidated." By their effort and example they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide."

That's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on abortion. And Christianity, incidentally.

Martin Luther King points to a people of Christian faith that demanded an end to infant killing. In Rome in their declining years, it became law that upon the birth of your newborn child, if you didn't like the color of their eyes, the texture of their hair, the complexion of their skin, you could by law lay your child by the side of the road to die. The law further stated, anyone touching your child to give aid would be put to death. The newborn child was to be left to die! The early church under the threat of death scooped those children up and raised them as their own. Martin Luther King called not giving children "left by the side of the road" receiving no aid, evil! Barack Obama calls it a good thing. 80% of Americans call partial birth abortion, evil, while Mr. and Mrs. Obama call it a good thing.
What Martin Luther King called evil, Barack Obama calls good
BTW, those "early Christians" weren't Catholics, for those of you who like to believe the Catholic church is the foundation of all Christianity.

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