a war movie that defines the enemy...correctly?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a review of the American Sniper movie...and if the review is accurate it just goes to show that Americans want to see a war movie where American soldiers are heroes...because they are...and not war criminals, mental cases or victims......

We have had endless numbers of movies about this fight against evil savages who kill and torture innocent men, women, and children, where the United States and our soldiers are the problem, not the solution....perhaps this movie will change that trend....in defiance of left wing critics....

American Sniper Review A Patriotic Pro-War On Terror Masterpiece - Breitbart

“American Sniper” is refreshingly told only from Kyle’s point of view. He reminds a doubting comrade that we’re fighting these “evil fucking savages” (terrorists) in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them in San Diego. And Eastwood doesn’t flinch from showing these evil fucking savages for the evil fucking savages they are. You won’t soon forget watching terrorist mastermind Zarqawi’s chief enforcer, a monster nicknamed The Butcher, slowly torture and murder a young boy with a power drill.

War is ugly and it’s not pretty watching our guys kick in doors. But there are bad guys behind those doors, and no matter how bad those guys might be, Eastwood makes sure the audience knows Americans don’t carry power drills or take lives out of any motive other than self-defense.

There is nothing even close to moral equivalence in “America Sniper,” only the truth: that there is no equivalence between the barbarians who target the innocent and the American heroes who target those who target the innocent.

Last night I saw this movie in a packed theatre. For 140 minutes no one moved; they barely breathed. Everyone remained exactly in place even throughout the incredible end credits. When everyone left, it was in total silence.

“American Sniper” is not only a cinematic masterpiece. It is proof of what Big Hollywood has been arguing for more than 6 years: That you can tell the truth about America and the terrorists and the War On Terror and the incredible men who fight and die for us, in a way that is both emotionally complex, patriotic, heartbreaking, and rousing.
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This is a review of the American Sniper movie...and if the review is accurate it just goes to show that Americans want to see a war movie where American soldiers are heroes...because they are...and not war criminals, mental cases or victims......

We have had endless numbers of movies about this fight against evil savages who kill and torture innocent men, women, and children, where the United States and our soldiers are the problem, not the solution....perhaps this movie will change that trend....in defiance of left wing critics....

American Sniper Review A Patriotic Pro-War On Terror Masterpiece - Breitbart

“American Sniper” is refreshingly told only from Kyle’s point of view. He reminds a doubting comrade that we’re fighting these “evil fucking savages” (terrorists) in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them in San Diego. And Eastwood doesn’t flinch from showing these evil fucking savages for the evil fucking savages they are. You won’t soon forget watching terrorist mastermind Zarqawi’s chief enforcer, a monster nicknamed The Butcher, slowly torture and murder a young boy with a power drill.
The war movies I see cast American solders in a pretty good light but maybe I avoid the others. I want have any trouble forgetting a war movie showing a young boy being slowly tortured and murdered with an electric drill because I'm not going to watch it. Yes, I know there are unspeakable cruel acts in this world, but there is no need for me to see them. I've seen a few in real life that I'll never forget.

Scenes of violence desensitizes people to it. Adults who repeatedly view scenes of extreme violence become more tolerant of such content and more lenient in allowing children to watch the same. Recently some kids at our house were discussing a movie. One commented, "It's about this guy who rips girls heads off and drinks their blood; it's pretty boring."
I have had enough connections to...this issue without a movie to tell me what to think, either way. But I will still try and see this movie. One of the Last movies I paid to see had Kiaser f**+NG Sozie in it.
Seldom watch war movies. No matter how justified our participation is, it is still a horror for those participating, and leaves them with scars that time cannot erase. In fact, something seldom addressed the war's affects on old men.

Eastwood's latest gem is pushing a lot of buttons on the left and right"
"...several liberal journalists drew attention to Kyle’s less Oscar-worthy statements. 'Chris Kyle boasted of looting the apartments of Iraqi families in Fallujah,' wrote author and former Daily Beast writer Max Blumenthal. 'Kill every male you see,' Rania Khalek quoted, calling Kyle an 'American psycho'.

"Retaliation from the rightwing twittersphere was swift and violent, as Khalek documented in an exhaustive (and exhausting) post at Alternet. 'Move your America hating ass to Iraq, let ISIS rape you then cut your **** head off, fucking media whore muslim,' wrote a rather unassuming-looking mom named Donna. 'Rania, maybe we to take you ass overthere and give it to ISIS … Dumb bitch,' offered a bearded man named Ronald, who enjoys either bass fishing or playing the bass (we may never know). 'Waterboarding is far from torture,' explained an army pilot named Benjamin, all helpfulness. 'I wouldn’t mind giving you two a demonstration.'”

The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero Lindy West Comment is free The Guardian
modern war movies is just a crappy propaganda.
Apocalypse Now, Full metal jacket, Platoon, The quiet American, Good morning Vietnam, Killing fields
I can watch it again and again
We take soldiers, teach them to kill and then get outraged because they kill? Go figure.
That's been a necessity of life ever since the rabid dog, Mohammed put together his army of brainwashed maniacs...and they've been breeding like feral hogs ever since.

Armies existed before the dog made his rules, but many of God's children have regretted that their own armies failed to kill enough to stop the war of the day.

There will be wars and rumors of wars until the last day. Either you prepare for the next one or you die in it.

All you appeasement pussies that think we can sit down to a cup of tea and figs and talk radical Islamists into enrolling in Obamacare and voting Democrat from now on are literally out of your minds!
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We take soldiers, teach them to kill and then get outraged because they kill? Go figure.
That's been a necessity of life ever since the rabid dog, Mohammed put together his army of brainwashed maniacs...and they've been breeding like feral hogs ever since.

Armies existed before the dog made his rules, but many of God's children have regretted that their own armies failed to kill enough to stop the war of the day.

There will be wars and rumors of wars until the last day. Either you prepare for the next one or you die in it.

All you appeasement pussies that think we can sit down to a cup of tea and figs and talk radical Islamists into enrolling in Obamacare and voting Democrat from now on are literally out of your minds!
Stayed out in the hot sun too long I see...
Taxing war crimes?
Particularly the supreme international war crime:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil thing...to initiate a war of aggression...is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Taxing war crimes?
Particularly the supreme international war crime:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil thing...to initiate a war of aggression...is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Glad we have rules for war. Lol!

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