Zone1 A Virginia post office closes over an historic exhibit showing signs for 'White' and 'Colored'


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
MONTPELIER STATION, Va. — The United States Postal Service has closed a small Virginia post office over agency management's concerns about its location inside a historic train depot that also serves as a museum about racial segregation.

In a statement this week addressing the closure, the USPS noted that the museum near former president James Madison's Montpelier estate has historical signage above two exterior doors, one labeled "White" and another labeled "Colored."


It added that "Postal Service management considered that some customers may associate the racially-based, segregated entrances with the current operations of the Post Office and thereby draw negative associations between those operations and the painful legacy of discrimination and segregation."

The statement was provided to The Associated Press by a USPS spokesperson Wednesday.

It said operations were being suspended at the Montpelier Station Post Office with the intention of finding suitable alternative quarters in the community or in the absence of any, to proceed with a study of whether to discontinue the branch.

The post office location had one employee and operated four hours daily, according to the statement. It served about 100 people and closed in June, according to the Culpeper Star-Exponent.

The restored train depot is owned by the nonprofit foundation that manages the Montpelier estate. A panel on the building's exterior introduces the exhibit inside.

Christy Moriarty, The Montpelier Foundation's communications director, told the newspaper that the racial segregation exhibit and the post office have co-existed since 2010.

"Montpelier owns the Train Depot building and the exhibition will remain open," she said. "We call upon the USPS to reverse the decision and reopen this historic facility that has served this community for over a century."

U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger, who represents the area, also raised concerns about the closure in a letter to the agency's Virginia district manager.

A post office closes over an historic exhibit showing signs for 'White' and 'Colored'

Lots of local backlash on this one as it seems Spanberger (D) had something to do with the closing but since she's in trouble politically she's backtracking.
That's what your entire anti-CRT movement is trying to make happen.

The post office not wanting to unnecessarily make employees explain this to angry customers all the time is perfectly fine.

Only Democrats should be subjected to Critical Race Theory. They're the ones who caused the Civil War, not my party. My party was the one who ended it.

Like the Nazis in Europe, you Democrats need to be reminded over and over, just what you did.
Only Democrats should be subjected to Critical Race Theory. They're the ones who caused the Civil War, not my party. My party was the one who ended it.

Like the Nazis in Europe, you Democrats need to be reminded over and over, just what you did.
If you and your party stopped celebrating and honoring those old Democrats as a proud part of your heritage, nobody would feel any need to teach whatever you imagine CRT to be.
That's what your entire anti-CRT movement is trying to make happen.

The post office not wanting to unnecessarily make employees explain this to angry customers all the time is perfectly fine.
Horse shit. What angry customers? The 100 locals who use it?

Oh, I forgot. Schools don't teach history anymore because history is all fiction.
Horse shit. What angry customers? The 100 locals who use it?

Oh, I forgot. Schools don't teach history anymore because history is all fiction.
I don't know how to address such an insane comment. I'm sorry the post office relocating a tiny branch that apparently only serves 100 people can drive you into such a rage.
If you and your party stopped celebrating and honoring those old Democrats as a proud part of your heritage, nobody would feel any need to teach whatever you imagine CRT to be.

Oh, the riduculous myth of the "liberal-switcheroo", right? The idiotic idea that "left is now right, and right is now left"? Let me teach you a little history here, Bubba:

It's a fact that the GOP won the South after supporting and passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That effectively ended over 100+ years of Democrat control in the South. But did you know that out of 1600 racist Democrats from the Civil War to the year 2000, less than 1% switched parties? Only 2 of the 112 racist Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 actually “switched” to the GOP: John Jarman and Strom Thurmond. All the racist Democrats who had opposed the Civil Rights Act in the 1960’s were the same ones who in the 1970’s supported Roe v. Wade, too. They went straight from supporting segregation to supporting the murder of primarily black and minority unborn children, just like that. So there was no "switch" between the parties. In fact, the GOP didn’t gain a majority of southern seats until 1994, 30 years after the Civil Rights movement.

In the traditionally racist Democrat-held South, Alabama didn't even elect a Republican Governor until 1986. Mississippi didn't elect one until 1991, and Georgia didn't elect a Republican Governor until 2002. As did it take 30 years for those racist Democrat voters to finally give the GOP a majority of southern House seats. And why did it take racist voters in Georgia 38 years to finally vote for a Republican Governor?

Now let's talk about you Democrats: Today's Democrats are not he result of a "party switch." The Democrats have drifted farther and farther to the Marxist left, while the GOP platform is more or less the same now as it was in the 1800's. The Democrats may have stopped actively trying to oppress minorities, but instead have created a mass of single parent households among the Black community. They've passed crime bills which disproportionally punished Blacks, forced minorities into government welfare from cradle to grave, and used them as political pawns to win elections. A welfare class is easy to control, which is why the poor and minorities tend to vote for Democrats. Black people even did far better under President Trump, and that's a fact.

So you need to let go of that "liberal-switcheroo" nonsense. It really makes you sound ignorant about the history of this country.
Oh, the riduculous myth of the "liberal-switcheroo", right? The idiotic idea that "left is now right, and right is now left"? Let me teach you a little history here, Bubba:

It's a fact that the GOP won the South after supporting and passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That effectively ended over 100+ years of Democrat control in the South. But did you know that out of 1600 racist Democrats from the Civil War to the year 2000, less than 1% switched parties? Only 2 of the 112 racist Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 actually “switched” to the GOP: John Jarman and Strom Thurmond. All the racist Democrats who had opposed the Civil Rights Act in the 1960’s were the same ones who in the 1970’s supported Roe v. Wade, too. They went straight from supporting segregation to supporting abortion, just like that. So there was no "switch" between the parties. In fact, the GOP didn’t gain a majority of southern seats until 1994, 30 years after the Civil Rights movement.

In the traditionally racist Democrat-held South, Alabama didn't even elect a Republican Governor until 1986. Mississippi didn't elect one until 1991, and Georgia didn't elect a Republican Governor until 2002. As did it take 30 years for those racist Democrat voters to finally give the GOP a majority of southern House seats. And why did it take racist voters in Georgia 38 years to finally vote for a Republican Governor?

Now let's talk about you Democrats: Today's Democrats are not he result of a "party switch." The Democrats have drifted farther and farther to the Marxist left, while the GOP platform is more or less the same now as it was in the 1800's. The Democrats may have stopped actively trying to oppress minorities, but instead have created a mass of single parent households among the Black community. They've passed crime bills which disproportionally punished Blacks, forced minorities into government welfare from cradle to grave, and used them as political pawns to win elections. A welfare class is easy to control, which is why the poor and minorities tend to vote for Democrats. Black people even did far better under President Trump, and that's a fact.
Switcheroo? You and your party currently celebrating the confederacy, honoring their flag and statues, and proudly declaring them as your heritage doesn't seem related to any kind of switcheroo. Do you know what "switcheroo" means?
Switcheroo? You and your party currently celebrating the confederacy, honoring their flag and statues, and proudly declaring them as your heritage doesn't seem related to any kind of switcheroo. Do you know what "switcheroo" means?

***Mod Edit: Zone 1 - No flaming allowed. *** you still don't get it, do you?

After you've torn down all the confederate statues and monuments, you will have momentarily forgotten about you Democrat's violent, racist past.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.

So no: You need to be reminded every single day of your life, the violent, racist history of your party *****. The fact that you don't want it to be known, speaks volumes about you.
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***Mod Edit: Zone 1 - No flaming allowed. *** you still don't get it, do you?

After you've torn down all the confederate statues and monuments, you will have momentarily forgotten about you Democrat's violent, racist past.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.
You are all over the place here. You glorify the confederacy in order to... remember history? Haven't you heard of books? Or maybe the GOP has finished banning them all where you live.
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You are all over the place here. You glorify the confederacy in order to... remember history? Haven't you heard of books? Or maybe the GOP has finished banning them all where you live.

Don't be obtuse. It was you Democrats who put up those statues and monuments in the first place. I bet you didn't even know that, did you?

Now you want to cover up the evidence of your vile party's atrocities, and expect everyone to pat you on the head and say "'s alright."?

No way, Peckerwood. You should be forced to see those statues and monuments every day, and reflect upon your party's vile, disgusting history: The party of slavery, racism, a civil war, the Klan, Jim Crow laws, and opposition the the Civil Rights act of 1964. That's you, Bubba. You should be forced to wear that around your neck, like a dead, stinking albatross. Along with a little bell, so people would know when you're coming around. They would all point at you, laugh, and say "Oh look! Here comes that racist Democrat! Let's kick him in the pants and put a sign on his back."

And they would. Because you deserved it.
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Stupid Democrats. Covering it up doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Let's bulldoze Auschwitz too, while we're at it - Out of sight, out of mind. It was just a fluke, it'll never happen again if we just pretend it didn't happen in the first place.

The irony.

So this means we should teach the 1619 Project.

Don't blame democrats for this. This is about republicans not wanting whites to feel bad for being white.
The irony.

So this means we should teach the 1619 Project.

Don't blame democrats for this. This is about republicans not wanting whites to feel bad for being white.
Bear in mind this is local second hand info.....I make no claims as to it's viability one way or the other.

Basically what is said to have happened was that some snowflake liberal tourist bitched at Spanberger some time ago before the dems shit the bed politically and she got the ball rolling but the cogs of USPS turned slowly.

Now that she faces a tooth-n-nail fight for her district she's flip-flopping.

LOL....Virtue-signaling has it's perils I guess. ;)
The irony.

So this means we should teach the 1619 Project.

Don't blame democrats for this. This is about republicans not wanting whites to feel bad for being white.
Why should whites feel bad for being white?
Oh, the riduculous myth of the "liberal-switcheroo", right? The idiotic idea that "left is now right, and right is now left"? Let me teach you a little history here, Bubba:

It's a fact that the GOP won the South after supporting and passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That effectively ended over 100+ years of Democrat control in the South. But did you know that out of 1600 racist Democrats from the Civil War to the year 2000, less than 1% switched parties? Only 2 of the 112 racist Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 actually “switched” to the GOP: John Jarman and Strom Thurmond. All the racist Democrats who had opposed the Civil Rights Act in the 1960’s were the same ones who in the 1970’s supported Roe v. Wade, too. They went straight from supporting segregation to supporting the murder of primarily black and minority unborn children, just like that. So there was no "switch" between the parties. In fact, the GOP didn’t gain a majority of southern seats until 1994, 30 years after the Civil Rights movement.

In the traditionally racist Democrat-held South, Alabama didn't even elect a Republican Governor until 1986. Mississippi didn't elect one until 1991, and Georgia didn't elect a Republican Governor until 2002. As did it take 30 years for those racist Democrat voters to finally give the GOP a majority of southern House seats. And why did it take racist voters in Georgia 38 years to finally vote for a Republican Governor?

Now let's talk about you Democrats: Today's Democrats are not he result of a "party switch." The Democrats have drifted farther and farther to the Marxist left, while the GOP platform is more or less the same now as it was in the 1800's. The Democrats may have stopped actively trying to oppress minorities, but instead have created a mass of single parent households among the Black community. They've passed crime bills which disproportionally punished Blacks, forced minorities into government welfare from cradle to grave, and used them as political pawns to win elections. A welfare class is easy to control, which is why the poor and minorities tend to vote for Democrats. Black people even did far better under President Trump, and that's a fact.

So you need to let go of that "liberal-switcheroo" nonsense. It really makes you sound ignorant about the history of this country.
You republicans need to stop this disingenuous crap.

Point number 1: Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Party is the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slavery as a constitutional right.

Point number two: A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Point number three: Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans who worked to purge blacks from the party.

Point number four: Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. When blacks got Civil Rights, the Republican Party did not believe that was civil or right and decided that extremism in defense of liberty was no vice. In 1964 the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly 100 years of black support.

Point number five: Today’s Republican Party is controlled by a racist Anti Black base.

Blacks did not do better under trump. Blacks did better because of Obamas policies that continued under trump. A democrat signed our second emancipation proclamation in 1964, because both republicans and democrats refused to honor the first one. So stop lying about the republican party. After Lincoln signed the proclamation, republicans didn't do squat for black people. And the south was formerly democrat controlled, now it's republican. So the switch did happen and todays republican party is the party of white supremacy.

There has only been one black nominated by a political party for president. Obama. By democrats. So can that party of Lincoln crap, because you guys tel us how talking about those times is living in the past. And as one of your fellow deniers likes to say when she chooses to dodge how those times produced today, "That was the past, not happening now." And as many of you right wingers say, no one today was a slave and nobody today owned any slaves. That includes the modern democratic party.
Why should whites feel bad for being white?
Why do you ask me that question since I have never said they should?. But don't conflate pride for a belief in racial supremacy. As it pertains to our history, the truth should be taught and not altered to make whites superior.
Bear in mind this is local second hand info.....I make no claims as to it's viability one way or the other.

Basically what is said to have happened was that some snowflake liberal tourist bitched at Spanberger some time ago before the dems shit the bed politically and she got the ball rolling but the cogs of USPS turned slowly.

Now that she faces a tooth-n-nail fight for her district she's flip-flopping.

LOL....Virtue-signaling has it's perils I guess. ;)

The state elected a snowflake governor who ran on fear of CRT. So don't put this on liberals.

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