A Tribute to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi


VIP Member
May 16, 2011
While the life of Colonel Muammar Abu Minyar Al-Gaddafi is full of puzzlement, the Colonel was nonetheless a perceptive leader and a champion in the fight for the freedom of a nation to be. Any leader who could keep at bay, for years, noted imperialists bent on preventing progress, prosperity and indepedence in developing nations is a friend of L'Afrique.

Colonel Gaddafi fought a heroic fight and finished his race. A Tribute to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi - http://www.usmessageboard.com/africa/190402-possible-death-of-colonel-gaddafi.html#post4298472
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFjWM3pMrvA]Gaddafi's Crimes: A Brief Recap - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgsOy41tLAo&feature=related]Raw Video of Gadhafi beaten while still alive - YouTube[/ame]
Mussolini towards the end of WWI meet a simular fate.

The people wanted revenge and had the opportunity to deal it out.

If Gaddafi had treated his people better maybe they would not have been so vicious towards him, the people who killed him were raised in the country he ruled and they despised him.

You forget that the folks who assassinated Colonel Muammar Gaddafi are trained US/NATO assassins who, no doubt, were under directives to assassinate the Colonel. Confident Colonel Gaddafi had made public appearance assuming that with the media present, he would not be gunned down for the world to see. With all his caution, the Colonel in the end forgot just how evil his foes are.
Colonel Muammar Abu Minyar Al-Qaddafi was a thousand times human than the UN, NATO and all members of the AU who signed his death warrant put together.
Colonel Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, was a Great and Perceptive African Leader and the Champion in the fight for freedom of nations to be.
Under Colonel Gaddafi, Libya was free from the reins of noted neo-colonialists and Libya had a Central Bank of Libya that was independent of IMF, World Bank and their allies.
Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was not assaulted and assassinated by NATO because of his governing style or because NATO members cared for the civil rights of Libyans, but because the Colonel would not kiss behinds and the Colonel managed to keep his Libya independent!
Any leader (and more so an African leader) who could put a leash on our noted imperialists, for years, is a Superb leader and a friend of L'Afrique!
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While International Freedom Fighter and Perceptive Colonel Muammar Gaddafi maybe out of the way, but the resistance and will to be free of the reins of Western powers, whose only interest in Africa is to further plunder, live on in Africa.
Sous Gaddafi de Colonel, Libye etait libre des renes d'imperialistes et la Banque centrale de Libye etait independant du FMI, de Banque mondiale et leurs allies.

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