A smarter Trumpless immigration reform is needed

You will have to compromise: about 3 out of 4 want reform. I am quite willing to deny citizenship to anyone who came illegally.
public opinion doesn't mean shit to my beliefs. I don't support failure. Sorry.
Your ability to affect the coming result is now and will be a failure. Whoever is president, no mass deportations will occur. Immigration reform will happen. I don't support "I don't like it" as an answer.
I don't think we should waste our time with deporting. I don't like going after effects. I like to fix shit. Go after the cause.. you ever fix anything, fake?
If we take away the incentive, and they are sleeping in the streets, starving and their children are dumb as fuck, they will leave.

All 11 to 20+ million illegals are not receiving incentives or welfares benefits. A lot of them have jobs.
How many of them you see in our streets? But lots of whites. Hispanics has different kind of love and sympathy to their own people. Most help each other.
As I said repeatedly. There is NO such thing as self deportation.
No self deportation will ever occur. The term is nonsensical. The illegals will remain in the shadows, working under the table, and those with family members who are citizens will be protected by them.

Agree. Why not bring them out from hiding, start paying taxes, insurance remove them from welfare. Why is that so bad?
Agree. Why not bring them out from hiding, start paying taxes, insurance remove them from welfare. Why is that so bad?
In general, a sound idea, but in particular there are problems. First and foremost, rewarding lawbreakers with exactly what they want. It's amnesty. If we can do it with lawbreakers, why not drug dealers and bank robbers?

Second, by rewarding lawbreakers, we weaken respect for our nation's laws. While I agree there should be a path, it can't be without penalty. More importantly, we need to fix the problem so we don't have to repeat this again 30 years from now.
My hopes wont be met because a lot of America supports FAILURE. Because you people are stupid as fuck
Translation: A lot of Americans are stupid as fuck.

Disagreed. I think a lot of Americans are Christian. Still, it's the job of our government to protect the best interests of "We, the People", not act as the World Police or the World's largest Charity. Look at the problem Merkel is encountering due to her policies. We need immigration reform and part of that reform is cracking the very hard nut of what to do with 11 million illegals. Sound bites and platitudes won't fix it.

That said, the refugee issue is a completely different issue no matter how much the Democrats want to conflate them.
Atheists and other religious people can be stupid as well.
I agree with the rest.
But I know what I want to do with the rest. Cut them off. Continue doing incentive will just invite more.
There is a PEW poll (I think) that said 70% or so of illegals don't care about paths to citizenship, they want to just be able to stay. It was a year or so ago..

Knowing you as a racist with hatred is really very hard for you to understand all these issues. That is why nothing make sense to you.
I understand that you are tough marine keyboard guy but calm down put that bong down.
All I mean ALL illegals are scared from deportation even when they eating or sleeping. And the the only to way that can end this nightmare is legal citizenships. Your 70% is not true.
Most Americans support amnesty.


PRINCETON, N.J. -- Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time. Far fewer support allowing those immigrants to remain in the U.S. to work for a limited period of time (14%), or to deport all of these immigrants back to their home countries (19%). U.S. adults' views have been largely stable over the past decade.

Fuck you asshole. Just because I care about Americans doesn't make me a racist. Ignorant coward blowhards like yourself are why we are always losing. You are a bunch of pussies.
Incentive goes beyond welfare. How fucking ignorant are you?
Why do you anti American globalist assholes always put Illegals in the same category with Americans?
Fuck you asshole. Just because I care about Americans doesn't make me a racist. Ignorant coward blowhards like yourself are why we are always losing. You are a bunch of pussies. Incentive goes beyond welfare. How fucking ignorant are you? Why do you anti American globalist assholes always put Illegals in the same category with Americans?
Almost 70% of your fellow Americans disagree with you. Are you one Trump's deplorables? I respect all Americans, but those who have the deplorable sense to vote for Trump need to be reminded of their deplorability of common sense. 'Sides, you butts are always talking about liberals and lefties as assholes and traitors and whatever. So no I am not impressed with your opinion.
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And right on cue the board's #1 Hillarykbot chimes in repeating the "deplorable" shit for which she has already apologized. Somebody's not reading ALL their DNC talking points memos. Or maybe there was no responsible adult around to sound out the words of the one shitcanning the "deplorable" shtick after Her Thignness did her Obamaesque grovel?
Agree. Why not bring them out from hiding, start paying taxes, insurance remove them from welfare. Why is that so bad?
In general, a sound idea, but in particular there are problems. First and foremost, rewarding lawbreakers with exactly what they want. It's amnesty. If we can do it with lawbreakers, why not drug dealers and bank robbers?

Second, by rewarding lawbreakers, we weaken respect for our nation's laws. While I agree there should be a path, it can't be without penalty. More importantly, we need to fix the problem so we don't have to repeat this again 30 years from now.

And your common sense solution of those illegal immigrants that are already here is??????
My hopes wont be met because a lot of America supports FAILURE. Because you people are stupid as fuck
Translation: A lot of Americans are stupid as fuck.

Disagreed. I think a lot of Americans are Christian. Still, it's the job of our government to protect the best interests of "We, the People", not act as the World Police or the World's largest Charity. Look at the problem Merkel is encountering due to her policies. We need immigration reform and part of that reform is cracking the very hard nut of what to do with 11 million illegals. Sound bites and platitudes won't fix it.

That said, the refugee issue is a completely different issue no matter how much the Democrats want to conflate them.
Atheists and other religious people can be stupid as well.
I agree with the rest.
But I know what I want to do with the rest. Cut them off. Continue doing incentive will just invite more.
There is a PEW poll (I think) that said 70% or so of illegals don't care about paths to citizenship, they want to just be able to stay. It was a year or so ago..

Knowing you as a racist with hatred is really very hard for you to understand all these issues. That is why nothing make sense to you.
I understand that you are tough marine keyboard guy but calm down put that bong down.
All I mean ALL illegals are scared from deportation even when they eating or sleeping. And the the only to way that can end this nightmare is legal citizenships. Your 70% is not true.
Most Americans support amnesty.


PRINCETON, N.J. -- Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time. Far fewer support allowing those immigrants to remain in the U.S. to work for a limited period of time (14%), or to deport all of these immigrants back to their home countries (19%). U.S. adults' views have been largely stable over the past decade.

Fuck you asshole. Just because I care about Americans doesn't make me a racist. Ignorant coward blowhards like yourself are why we are always losing. You are a bunch of pussies.
Incentive goes beyond welfare. How fucking ignorant are you?
Why do you anti American globalist assholes always put Illegals in the same category with Americans?

I care about Americans more than you TNHarley. Aside from displaying your Rambo keyboard hatred doesn't change anything that you are a racist asshole. So tell me what is your credibility when your opinion is based on hatred? Set that aside your hatred then you might understand what I'm talking about. There is a solution to illegal immigrants that are already but you just refused to admit it because of your hatred. Read my post again how many Americans support legal immigration. You are in the lowest percentage.
Why do you hate Americans?
Your trump is even confused and cannot control his diarrhea. I will deport 11 to 20 millions illegals.............. No I will not deport.............. Yes I will deport.................... No I will deport. Depending who is in front of him. Fuck me.
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My hopes wont be met because a lot of America supports FAILURE. Because you people are stupid as fuck
Translation: A lot of Americans are stupid as fuck.

Disagreed. I think a lot of Americans are Christian. Still, it's the job of our government to protect the best interests of "We, the People", not act as the World Police or the World's largest Charity. Look at the problem Merkel is encountering due to her policies. We need immigration reform and part of that reform is cracking the very hard nut of what to do with 11 million illegals. Sound bites and platitudes won't fix it.

That said, the refugee issue is a completely different issue no matter how much the Democrats want to conflate them.
Atheists and other religious people can be stupid as well.
I agree with the rest.
But I know what I want to do with the rest. Cut them off. Continue doing incentive will just invite more.
There is a PEW poll (I think) that said 70% or so of illegals don't care about paths to citizenship, they want to just be able to stay. It was a year or so ago..

Knowing you as a racist with hatred is really very hard for you to understand all these issues. That is why nothing make sense to you.
I understand that you are tough marine keyboard guy but calm down put that bong down.
All I mean ALL illegals are scared from deportation even when they eating or sleeping. And the the only to way that can end this nightmare is legal citizenships. Your 70% is not true.
Most Americans support amnesty.


PRINCETON, N.J. -- Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time. Far fewer support allowing those immigrants to remain in the U.S. to work for a limited period of time (14%), or to deport all of these immigrants back to their home countries (19%). U.S. adults' views have been largely stable over the past decade.

Fuck you asshole. Just because I care about Americans doesn't make me a racist. Ignorant coward blowhards like yourself are why we are always losing. You are a bunch of pussies.
Incentive goes beyond welfare. How fucking ignorant are you?
Why do you anti American globalist assholes always put Illegals in the same category with Americans?

I care about Americans more than you TNHarley. Aside from displaying your Rambo keyboard hatred doesn't change anything that you are a racist asshole. So tell me what is your credibility when your opinion is based on hatred? Set that aside your hatred then you might understand what I'm talking about. There is a solution to illegal immigrants that are already but you just refused to admit it because of your hatred. Read my post again how many Americans support legal immigration. You are in the lowest percentage.
Why do you hate Americans?
Your trump is even confused and cannot control his diarrhea. I will deport 11 to 20 millions illegals.............. No I will not deport.............. Yes I will deport.................... No I will deport. Depending who is in front of him. Fuck me.
Its humorous your arrogant ass talks about "Rambo keyboard"s then proceed to tell me what I am. Like you have a fucking clue. Ignorant asshole.
Amnesty is NOT a solution. I have provided HISTORICAL EVIDENCE. You have the opinions of an ignorant asshole. Which one do you think I am going to pay attention to?
Its humorous your arrogant ass talks about "Rambo keyboard"s then proceed to tell me what I am. Like you have a fucking clue. Ignorant asshole. Amnesty is NOT a solution. I have provided HISTORICAL EVIDENCE. You have the opinions of an ignorant asshole. Which one do you think I am going to pay attention to?
You use "asshole" and "Ignorant coward blowhards" and "pussies" against those who rightfully correct your nonsense, yet you expect others to treat your rantings with respect, TN.

E-verify, more border protection, and immigration reform are and will continue to be the only viable options, which do not include of course self or mass deportation.
Its humorous your arrogant ass talks about "Rambo keyboard"s then proceed to tell me what I am. Like you have a fucking clue. Ignorant asshole. Amnesty is NOT a solution. I have provided HISTORICAL EVIDENCE. You have the opinions of an ignorant asshole. Which one do you think I am going to pay attention to?
You use "asshole" and "Ignorant coward blowhards" and "pussies" against those who rightfully correct your nonsense, yet you expect others to treat your rantings with respect, TN.

E-verify, more border protection, and immigration reform are and will continue to be the only viable options, which do not include of course self or mass deportation.
Viable = historical failure
You sound like a dumbfuck.
And you keep mentioning deportation, I am not for deporting them. Comprehendo?
BTW, I don't demand respect on an anonymous message board. read what I actually wrote.
Its humorous your arrogant ass talks about "Rambo keyboard"s then proceed to tell me what I am. Like you have a fucking clue. Ignorant asshole. Amnesty is NOT a solution. I have provided HISTORICAL EVIDENCE. You have the opinions of an ignorant asshole. Which one do you think I am going to pay attention to?
You use "asshole" and "Ignorant coward blowhards" and "pussies" against those who rightfully correct your nonsense, yet you expect others to treat your rantings with respect, TN.

E-verify, more border protection, and immigration reform are and will continue to be the only viable options, which do not include of course self or mass deportation.
Viable = historical failure You sound like a dumbfuck. And you keep mentioning deportation, I am not for deporting them. Comprehendo? BTW, I don't demand respect on an anonymous message board. read what I actually wrote.
I do read what you write, mostly for humor not content, and don't worry about the respect. Just accept your way to handle immigration reform will not happen.
Its humorous your arrogant ass talks about "Rambo keyboard"s then proceed to tell me what I am. Like you have a fucking clue. Ignorant asshole. Amnesty is NOT a solution. I have provided HISTORICAL EVIDENCE. You have the opinions of an ignorant asshole. Which one do you think I am going to pay attention to?
You use "asshole" and "Ignorant coward blowhards" and "pussies" against those who rightfully correct your nonsense, yet you expect others to treat your rantings with respect, TN.

E-verify, more border protection, and immigration reform are and will continue to be the only viable options, which do not include of course self or mass deportation.
Viable = historical failure You sound like a dumbfuck. And you keep mentioning deportation, I am not for deporting them. Comprehendo? BTW, I don't demand respect on an anonymous message board. read what I actually wrote.
I do read what you write, mostly for humor not content, and don't worry about the respect. Just accept your way to handle immigration reform will not happen.
That's fine. I never did say it would. Another point of mine you didn't fucking read.
Americans support failure. No shit. You are a PERFECT example
BTW, a lot of Russians, even to this day, support stalin and policies. We even have some americans like guno that do..
Your point is moot. And only adds to the delusion of "viable"
Its humorous your arrogant ass talks about "Rambo keyboard"s then proceed to tell me what I am. Like you have a fucking clue. Ignorant asshole. Amnesty is NOT a solution. I have provided HISTORICAL EVIDENCE. You have the opinions of an ignorant asshole. Which one do you think I am going to pay attention to?
You use "asshole" and "Ignorant coward blowhards" and "pussies" against those who rightfully correct your nonsense, yet you expect others to treat your rantings with respect, TN.

E-verify, more border protection, and immigration reform are and will continue to be the only viable options, which do not include of course self or mass deportation.
Viable = historical failure You sound like a dumbfuck. And you keep mentioning deportation, I am not for deporting them. Comprehendo? BTW, I don't demand respect on an anonymous message board. read what I actually wrote.
I do read what you write, mostly for humor not content, and don't worry about the respect. Just accept your way to handle immigration reform will not happen.
That's fine. I never did say it would. Another point of mine you didn't fucking read. Americans support failure. No shit. You are a PERFECT example BTW, a lot of Russians, even to this day, support stalin and policies. We even have some americans like guno that do.. Your point is moot. And only adds to the delusion of "viable"
Your personal attacks and irrational mind mean nothing, TN. You are not viable in your conclusions.
Its humorous your arrogant ass talks about "Rambo keyboard"s then proceed to tell me what I am. Like you have a fucking clue. Ignorant asshole. Amnesty is NOT a solution. I have provided HISTORICAL EVIDENCE. You have the opinions of an ignorant asshole. Which one do you think I am going to pay attention to?
You use "asshole" and "Ignorant coward blowhards" and "pussies" against those who rightfully correct your nonsense, yet you expect others to treat your rantings with respect, TN.

E-verify, more border protection, and immigration reform are and will continue to be the only viable options, which do not include of course self or mass deportation.
Viable = historical failure You sound like a dumbfuck. And you keep mentioning deportation, I am not for deporting them. Comprehendo? BTW, I don't demand respect on an anonymous message board. read what I actually wrote.
I do read what you write, mostly for humor not content, and don't worry about the respect. Just accept your way to handle immigration reform will not happen.
That's fine. I never did say it would. Another point of mine you didn't fucking read. Americans support failure. No shit. You are a PERFECT example BTW, a lot of Russians, even to this day, support stalin and policies. We even have some americans like guno that do.. Your point is moot. And only adds to the delusion of "viable"
Your personal attacks and irrational mind mean nothing, TN. You are not viable in your conclusions.
you have proven you have no idea what that means. And get off your fallacious high horse. You are almost as repugnant as me. Ever hear of self-awareness?
In general, a sound idea, but in particular there are problems. First and foremost, rewarding lawbreakers with exactly what they want. It's amnesty. If we can do it with lawbreakers, why not drug dealers and bank robbers?

Second, by rewarding lawbreakers, we weaken respect for our nation's laws. While I agree there should be a path, it can't be without penalty. More importantly, we need to fix the problem so we don't have to repeat this again 30 years from now.

And your common sense solution of those illegal immigrants that are already here is??????
If you're looking for a political soundbite, then you are looking in the wrong direction. The problem is much more convoluted than can be contained in a simple sentence or even paragraph. I already mentioned some problems that need resolution. Another is to start targeting those who foster and encourage illegal immigration; namely the employers of illegals. Six months in jail is sure to stymie employers from incentivizing illegals to cross the border or overstay their visas.
In general, a sound idea, but in particular there are problems. First and foremost, rewarding lawbreakers with exactly what they want. It's amnesty. If we can do it with lawbreakers, why not drug dealers and bank robbers?

Second, by rewarding lawbreakers, we weaken respect for our nation's laws. While I agree there should be a path, it can't be without penalty. More importantly, we need to fix the problem so we don't have to repeat this again 30 years from now.

And your common sense solution of those illegal immigrants that are already here is??????
If you're looking for a political soundbite, then you are looking in the wrong direction. The problem is much more convoluted than can be contained in a simple sentence or even paragraph. I already mentioned some problems that need resolution. Another is to start targeting those who foster and encourage illegal immigration; namely the employers of illegals. Six months in jail is sure to stymie employers from incentivizing illegals to cross the border or overstay their visas.
Isnt ignoring of laws a big problem we have NOW?

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