A Short History of Memorial Day


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Short History of Memorial Day

May 30th had been the traditional Memorial Day.

On June 28, 1968 the Uniform Monday Holiday Act was signed into law.
This changed Memorial Day to the last Monday in May.
The Act was designed to increase the number of three day week ends for federal employees.

This has obscured Memorial Day as a solemn day of recognition for all who those brave men and women through out our history who made the supreme sacrifice for our nation.

I join in support of changing Memorial Day back to May 30th and restore its true meaning.

The American Gold Star Mothers are always a reminder of the price of freedom.
Their sons and daughters will never be forgotten by those of us who served with them.

I have never forgotten those brave Marines who I had the honor of serving with at the 2nd Plt. C Co. 1st Bn. 4th Marines, Vietnam 67-68: my squad leader Cpl Jim Rader K.I.A. December 6, 1967, CPls Bob Morrrissey and Joe Klein K.I.A. June 5, 1968 and L/CPL Mike Kilderry K.I.A. June 6, 1968.

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down their lives for his friends.
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