A question for the Fox moonbats.......

MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan apologized this morning for using fake photos of Sarah Palin last Friday in a segment about the former Alaska governor, and for not acknowledging their inauthenticity.

The pictures, which were widely circulated during last year’s presidential campaign, show Palin’s head photoshopped onto other women’s bodies. In one, “Palin” is wearing an American flag bikini and holding a rifle; in the other, the faux Palin is wearing a tight black miniskirt.
MSNBC apologizes for showing fake Palin photos | Jay Bookman

We owe an apology for something that happened on this newscast on a night I was off last week and we offer it fully and unreservedly. It is to Mrs. Wendy Vitter, wife of the senator from Louisiana who has been caught up in the DC madam scandal. Last Tuesday this program aired a segment about her attire and her demeanor at their joint news conference. Not only was a series of unfortunate and inappropriate terms used, there was no justification for such a segment about what a woman, a victim of her husband's inappropriate behavior was wearing in public. The story should not have aired, it should not have been couched in the terms used, it should not have happened, and it won`t happen again. So to Mrs. Vitter and to you, the viewer, I once again apologize. Keith Olbermann

Olbermann Apologizes To Senator Vitter's Wife, Viewers For 'Ho' Reference - mediabistro.com: FishbowlNY

In a “Today” show video clip published Tuesday, May 11, on MSNBC.com
about the trial of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s financial advisor David
Rosen, the “Today” show inadvertently used a picture of another man
named David Rosen. We would like to clarify that the David Rosen seen
in the report is in no way involved in the case. NBC News regrets the
“Today” show, MSNBC.com use wrong photo | Regret the Error

A story published in the business section of MSNBC.com Feb. 1 on how to sell a home in the slow winter season contained material that was substantially similar to an article on the same topic previously published on About.com.
The story, which was submitted by an MSNBC.com contributor, has been removed from the Web site. MSNBC.com has a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism. Link

MSNBC.com removes story that plagiarized from About.com | Regret the Error

MSNBC apologizes for an error that may have been interpreted to
state that U.S. figure skater Michelle Kwan was not American.
The error appeared briefly in a scrolling marquee during
coverage of the Winter Olympics and was corrected quickly.
However, the marquee was picked up by MSNBCs push technology,
News Alert. So to some, it might have appeared the error was on
the site for a longer period or was not corrected. MSNBC
apologizes for the bulletins wording.

Edmundo Macedo
Executive Sports Editor

Under pressure from feminist groups and his own bosses at MSNBC, Chris Matthews apologized yesterday for remarks about Hillary Clinton that he now admits sounded "nasty."

For 10 days, the "Hardball" host had doggedly insisted he was just reciting a bit of history when he said on the air that "the reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around."

Chris Matthews Backs Off 'Nasty' Remark on Clinton - washingtonpost.com

NEW YORK – MSNBC's Chris Matthews apologized on Wednesday for saying that President Barack Obama had traveled to an "enemy camp" at West Point to address the nation on the war in Afghanistan.

The pundit had made the remark Tuesday during on-air analysis of Obama's speech, noting that he saw skepticism and little enthusiasm in the faces of cadets and officers at the U.S. military academy, a place where former President Bush made a hawkish speech in 2002 before the Iraq War started.

"I didn't see a lot of warmth in the crowd out there," he said. "He went to maybe the enemy camp ... to make his case."
Matthews apologizes for `enemy camp' remark - Yahoo! News

Point is, and I can keep going, that these channels are " Opinion" organizations motivated by an agenda. Take your pick as to which agenda you want, but don't seek your news from ANY outlet that has as it's sole purpose to influence public opinion.

“Well, Rachel did so well as a guest analyst — and was so smart, like Keith – that we asked her to fill in when he went on vacation,” Griffin recalls. “And she held his numbers, which is something that other talent we had on-air at the time, like Dan Abrams, didn’t do. So that made the decision to give Rachel her own show after the conventions really easy … September 8, 2008, was her first day, and almost immediately it was obvious to us that Keith’s audience loved Rachel … so we had flow. But it was more organic than a conscious strategy to go left,” Griffin concludes. “A vision of smart progressives just began to emerge … “

Taking a swipe at Fox, he points out, “We have no daily talking points; we also have [the more conservative-oriented] ‘Morning Joe’ program — so it’s clear we have no political ‘line,’ if you will — but sure, we now have a progressive flow.”

I’m a liberal — and I’m not running from that word!” exclaims Ed Schultz

Can we not admit that one of these cable networks has the moral high ground when it comes to non-bias reporting of the news?
Not Palin's idea?

Palin increased the amount they received while she was governor.

You need to check on things before you jump into something with both feet in your mouth.

no it wasnt her idea dipshit its been going on for 20+ years....so she gets the big bad oil companies to give the people more of the cut and this a is a bad idea?.....your a fucking loser Chris....no wonder that Japanese guy ripped you off (or so you say one did)....he saw a dipshit and took advantage of one.....:lol:.....Olberfuck see's the same thing in your kind moron....you must get taken every week by someone....i wish i delivered your mail....i would send you a bill every month....
That check is not Palin's idea or doing. The oil companies owe the State of Alaska royalties for the oil they extract out of state lands on the North slope. It has been the policy of the state of Alaska to return this money to the citizens of Alaska rather than blowing it on other projects. I think this has been going on for 20 years now.

You really need to check on things before you jump into something with both feet in your mouth.

Not Palin's idea?

Palin increased the amount they received while she was governor.

You need to check on things before you jump into something with both feet in your mouth.
It has been policy for years. 2008 saw a huge increase in the royalty payments, so of course the citizens of Alaska would get an increase.

Your level of nastiness, dishonesty and bad manners is such I think I need to put you on ignore. You are a piece of slimy work.

if you put him on ignore your going to miss all this.....people need entertainment...
This story does provide another example of the low journalistic standards of Fox News. I watched their coverage of the story last night and it was a non-stop attack on Time Warner. They used terms like "Time Warner will not pay a fair rate" and "Time Warner is refusing to negotiate"

Other networks reveal that it was Fox who was tripling the rate they charge and Fox who is demanding a $1 a subscriber fee that no other network receives.

heard the same thing on the local CBS affiliate here.....so how is this just "low journalistic standards of Fox News"?....

This horrible, anti God, devil worshiping avatar is insulting to God fearing, Christians world wide sir.

666 indeed. :eusa_angel:

Oh and God Bless.

Exactly! I use the pentagram because im an atheist, while you use nazi imagery because you are a racist piece of shit.

Dont get it guy...am I insulting the nazi's by saying Hannity is one of them?

Exactly who am I being racist against?

Oh and why is it everyone misses the gay hannity angle?


By the way, you do realize Hannity says he is a christian. He actually blieves in God. I have to give him that at least.

You are making the mistake of assuming i give 2 shits about Hannity. I dont. Im only pointing out that you use Nazi imagery in your avatar. That makes you a fucking piece of shit racist. Believe me, people that arent racist wouldnt have a swastica anywhere near their avatar.
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I don't see how people that don't actually watch Fox News can criticize it.

Are they just being shown snippets and told what to think, are they being told the whole story in context, otherwise, their just little hand puppets?

Olberass told Chris and others...."they lie....and to listen to me...i tell it like it is"....dumbasses like Chris and Zona go right along with him....pretty sad aint it....but then thats why they are like they are....Borg drones...with Pelosi being the Queen....

Yes or no, does fox lie?

No spin, no bs..just answer the question, DOES FOX LIE? Yes or no. No retort, no diversion, no nothing..

Yes or No.
Exactly! I use the pentagram because im an atheist, while you use nazi imagery because you are a racist piece of shit.

Dont get it guy...am I insulting the nazi's by saying Hannity is one of them?

Exactly who am I being racist against?

Oh and why is it everyone misses the gay hannity angle?


By the way, you do realize Hannity says he is a christian. He actually blieves in God. I have to give him that at least.

You are making the mistake of assuming i give 2 shits about Hannity. I dont. Im only pointing out that you use Nazi imagery in your avatar. That makes you a fucking piece of shit racist. Believe me, people that arent racist wouldnt have a swastica anywhere near their avatar.

Athiest, listen...we god fearing American Christians dont feel the same way you do sir. Continue with your 666 craziness and please seek help. :eusa_angel:


Yet this will be considered some kind of smear by the righty's. its just sad. Its like when an abusive husband makes his wife apologize for him being that way.

Fox fans are idiots.

an idiot calling others idiots.....you cant make this shit up.....and the sad part is....THESE GUYS ARE REAL!!!.....:lol:

So, lets round this up. You have no retort to the video's, only attacks against Huffington post. When they post video's to see, I dont care how partisan the source is, EVEN DRUDGE...its hard to dispute vids.

Hypocrite much?
They always say, msnbc is just as bad as fox. I disagree. Fox lies, msnbc calls them out.

They both make money on this process, but fox fans really believe fox doesnt lie.


and your pretty pathetic to think MSNBC doesnt put a spin on it.....but that should not surprise anyone...

Geeesh. Do you need a list of fox lies AGAIN?

i dont listen to Fox news dipshit....i was smart enough to figure out years ago that they along with EVERY other major news station does nothing BUT lie and spin things.....now when in hell are you going to figure it out?.....
I don't see how people that don't actually watch Fox News can criticize it.

Are they just being shown snippets and told what to think, are they being told the whole story in context, otherwise, their just little hand puppets?

Olberass told Chris and others...."they lie....and to listen to me...i tell it like it is"....dumbasses like Chris and Zona go right along with him....pretty sad aint it....but then thats why they are like they are....Borg drones...with Pelosi being the Queen....

Yes or no, does fox lie?

No spin, no bs..just answer the question, DOES FOX LIE? Yes or no. No retort, no diversion, no nothing..

Yes or No.
read post no. 113.....
Dont get it guy...am I insulting the nazi's by saying Hannity is one of them?

Exactly who am I being racist against?

Oh and why is it everyone misses the gay hannity angle?


By the way, you do realize Hannity says he is a christian. He actually blieves in God. I have to give him that at least.

You are making the mistake of assuming i give 2 shits about Hannity. I dont. Im only pointing out that you use Nazi imagery in your avatar. That makes you a fucking piece of shit racist. Believe me, people that arent racist wouldnt have a swastica anywhere near their avatar.

Athiest, listen...we god fearing American Christians dont feel the same way you do sir. Continue with your 666 craziness and please seek help. :eusa_angel:


LOL!!!! Thats rich, a christian telling me, an atheist, that the pentagram and 666 are MY doing. Its not my craziness, its YOURS dipshit, i just make fun of it. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest an atheist invented that crap? You put your foot in your mouth every time you open it.
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Dont get it guy...am I insulting the nazi's by saying Hannity is one of them?

Exactly who am I being racist against?

Oh and why is it everyone misses the gay hannity angle?


By the way, you do realize Hannity says he is a christian. He actually blieves in God. I have to give him that at least.

You are making the mistake of assuming i give 2 shits about Hannity. I dont. Im only pointing out that you use Nazi imagery in your avatar. That makes you a fucking piece of shit racist. Believe me, people that arent racist wouldnt have a swastica anywhere near their avatar.

Athiest, listen...we god fearing American Christians dont feel the same way you do sir. Continue with your 666 craziness and please seek help. :eusa_angel:


I dunno, zona.
I wouldn't want a swastica in my avatar. Could be a subconscious issue with you. :eusa_whistle:
You are making the mistake of assuming i give 2 shits about Hannity. I dont. Im only pointing out that you use Nazi imagery in your avatar. That makes you a fucking piece of shit racist. Believe me, people that arent racist wouldnt have a swastica anywhere near their avatar.

Athiest, listen...we god fearing American Christians dont feel the same way you do sir. Continue with your 666 craziness and please seek help. :eusa_angel:


I dunno, zona.
I wouldn't want a swastica in my avatar. Could be a subconscious issue with you. :eusa_whistle:

He fantasizes about Josef Goebbels wearing a Sean Hannity mask.
Athiest, listen...we god fearing American Christians dont feel the same way you do sir. Continue with your 666 craziness and please seek help. :eusa_angel:


I dunno, zona.
I wouldn't want a swastica in my avatar. Could be a subconscious issue with you. :eusa_whistle:

He fantasizes about Josef Goebbels wearing a Sean Hannity mask.
I knew something was off, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Thanks, Elvis
You are making the mistake of assuming i give 2 shits about Hannity. I dont. Im only pointing out that you use Nazi imagery in your avatar. That makes you a fucking piece of shit racist. Believe me, people that arent racist wouldnt have a swastica anywhere near their avatar.

Athiest, listen...we god fearing American Christians dont feel the same way you do sir. Continue with your 666 craziness and please seek help. :eusa_angel:


LOL!!!! Thats rich, a christian telling me, an atheist, that the pentagram and 666 are MY doing. Its not my craziness, its YOURS dipshit, i just make fun of it. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest an atheist invented that crap? You put your foot in your mouth every time you open it.

Jethro, try to keep up. I didn't say you invented the 666 thing...I just said since you are an atheist, you may delve into the devil worshiping thing. Who knows, who cares. Atheists are just funny.

An Atheist righty. You cant make this shit up...lol

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