A question for the democrats


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
Fuck Trump voters lol. You’re all in a simpleminded cult. No one expects to win you over if you let Trump do all your thinking for you. All that matters is that the rest of the voters outside your cult triumph on the third.
What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
It was this:

What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
Fuck Trump voters lol. You’re all in a simpleminded cult. No one expects to win you over if you let Trump do all your thinking for you. All that matters is that the rest of the voters outside your cult triumph on the third.
"Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any..."

Great call, silly Billy.......

I expect no "trump voters" to join "the other side". I do think there was a certain segment of Hillary voters who stayed home thinking she had it in the bag.
What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
Fuck Trump voters lol. You’re all in a simpleminded cult. No one expects to win you over if you let Trump do all your thinking for you. All that matters is that the rest of the voters outside your cult triumph on the third.
"Hillary definitely will win. It isn't about her merit. It's about how terrible the GOP candidates are. You people need to face facts. People overwhelming see Hillary as the lesser evil."

Great call, silly Billy!!!
What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
Fuck Trump voters lol. You’re all in a simpleminded cult. No one expects to win you over if you let Trump do all your thinking for you. All that matters is that the rest of the voters outside your cult triumph on the third.
"Hillary definitely will win. It isn't about her merit. It's about how terrible the GOP candidates are. You people need to face facts. People overwhelming see Hillary as the lesser evil."

Great call, silly Billy!!!
Lol only you would think this would “own me” or whatever.
Both Sides are Tyrannical. The objective is to prevent either side to from establishing their own preferred brand of Tyranny. You do that by preventing either side from getting too much power. Divided government is what we need
Yeah well, our founders never envisioned a situation that allowed anti-Americans to get so powerful, that they would attempt to use checks and balances in the wrong way. It's sort of like children having parents they thought that they could trust or look up to in life, until shockingly they found out otherwise.

No checks and balances can fix that either, because the problem is unique in that your parents weren't supposed to go rogue on you, and attempt to tell you that day is night and night is day. How does one fix that ? The Democrats are trying their level best to suggest that day is night, and night is day.
What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
Fuck Trump voters lol. You’re all in a simpleminded cult. No one expects to win you over if you let Trump do all your thinking for you. All that matters is that the rest of the voters outside your cult triumph on the third.
"Hillary definitely will win. It isn't about her merit. It's about how terrible the GOP candidates are. You people need to face facts. People overwhelming see Hillary as the lesser evil."

Great call, silly Billy!!!
Lol only you would think this would “own me” or whatever.
Mocking little commie fucks such as yourself amuses me. You so desperately want to be taken seriously as you swing your little cyber-purse.
What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
Fuck Trump voters lol. You’re all in a simpleminded cult. No one expects to win you over if you let Trump do all your thinking for you. All that matters is that the rest of the voters outside your cult triumph on the third.
"Hillary definitely will win. It isn't about her merit. It's about how terrible the GOP candidates are. You people need to face facts. People overwhelming see Hillary as the lesser evil."

Great call, silly Billy!!!
Lol only you would think this would “own me” or whatever.
Mocking little commie fucks such as yourself amuses me. You so desperately want to be taken seriously as you swing your little cyber-purse.
Lol I definitely don’t need you to take me seriously. Digging up posts from 4 years ago kinda says it all
Both Sides are Tyrannical. The objective is to prevent either side to from establishing their own preferred brand of Tyranny. You do that by preventing either side from getting too much power. Divided government is what we need
Ok, then a divided nation is also what we need. It's time to let the people choose what part of the nation they want, and let the other people choose their part. Let's go on and separate then. Sounds good to me.
What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
Fuck Trump voters lol. You’re all in a simpleminded cult. No one expects to win you over if you let Trump do all your thinking for you. All that matters is that the rest of the voters outside your cult triumph on the third.
"Hillary definitely will win. It isn't about her merit. It's about how terrible the GOP candidates are. You people need to face facts. People overwhelming see Hillary as the lesser evil."

Great call, silly Billy!!!
Lol only you would think this would “own me” or whatever.
Mocking little commie fucks such as yourself amuses me. You so desperately want to be taken seriously as you swing your little cyber-purse.
Lol I definitely don’t need you to take me seriously. Digging up posts from 4 years ago kinda says it all
Yeah; that you're a buffoon!!!!

What exactly over the last four years was your best moment that made people join your side this election?

Was it your opposition to the tax cuts?
Was it the pussy hat marches?
Was it the antifa/ BLM riots?
Was it your unhinged freak out over the last four years?

I’d like to know what you think you did over the last four years you think made Trump voters join your side this time.
Fuck Trump voters lol. You’re all in a simpleminded cult. No one expects to win you over if you let Trump do all your thinking for you. All that matters is that the rest of the voters outside your cult triumph on the third.
So you’ve expanded your voter base by calling people names and telling them to fuck off. Doesn’t sound like a good plan.

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