A question about Prayer.

Mr. P

VIP Member
Aug 5, 2004
South of the Mason Dixon
This is a serious question, if anyone makes it an anti religion post I’ll do the only thing I can, I’ll track ya down a neg rep you! Or worse!

This is not a challenge of faith or religion, I’m curious about real personal experiences.

The question is: Have you ever seen a prayer answered? Really answered, not I think it happened, not a coincidence, not I believe it happened, not due to my faith I believe it happened.
I was a new father - my daughter about a year old. She was fussy and maybe had a grumpy tummy. Anywho, I prayed for her healing. I asked God to take 1 second and just 'speak her name' and I knew she'd be well.

But..she continued to fuss. And cry. Probably WORSE. After more praying I started to get mad.

"God - Holy Crap. I mean, geesh...what Kinda loving God ARE YOU to not just heal this little, helpless girl!"

Except I never got the 'to not just heal this little, helpless girl" part out, because just as I said 'what kinda loving God ARE YOU' my daughter stopped. Instantly, she just stopped...and fell asleep.

I felt..convicted. :)

I also prayed once for a best friend - somebody who is a believer and speaks my language. God provided in a way which I can NOT explain except by his providence. This person literally saved me. God sent me this person for a time; and in that time they proved to be EXACTLY what and who I needed.
This is a serious question, if anyone makes it an anti religion post I’ll do the only thing I can, I’ll track ya down a neg rep you! Or worse!

This is not a challenge of faith or religion, I’m curious about real personal experiences.

The question is: Have you ever seen a prayer answered? Really answered, not I think it happened, not a coincidence, not I believe it happened, not due to my faith I believe it happened.

I'm not going to go back to my VN era as this is a given as I am here...however another example would be when I was working the Mexican Border as a Patrol Officer,USCS back about 1978 I had a dream one night before going to work...I dreamt I was shot in the head by a Heroin Smuggler...the next day on patrol with my partner we stopped a suspicious vehicle with two male Mexicans heading North toward Yuma,Arizona..

We initiated a stop then a small voice said be careful...do a felony stop...for those who are aware of what this means(even though we just had mere suspicion)...we did, we exited our vehicle and gave the orders for the persons to exit in a felony stop method...they did...after the search which produced a 38 special in the glove box...note this vehicle just entered the Port of Entry and it was not discovered(along with 30 grams of heroin)...so yes I believe in devine intervention and miracles.....!
and please Mr P please correct any spelling errors I may have made...before Darrin gets a swelled head...geez he caught two errors I made today...lol:p:

as policy says...gotta spread it around...No?:huh:
Little prayers all the time, like, "Lord, where are my keys, I'm going to be late!" and instantly, the idea of where my keys are pops into my head, even sometimes places I had already looked.

When I sneak out of bed in the middle of the night and go look at the moon, I praise God, and am filled with the bubbling joy of His Spirit.

Had an experience similar to Darin's with my eldest daughter. She was rolling around in her bed, having a nightmare one night. I went in and tried to wake her, but she wouldn't wake up. I picked her up, saying, "Abbie, Abbie, wake up, Honey. You're dreaming." But she just kept wiggling in my arms. I was starting to get freaked out bc she wouldn't wake up, so I just simply said, "Jesus!" and INSTANTLY, she went limp in my arms. I placed her back in her bed. She never woke up until morning. That was one of my freakier experiences, but I have had others.

When we bought our house, I was dead set against it. #1) I didn't want to move to my husband's home town and be completely surrounded by in-laws. #2) The way our budget was at the time, there was NO WAY we could afford it. I fought my husband, and BEGGED God every day to put stumbling blocks in our way, to let the financing not be approved, etc. This house FELL IN OUR LAPS. John's uncle offered to build it for us at way below the market value. The next day, a friend of a relative (everyone in this town is either a friend or a relative or a friend of a relative or a relative of a friend!) called us up and offered us a loan. He came to our townhouse, and had us sign the papers, and easy as that, we were approved. Every little thing... cabinets not within our allowance? No problem---here's a sale, and we'll throw in a free sink base! In the end, every way I figured it, we were still $200 short on our down payment, but when I rechecked the savings balance, there was an extra $200 there. I had checked it several times before. That's an example of God answering emphatically "NO!" Pretty funny when I look back on it. :)

Many, many answers that you might write off as "coincidence." They involve long-term prayers for which it took YEARS to see the answers.
you spelled my name wrong. :)

and I caught more than two. ;)

You won the gold star for today!!!:clap1:

Getting back on topic I had another dream that it wouldn't be long before ya started nit-picking me....LOL... Devine intervention tells me to leave and go back to my other forum....bye bye!
After (Catholic) communion one morning I was praying-meditating with my eyes closed and I saw an image of Christ. He told me about some things I’m doing right and some things I’m doing wrong. After the image went away my son, who was about 10 at the time, tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear that he saw the image of a cross come down through the central skylight and go into my head.
The question is: Have you ever seen a prayer answered? Really answered, not I think it happened, not a coincidence, not I believe it happened, not due to my faith I believe it happened.
Again, This is not a challenge of faith or religion, I’m curious about real personal prayer experiences. Anyone?
Again, This is not a challenge of faith or religion, I’m curious about real personal prayer experiences. Anyone?

I guess I have to ask... what do you mean by "prayer"? Like asking God to do something you want Him to do? I think of prayer as just communication with God, and many things would constitute an "answer." I guess you are asking for examples of times when we have asked God for something specific and tangible, and He has granted the request?
I guess I have to ask... what do you mean by "prayer"? Like asking God to do something you want Him to do? I think of prayer as just communication with God, and many things would constitute an "answer." I guess you are asking for examples of times when we have asked God for something specific and tangible, and He has granted the request?

It’s complex I guess..You’ve heard people say “my prayers were answered”. How did they pray, I donno, what did they pray for, I donno.. I’m just asking if anyone has had a prayer answered, really answered. Finding yer car keys doesn’t count, Mom.:)
God never did answer any of my prayers. I was brought up in a religious household. As a child you accept everything without question. So if mommy and daddy tells you there is a God, you don't question it, there is a God as far as you know.

Mommy and Daddy also tells you God's listens and answers your prayers. Well God never answered my prayers and the BS started to come in. The BS comes in the form of well God works in mysterious ways, God blah blah blah, I'm sure many of you know the standard excuses.

The book of Job is a joke. It was supposed to answer the theological question as to why bad things happened to good people. The problem with the book of Job was that it turned out to have a happy ending. Having a happy ending doesn't cut it, because it dodged the question, which is why does bad things happen to good people?

There was one woman that said God actually talked to her. He personally told her that the woman I was with was a whore. She got her church friends together to pray for the woman I was going with. Do you think God is a voyeur?
It’s complex I guess..You’ve heard people say “my prayers were answered”. How did they pray, I donno, what did they pray for, I donno.. I’m just asking if anyone has had a prayer answered, really answered. Finding yer car keys doesn’t count, Mom.:)

Well, what do you think of the "house" example?
It’s complex I guess..You’ve heard people say “my prayers were answered”. How did they pray, I donno, what did they pray for, I donno.. I’m just asking if anyone has had a prayer answered, really answered. Finding yer car keys doesn’t count, Mom.:)

Yep....I have....

There was one woman that said God actually talked to her. He personally told her that the woman I was with was a whore. She got her church friends together to pray for the woman I was going with. Do you think God is a voyeur?

I think she should have kept her conversation with God a secret, and prayed for your woman by herself. Or better yet, to get her friends to pray without telling the about the 'whore' vision. It sounds to me like she ewas just using God as an excuse to belittle another human being. If that's true it is her soul that needs to be prayed for.
Well, what do you think of the "house" example?

What I think doesn't matter. Sorry about the keys comment. My intent is not to judge ones interpretation of a prayer answered, but to gain insight into others experiences and perception of what a prayer answered is.

EDIT: fixed word error!:cuckoo:
What I think doesn't matter. Sorry about the keys comment. My intent is not to judge ones interpretation of a pray answered, but to gain insight into others experiences and perception of what a prayer answered is.

Well, for my part, an answered prayer can mean several things...

1) God grants you something you specifically pray for (He says "Yes").
2) God grants you the OPPOSITE of what you specifically pray for (He says "No").
3) God Bestows upon you a feeling or awareness of His presence (He just hangs out with you, comforts you, strengthens you, etc).

The purpose of prayer is communication, so, any way that someone receives an understanding of God's will or personality, that is a "prayer answered."
Some of my best "answered prayers" were the ones where God didn't give me what I was asking from Him. It took a few years to see that if I had gotten what I thought I wanted, I would have been miserable. God knows best. And that's not BS, as one poster put it.
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Some of my best "answered prayers" were the ones where God didn't give me what I was asking from Him. It took a few years to see that if I had gotten what I thought I wanted, I would have been miserable. God knows best. And that's not BS, as one poster put it.

Amen, Sista! :D

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