A possible solution to America's welcome mat?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.
You're right but unfortunately them rich folk have already figured out that it is cheaper to pay off government for the treatment they want than it is to take part in a fair or just system.
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

Trump gave the super wealthy a tremendous tax cut..
the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

Which is untrue since:
1. The borders are closed due to the pandemic.

2. Biden can't change any US immigration laws changed or created by Congress only Congress can do that.

3. The borders are secured because of the border patrol which makes it as such.
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As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

Trump gave the super wealthy a tremendous tax cut..
More Reaganomics aka voodoo economics.
Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

then you can't have state funded capitalism..
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

Trump gave the super wealthy a tremendous tax cut..
Progs never give the peasants the same. They play class warfare within the lower classes. The new covid bill for checks to us is being moved in that direction by progs.
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

Trump gave the super wealthy a tremendous tax cut..
Progs never give the peasants the same. They play class warfare within the lower classes. The new covid bill for checks to us is being moved in that direction by progs.

I know. The Republicans want to limit who gets the second stimulus check.
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

Trump gave the super wealthy a tremendous tax cut..
Progs never give the peasants the same. They play class warfare within the lower classes. The new covid bill for checks to us is being moved in that direction by progs.

I know. The Republicans want to limit who gets the second stimulus check.
Republicans don't want to bail out failed liberal cities and neither does the taxpayers. Liberals need to learn about priorities and how to budget
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

An interesting and perhaps timely article:

‘Invasion’ of ancient Egypt may have actually been immigrant uprising

Ours is not the first era in recorded history to see and suffer the weaponization of mass human wave migration. In the case of ancient Egypt the Pharaohs lost control of most of their nation to immigrant uprisings. In the case of modern Western Civilization mass immigration from poor nations to wealthy, more civilized ones is being used as weapons of mass destruction to change forever Western Nations' culture and racial composition, and even destroy their governments and economies. This is a global initiative initiated by radical climate change leftism evolved within the UN and WEF. What better way to force the end of national borders than flood nationalist nations with endless mouths to feed and boo-boos to mend?
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.
The left is busy killing off Americans....so they need a permanent underclass to replace them. Somebody has to make their beds and clean their toilets.
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

Trump gave the super wealthy a tremendous tax cut..
Progs never give the peasants the same. They play class warfare within the lower classes. The new covid bill for checks to us is being moved in that direction by progs.

I know. The Republicans want to limit who gets the second stimulus check.
Republicans don't want to bail out failed liberal cities and neither does the taxpayers. Liberals need to learn about priorities and how to budget

Red States get lots of help from Blue states... Even Red States that don't have any really big cities.
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.
The left is busy killing off Americans....so they need a permanent underclass to replace them. Somebody has to make their beds and clean their toilets.

Oh you poor thing. Are you worried about your job?
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

Feel better now? Got it all out of your system?
the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

Which is untrue since:
1. The borders are closed due to the pandemic.

2. Biden can't change any US immigration laws changed or created by Congress only Congress can do that.

3. The borders are secured because of the border patrol which makes it as such.

Both Bush and Obama increased the number of Border Patrol Agents.. Last time I looked it was 21,000.
the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

Which is untrue since:
1. The borders are closed due to the pandemic.

2. Biden can't change any US immigration laws changed or created by Congress only Congress can do that.

3. The borders are secured because of the border patrol which makes it as such.

Both Bush and Obama increased the number of Border Patrol Agents.. Last time I looked it was 21,000.
Yes indeed, but these people who worship the golden turds of Trump want to claim erstwhile because it fits the false narrative they live by.
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.
The left is busy killing off Americans....so they need a permanent underclass to replace them. Somebody has to make their beds and clean their toilets.

Oh you poor thing. Are you worried about your job?
No....I'm retired.
But of course you had to throw the race-card out there.
Thanks for showing everyone what a typical leftist is.
As a new administration takes over in the US after an election it has already begun to tout itself as a return to normal. After the removal of a populist president that stressed the importance of border security to preserve democracy and prosperity in an increasingly set-upon first world nation, the new administration is now feverishly implementing executive orders to restore the practice of flooding America with migrants from South and Central America.

The rich in America, mostly white and highly educated, have a nagging problem-poor and middle-class whites and blacks that expect to live a dignified existence in the wealthiest and freest democracy on Earth. The rub is that nearly all the wealth in the US is in the hands of about one percent of the population and that one percent has no idea how the remaining ninety nine percent get by and do not particularly care.

Since education is important in the US for success, the poor and middle classes should take steps to educate the ultra-rich about the ramifications of moving populations across unprotected borders. We need to pass laws requiring the rich in America that invite foreign multitudes to replace middle class whites and blacks to personally sponsor all of the tired, the poor, and huddled masses yearning to live for free.

We should begin by establishing direct caravans from the poorest countries into the richest and most exclusive areas of America where the US aristocracy lives. What better way to achieve actual equity than to allow the economically disadvantaged to experience the lifestyles of America’s rich and famous? The caravans of the destitute could be bussed into Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Beverly Hills California where the money now lives. How about for every million dollars in income, 500 immigrants must be supported for a lifetime?

This way the filthy rich in America could demonstrate to the rest of us what a great idea it is to knock down walls and build bridges. They could show us by example. All those academics and politicians that support population movement could lead from the front, not from the back like they do now. You know, it probably wouldn’t take long for population movement to lose favor once rich neighborhoods began to experience the criminalization and deterioration the rest of us are in for while they live in gated communities.

Trump is gone now. The welcome mat is laid out again.

In my experience, those middle class jobs get taken by those who were engineers and doctors in the former Soviet Union, and who become draftsman and nurse practitioners in this country,

Trump never tried to limit those immigrants at all. Because his boss -- Putin's whole argument for imperial expansion is that he has a right to invade any area where Russian people reside

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