A new slant on politics


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Political debates can be interesting, but there are 2 things we should all remember:

1. When folks like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Howard Schultz and others were building their organizations, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House and who controlled Congress, they prospered through liberal and conservative administrations. Stay informed and vote of course, but don't let politics waste your time and drain your energy. You have more important things to do.

2. As a small business owner, I've learned most of my problems can be cured through accountability. Did I show up for work on time? Did I focus on my tasks? Did I work a full day? A full week? Did I give superior customer service? Did I make smart food choices? Did I exercise when I was supposed to? Did I read and stay informed? Did I manage my finances wisely, or did I spend too much? etc.

The bottom line folks is conservative and liberal administrations will come and go, but those who prosper are those who stay focused and stay accountable, no matter who is in the White House. Take it from one born in the 1950's folks, personal accountability counts for a lot more than politics! :bye1:
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...and never underestimate the value of a good nite's sleep! ;)

Well said. I too came of age in the 60's, a tragic, tumultuous time. Emotions ran hot, a president, his brother and a civil rights leader were assassinated, hateful groups thrived, tens of thousands died in VietNam, students were shot on a college campus, there was civil upheaval both peaceful and violent, for sure.

So today? - I don't know that it's worse but it is certainly more petulant. Perhaps life has been too easy, or maybe some just long for the excitement of a good old fashioned 60's style riot.

Anyway, good advice. :)
At a certain level, you're correct. Your own actions affect your business than the actions of the politician class.

BUT ... once a business reaches a critical mass, that level when your wealth/fame comes to the attention of the politician, they will come for their cut. Like sharks smelling blood in the water.

At that point, if you want to stay in business, you play their game and, if played correctly, you can even profit from their game.

It always amazes me that people with revile 'corporations' or 'CEO' (two too often misunderstood words) for playing a game, yet praise the politicians who created the game in the first place.
Political debates can be interesting, but there are 2 things we should all remember:

1. When folks like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Howard Schultz and others were building their organizations, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House and who controlled Congress, they prospered through liberal and conservative administrations. Stay informed and vote of course, but don't let politics waste your time and drain your energy. You have more important things to do.

2. As a small business owner, I've learned most of my problems can be cured through accountability. Did I show up for work on time? Did I focus on my tasks? Did I work a full day? A full week? Did I give superior customer service? Did I make smart food choices? Did I exercise when I was supposed to? Did I read and stay informed? Did I manage my finances wisely, or did I spend too much? etc.

The bottom line folks is conservative and liberal administrations will come and go, but those who prosper are those who stay focused and stay accountable, no matter who is in the White House. Take it from one born in the 1950's folks, personal accountability counts for a lot more than politics! :bye1:
this kind of philosophy can only lead to hard work success and security, while pursuing happiness.

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