A new group of gun owners? Native American women…no one is coming to save you. Learn it, live it.

You have yet to disprove anything I've said about Mormon history or beliefs... you just don't like when I say the quiet parts out loud.

It is not my responsibility to refute any of your lies.

As long as you choose to be a subhuman, hateful, lying piece of shit, it's entirely on you to own the fact that that is what you are.
It is not my responsibility to refute any of your lies.

As long as you choose to be a subhuman, hateful, lying piece of shit, it's entirely on you to own the fact that that is what you are.

Except I've backed up my position on the whacky shit your cult believes with links.

Here's one now. While they start off the article with some mealy-mouthed "product of his time" stuff, they get into the meat of your racist history.

For example, many passages in the Book of Mormon speak of dark skin as a curse for sins, as opposed to the “white and delightsome” appearance of the righteous (2 Nephi 30:6, cf. 1 Nephi 12:23, 13:15, 2 Nephi 5:21, Jacob 3:8-9, 3 Nephi 2:14-15, Moses 7:8, 12, 22). A passage in the “Book of Abraham” (1:26–27), that spoke of the Egyptian pharaohs as having Negro ancestry, thereby disqualifying them from God’s priesthood, was used by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to deny the Mormon priesthood and temple privileges to anyone with any amount of Negro ancestry.

These passages in Mormon scripture served as the basis for every Mormon prophet since Smith to teach that blacks were cursed for their supposed sins before earthly birth. Brigham Young, Smith’s successor, also underscored the racist stand of Mormonism: “Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so” (Journal of Discourses 10:109).

I do not believe that the people of the North have any more right to say that the South shall not hold slaves, than the South have to say the North shall.... the first mention we have of slavery is found in the Holy Bible.... And so far from that prediction being averse to the mind of God, it [slavery] remains as a lasting monument of the decree of Jehovah, to the shame and confusion of all who have cried out against the South, in consequence of their holding the sons of Ham in servitude.

You must not think, from what I say, that I am opposed to slavery. No! The negro is damned, and is to serve his master till God chooses to remove the curse of Ham.
Prophet Brigham Young, New York Herald, May 4, 1855, as cited in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Spring 1973, p. 56

For instance, the descendants of Cain cannot cast off their skin of blackness, at once, and immediately, although every should of them should repent.... Cain and his posterity must wear the mark which God put upon them; and his white friends may wash the race of Cain with fuller's soap every day, they cannot wash away God's mark.
Prophet John Taylor, Millennial Star, v. 14, p. 418; online at Link is here.
Except I've backed up my position on the whacky shit your cult believes with links.

As someone who has been a member of this religion all my life, as someone whose ancestors have been members of this religion going back for as long as it has existed, I think I am much better qualified that a hateful ignorant lying piece of shit such as yourself could ever dream of being, to speak of what this religion teaches, and what its members believe.

You're not even very good at it. You could do better if you would spend some time studying the works of those who have made a profession of slandering my religion, such as Ed Decker, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Walter Martin, and so on.

Though I very much suspect that what you would really like to do, if you had the agility and courage to do so, would be to follow in the footsteps of what your party used to like to do to black people's churches, and just burn our churches down and murder as many of us as you can. But you're too much of a tucking coward to try anything like that, even if you thought you could get away with it.
As someone who has been a member of this religion all my life, as someone whose ancestors have been members of this religion going back for as long as it has existed, I think I am much better qualified that a hateful ignorant lying piece of shit such as yourself could ever dream of being, to speak of what this religion teaches, and what its members believe.

I grew up Catholic. Didn't learn the real dirt about the Catholic Church and its corruption until I hit college and started taking college-level history courses.

What I've noticed is that you haven't presented any evidence that the VERY RACIST quotes by Mormon Prophets were not actually said. Because you can't. Those things were said. They were recorded at the time they were said.

Now, you could just dismiss it as being a "product of their time." Fair enough. But then that undermines the claim that these men had a direct line to God.

You're not even very good at it. You could do better if you would spend some time studying the works of those who have made a profession of slandering my religion, such as Ed Decker, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Walter Martin, and so on.
I'm familiar with the Tanners, especially their role in the White Salamander Letter fiasco. You remember that one, right? It was when your church spent a shitload of money buying fake documents that alleged Joseph Smith got the Golden Plates from a White Salamander, and the elders wanted to keep that under wraps because it might be true. (That an early Mormon would have claimed that, not that there actually were Golden Plates.)

Though I very much suspect that what you would really like to do, if you had the agility and courage to do so, would be to follow in the footsteps of what your party used to like to do to black people's churches, and just burn our churches down and murder as many of us as you can. But you're too much of a tucking coward to try anything like that, even if you thought you could get away with it.
Naw, man, all I want to do is expose you to the truth.

Take your persecution fantasies somewhere else.

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