A New Form of Treason in the US

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

I would say that putting party loyalty before loyalty to one's country is closer to treason than not kissing the ass of the POTUS.

All of the party zealots on this site from both sides put party before country.
So Fundamentally Transforming the Country is good, while "Make America Great Again" is bad.. Fucking moderates, are spineless liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals..Right Gator?

Actually, Fundamentally Transforming the Country is bad which is why I fought against Obama every bit as hard as I do Trump.

Make America Great Again is stupid because for all of our problems we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.

And I am not a moderate you fucking partizan zealot. Moderates are wishy washy and do not know what they stand for. That is not me.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

ummm.... no.

first of all, treason can only be considered in a time of war; although some can accurately say we are in a 'cyber' war. unless that is officially declared (which it won't as long as republicans control congress) ... treason is off the table.

secondly - this is a nation of laws. not men. the constitution is the cornerstone of our government & just like any person enlisting in the military, those that are employed by the government, whether it's a civilian hire or an elected individual pledges loyalty to the constitution - NOT the person that occupies the office of the president.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why mueller is a patriot. he's going after traitors.... no matter who it is & how high it goes.
that is why mueller is a patriot.
You were okay up to this point, then I knew you are a flaming lefty lunatic..

conspiracy is the legal term for collusion. tick tock.... mueller is on the job. why won't trump release his taxes? i wonder if mueller already has them.....................
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

I would say that putting party loyalty before loyalty to one's country is closer to treason than not kissing the ass of the POTUS.

All of the party zealots on this site from both sides put party before country.
So Fundamentally Transforming the Country is good, while "Make America Great Again" is bad.. Fucking moderates, are spineless liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals..Right Gator?

Actually, Fundamentally Transforming the Country is bad which is why I fought against Obama every bit as hard as I do Trump.

Make America Great Again is stupid because for all of our problems we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.

And I am not a moderate you fucking partizan zealot. Moderates are wishy washy and do not know what they stand for. That is not me.
we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.
Are you a Lindsey Graham voter? You sure are screwed up in the head like him...
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

And if someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a true democracy? That would be treason as well.
If someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a white nationalist form of gov't? That would be treason as well.

Treason is about trying to overthrow the gov't. It is not dependent on what system you want to install to replace it.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

I would say that putting party loyalty before loyalty to one's country is closer to treason than not kissing the ass of the POTUS.

All of the party zealots on this site from both sides put party before country.
So Fundamentally Transforming the Country is good, while "Make America Great Again" is bad.. Fucking moderates, are spineless liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals..Right Gator?

Actually, Fundamentally Transforming the Country is bad which is why I fought against Obama every bit as hard as I do Trump.

Make America Great Again is stupid because for all of our problems we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.

And I am not a moderate you fucking partizan zealot. Moderates are wishy washy and do not know what they stand for. That is not me.
we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.
Are you a Lindsey Graham voter? You sure are screwed up in the head like him...

I am sorry that you are an unpatriotic fuck that hates his country, but I cannot do anything about that.

Why do you hate America?
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

And if someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a true democracy? That would be treason as well.
If someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a white nationalist form of gov't? That would be treason as well.

Treason is about trying to overthrow the gov't. It is not dependent on what system you want to install to replace it.
America cant be a TRUE democracy otherwise the states between New York Commies and Californication would not get a say in the general elections. Why do you liberals always want to take away other peoples rights?
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

I would say that putting party loyalty before loyalty to one's country is closer to treason than not kissing the ass of the POTUS.

All of the party zealots on this site from both sides put party before country.
So Fundamentally Transforming the Country is good, while "Make America Great Again" is bad.. Fucking moderates, are spineless liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals..Right Gator?

Actually, Fundamentally Transforming the Country is bad which is why I fought against Obama every bit as hard as I do Trump.

Make America Great Again is stupid because for all of our problems we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.

And I am not a moderate you fucking partizan zealot. Moderates are wishy washy and do not know what they stand for. That is not me.
we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.
Are you a Lindsey Graham voter? You sure are screwed up in the head like him...

I am sorry that you are an unpatriotic fuck that hates his country, but I cannot do anything about that.

Why do you hate America?
I don't hate this country, but I sure was not very pleased with what Obama was doing to fundamentally transforming it. But I waited my time and now we are back on path to greatness. All we have to do is get rid of the rest of the COMMIES and then the US would be Great again.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

I would say that putting party loyalty before loyalty to one's country is closer to treason than not kissing the ass of the POTUS.

All of the party zealots on this site from both sides put party before country.
So Fundamentally Transforming the Country is good, while "Make America Great Again" is bad.. Fucking moderates, are spineless liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals..Right Gator?

Actually, Fundamentally Transforming the Country is bad which is why I fought against Obama every bit as hard as I do Trump.

Make America Great Again is stupid because for all of our problems we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.

And I am not a moderate you fucking partizan zealot. Moderates are wishy washy and do not know what they stand for. That is not me.
we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.
Are you a Lindsey Graham voter? You sure are screwed up in the head like him...

I am sorry that you are an unpatriotic fuck that hates his country, but I cannot do anything about that.

Why do you hate America?
I am sorry that you are such a stupid person, but I cannot do anything about that..
I would say that putting party loyalty before loyalty to one's country is closer to treason than not kissing the ass of the POTUS.

All of the party zealots on this site from both sides put party before country.
So Fundamentally Transforming the Country is good, while "Make America Great Again" is bad.. Fucking moderates, are spineless liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals..Right Gator?

Actually, Fundamentally Transforming the Country is bad which is why I fought against Obama every bit as hard as I do Trump.

Make America Great Again is stupid because for all of our problems we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.

And I am not a moderate you fucking partizan zealot. Moderates are wishy washy and do not know what they stand for. That is not me.
we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.
Are you a Lindsey Graham voter? You sure are screwed up in the head like him...

I am sorry that you are an unpatriotic fuck that hates his country, but I cannot do anything about that.

Why do you hate America?
I don't hate this country, but I sure was not very pleased with what Obama was doing to fundamentally transforming it. But I waited my time and now we are back on path to greatness. All we have to do is get rid of the rest of the COMMIES and then the US would be Great again.

I was not pleased with Obama either, but he still did not have the power to stop us from being great. We are already great, we can be better, but that does not take away from our current status as the greatest country on the planet.
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

And if someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a true democracy? That would be treason as well.
If someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a white nationalist form of gov't? That would be treason as well.

Treason is about trying to overthrow the gov't. It is not dependent on what system you want to install to replace it.
America cant be a TRUE democracy otherwise the states between New York Commies and Californication would not get a say in the general elections. Why do you liberals always want to take away other peoples rights?

And you wonder why I would doubt you?

No where in my post did I advocate for any other form of gov't. No where. And yet, you want to pretend I am trying to take other people's rights away. I am not. I am not even taking away your right to be ignorant of the actual definition of "treason".

But spare me your attempts to invent what I said.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
OMG Just too funny.

Nothing is being done to him. He brings all the crap on himself. It's like you people are constantly defending the biggest fuckup in school.
So Fundamentally Transforming the Country is good, while "Make America Great Again" is bad.. Fucking moderates, are spineless liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals..Right Gator?

Actually, Fundamentally Transforming the Country is bad which is why I fought against Obama every bit as hard as I do Trump.

Make America Great Again is stupid because for all of our problems we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.

And I am not a moderate you fucking partizan zealot. Moderates are wishy washy and do not know what they stand for. That is not me.
we are already great and only a bunch of unpatriotic fucks think we are not.
Are you a Lindsey Graham voter? You sure are screwed up in the head like him...

I am sorry that you are an unpatriotic fuck that hates his country, but I cannot do anything about that.

Why do you hate America?
I don't hate this country, but I sure was not very pleased with what Obama was doing to fundamentally transforming it. But I waited my time and now we are back on path to greatness. All we have to do is get rid of the rest of the COMMIES and then the US would be Great again.

I was not pleased with Obama either, but he still did not have the power to stop us from being great. We are already great, we can be better, but that does not take away from our current status as the greatest country on the planet.
but he still did not have the power to stop us from being great.
If you think of the United States of America as a store, its recent decisions and scandals resemble a sale, perhaps a fire sale. Or maybe even a “Going Out of Business” sale.

The list of dramatic markdowns is breathtaking. They include trading away five murderous terrorists for a likely Army deserter, an open invitation to tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to cross the Mexican border, and a decision to recognize the terrorist group Hamas as part of the Palestinian government.
Yet there is more , but when you say stupid stuff like you did, all I can think of is....And why Obama was able to tear this country apart...

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.
"...it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders ..." No matter what, eh?

Heil Hitler! Heil President Shithole!
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

And if someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a true democracy? That would be treason as well.
If someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a white nationalist form of gov't? That would be treason as well.

Treason is about trying to overthrow the gov't. It is not dependent on what system you want to install to replace it.
America cant be a TRUE democracy otherwise the states between New York Commies and Californication would not get a say in the general elections. Why do you liberals always want to take away other peoples rights?

And you wonder why I would doubt you?

No where in my post did I advocate for any other form of gov't. No where. And yet, you want to pretend I am trying to take other people's rights away. I am not. I am not even taking away your right to be ignorant of the actual definition of "treason".

But spare me your attempts to invent what I said.
You are a flaming liberal, you hate anyone who stands in your way of equality through outcome(Social Justice). I don't play your Rules for Radicals game, I know all about it, and how you try to guilt people into submission.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.
"...it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders ..." No matter what, eh?

Heil Hitler! Heil President Shithole!
Didn't you support the Rapist in chief during the 1990's? Didn't you support the bitch who enabled him to Rape and abuse women? Ah yep. Just like you Sucked O's needle dick and called US racists when we opposed the ACA, which we found out is a boondoggle of the Nth degree. Ah yep, once again, when a liberal is saying it about US, it is them who did it...
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

And if someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a true democracy? That would be treason as well.
If someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a white nationalist form of gov't? That would be treason as well.

Treason is about trying to overthrow the gov't. It is not dependent on what system you want to install to replace it.
America cant be a TRUE democracy otherwise the states between New York Commies and Californication would not get a say in the general elections. Why do you liberals always want to take away other peoples rights?

And you wonder why I would doubt you?

No where in my post did I advocate for any other form of gov't. No where. And yet, you want to pretend I am trying to take other people's rights away. I am not. I am not even taking away your right to be ignorant of the actual definition of "treason".

But spare me your attempts to invent what I said.
You are a flaming liberal, you hate anyone who stands in your way of equality through outcome(Social Justice). I don't play your Rules for Radicals game, I know all about it, and how you try to guilt people into submission.

WTF are you talking about.

You made some bullshit claim that treason has to do with socialism. I corrected you and you want to go off on some tangent about me being a liberal?

None of that has anything to do with the topic. It also has nothing to do with my correcting your bullshit.

BTW, if you think making personal attacks on me helps you save face after you show your ignorance concerning the definition of "treason", you are absolutely wrong. But then, it wouldn't be the first time. Hell, it wouldn't be the first time in this thread.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

Of course not.

The Trump supporters who view him as their Orange Messiah conflate criticism of their God as treason, but they are too warped in their idolatry to understand the difference between loyalty to one’s country and a cult of personality.
We don't see President Trump as a messiah like you libtards did with the 1/2 white, homosexual, community agitator. Once again, if a liberal is saying we are doing it, then they are just confirming that they did.

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Look at all the Trump supporters with their hero worship pictures of their God Trump in their avatars. That didn’t happen with Obama supporters, androgynousjim.

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"? If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
No, not in this context. What we're seeing now is just a reflection of how far we've allowed our politics to decay.

The GOP was completely "disloyal" to Obama, too.

Each "base" is enabling this behavior, and it won't stop until they stop.
Not treason, but certainly subversive. Especially the media.

Such as?

Purposefully "reporting" one-sided news, specifically, leaving out a portion of a story that shows the opposite of the implication the reporter is making. This happens daily.
Two equally intelligent people, one watching CNN and one watching fox...can honestly believe two opposite sides of an issue based on what they heard. Obviously this is by design.


But why is that subversive towards the country, as you claimed?
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
That was JakeStarkey definition when he was convinced Hillary was the next President. Now, he's not so sure and may have been taken out of context after he misspoke

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