A New Form of Treason in the US

No effect on politics. A bunch of union fucks got the jobs saved and still produce shit cars, while those who had warranty up to the bankruptcy lost their money, along with the share holders...
Just as a reminder ONCE again.
Communism - Far Left Socialism - United Soviet Socialist Union - Destroyed in 1990's when they went bankrupt.
Fascism/Nazism - Far Right Socialism - Democratic Socialist Workers Party -- Destroyed middle 1940's when they were destroyed by FREE people.

Detroit, the motor city and richest in the 1950's kept electing idiots who gave away other people's money to the point that only the poor people were left. Venezuela has done the same thing, now people are eating zoo animals and dogs to survive. Idiots like you, who have been brain(if you even have one) washed so much that you actually believe that your Socialist Liberal Elites can do Socialism even better. Even better and bankrupting? Is that your way of equality...Stupid fucks....

You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I say lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...

Please provide proof that union contracts had any effect on blueprints or the design of any car, ever.
Dumbass, some of the ex union workers from the F-15 plant showed up over seas. They would hand on a cable for 8 hours a day, and when the sup would walk by, they looked like they were working. Then at the end of the day, the sup would ask if all was going well, and the union puke would say he needed overtime to finish up. So he would get 16 more hours a week, just to do the same job I could go in a normal 8 hour day. Stop being an idiot, it is a disgrace to the picture of someone with intelligence..

It was the idiocy of management that allowed the corruption of the union workers to get away with the bullshit. Bust the unions, and soon companies would shine and people would be paid their worth....

Yes, I've had the same type problem with non union crews. That's why a good supervisor should have some idea how long a task should take.
The non union crew would be fired while the union puke would be protected. That the best you can do, tard?
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.

BINGO. & Donald J Drumpf wants it so bigley to take hold here.

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Yep, you are certifiably one of the most stupid people who post here.

Everything in your link is an example of what Obama did, not only to the women that worked for him but the media he attacked constantly.

Does Obama Qualify as a Fascist?
On May 2, comedian-turned-commentator Rob Schneider joined the chorus, telling CBS Radio host Chris Stigall, “Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of.”
Friday, 02 May 2014
If a liberal is saying that we are being bad, you can sure bet it is the liberals who really are the bad ones..

Do you have any idea how childish that sounds?
No effect on politics. A bunch of union fucks got the jobs saved and still produce shit cars, while those who had warranty up to the bankruptcy lost their money, along with the share holders...
Just as a reminder ONCE again.
Communism - Far Left Socialism - United Soviet Socialist Union - Destroyed in 1990's when they went bankrupt.
Fascism/Nazism - Far Right Socialism - Democratic Socialist Workers Party -- Destroyed middle 1940's when they were destroyed by FREE people.

Detroit, the motor city and richest in the 1950's kept electing idiots who gave away other people's money to the point that only the poor people were left. Venezuela has done the same thing, now people are eating zoo animals and dogs to survive. Idiots like you, who have been brain(if you even have one) washed so much that you actually believe that your Socialist Liberal Elites can do Socialism even better. Even better and bankrupting? Is that your way of equality...Stupid fucks....

You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I say lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...

Please provide proof that union contracts had any effect on blueprints or the design of any car, ever.
Dumbass, some of the ex union workers from the F-15 plant showed up over seas. They would hand on a cable for 8 hours a day, and when the sup would walk by, they looked like they were working. Then at the end of the day, the sup would ask if all was going well, and the union puke would say he needed overtime to finish up. So he would get 16 more hours a week, just to do the same job I could go in a normal 8 hour day. Stop being an idiot, it is a disgrace to the picture of someone with intelligence..

It was the idiocy of management that allowed the corruption of the union workers to get away with the bullshit. Bust the unions, and soon companies would shine and people would be paid their worth....

Yes, I've had the same type problem with non union crews. That's why a good supervisor should have some idea how long a task should take.
GM was bailed out so the union workers could keep their jobs, and continue to fail for the company. If GM went bankrupt, then not only the RICH executives would of been hurt but the union pukes would have to make a new deal, and if GM couldn't continue, that should of happened, if they did like Ford and work through it, the better for the company. I will never ever buy a GM product, as if GM ever gets too big to fail again, and does, those warranties will be worth shit, just like it did in 2007. Want to take the risk go for it, that is your choice, but this saying stands

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. A fool and his money is soon parted...
You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I say lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...

Please provide proof that union contracts had any effect on blueprints or the design of any car, ever.
Dumbass, some of the ex union workers from the F-15 plant showed up over seas. They would hand on a cable for 8 hours a day, and when the sup would walk by, they looked like they were working. Then at the end of the day, the sup would ask if all was going well, and the union puke would say he needed overtime to finish up. So he would get 16 more hours a week, just to do the same job I could go in a normal 8 hour day. Stop being an idiot, it is a disgrace to the picture of someone with intelligence..

It was the idiocy of management that allowed the corruption of the union workers to get away with the bullshit. Bust the unions, and soon companies would shine and people would be paid their worth....

Yes, I've had the same type problem with non union crews. That's why a good supervisor should have some idea how long a task should take.
The non union crew would be fired while the union puke would be protected. That the best you can do, tard?

Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.

BINGO. & Donald J Drumpf wants it so bigley to take hold here.

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Yep, you are certifiably one of the most stupid people who post here.

Everything in your link is an example of what Obama did, not only to the women that worked for him but the media he attacked constantly.

Does Obama Qualify as a Fascist?
On May 2, comedian-turned-commentator Rob Schneider joined the chorus, telling CBS Radio host Chris Stigall, “Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of.”
Friday, 02 May 2014
If a liberal is saying that we are being bad, you can sure bet it is the liberals who really are the bad ones..

Do you have any idea how childish that sounds?
From you, not childish at all, seems that you actually were able to understand it quite well...
You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I say lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...

Please provide proof that union contracts had any effect on blueprints or the design of any car, ever.
Dumbass, some of the ex union workers from the F-15 plant showed up over seas. They would hand on a cable for 8 hours a day, and when the sup would walk by, they looked like they were working. Then at the end of the day, the sup would ask if all was going well, and the union puke would say he needed overtime to finish up. So he would get 16 more hours a week, just to do the same job I could go in a normal 8 hour day. Stop being an idiot, it is a disgrace to the picture of someone with intelligence..

It was the idiocy of management that allowed the corruption of the union workers to get away with the bullshit. Bust the unions, and soon companies would shine and people would be paid their worth....

Yes, I've had the same type problem with non union crews. That's why a good supervisor should have some idea how long a task should take.
GM was bailed out so the union workers could keep their jobs, and continue to fail for the company. If GM went bankrupt, then not only the RICH executives would of been hurt but the union pukes would have to make a new deal, and if GM couldn't continue, that should of happened, if they did like Ford and work through it, the better for the company. I will never ever buy a GM product, as if GM ever gets too big to fail again, and does, those warranties will be worth shit, just like it did in 2007. Want to take the risk go for it, that is your choice, but this saying stands

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. A fool and his money is soon parted...

I'm sure GM will be able to muddle through without your help.
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I say lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...

Please provide proof that union contracts had any effect on blueprints or the design of any car, ever.
Dumbass, some of the ex union workers from the F-15 plant showed up over seas. They would hand on a cable for 8 hours a day, and when the sup would walk by, they looked like they were working. Then at the end of the day, the sup would ask if all was going well, and the union puke would say he needed overtime to finish up. So he would get 16 more hours a week, just to do the same job I could go in a normal 8 hour day. Stop being an idiot, it is a disgrace to the picture of someone with intelligence..

It was the idiocy of management that allowed the corruption of the union workers to get away with the bullshit. Bust the unions, and soon companies would shine and people would be paid their worth....

Yes, I've had the same type problem with non union crews. That's why a good supervisor should have some idea how long a task should take.
The non union crew would be fired while the union puke would be protected. That the best you can do, tard?

Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.
Glad you are joining the rest of the liberals I have had enough with.
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.

BINGO. & Donald J Drumpf wants it so bigley to take hold here.

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Yep, you are certifiably one of the most stupid people who post here.

Everything in your link is an example of what Obama did, not only to the women that worked for him but the media he attacked constantly.

Does Obama Qualify as a Fascist?
On May 2, comedian-turned-commentator Rob Schneider joined the chorus, telling CBS Radio host Chris Stigall, “Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of.”
Friday, 02 May 2014
If a liberal is saying that we are being bad, you can sure bet it is the liberals who really are the bad ones..

lol.... please- by all means, get back to me when you go thru each & every tenet with a documented reason why you believe obama was a fascist to refudiate my point by point example of cheetolini being a dicktator wanna be..... LOL!!!! i'll gladly see your research. btw- make sure it's all unbiased credible links too 'mk?

CDZ - I want to know something
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.

BINGO. & Donald J Drumpf wants it so bigley to take hold here.

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Yep, you are certifiably one of the most stupid people who post here.

Everything in your link is an example of what Obama did, not only to the women that worked for him but the media he attacked constantly.

Does Obama Qualify as a Fascist?
On May 2, comedian-turned-commentator Rob Schneider joined the chorus, telling CBS Radio host Chris Stigall, “Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of.”
Friday, 02 May 2014
If a liberal is saying that we are being bad, you can sure bet it is the liberals who really are the bad ones..

lol.... please- by all means, get back to me when you go thru each & every tenet with a documented reason why you believe obama was a fascist to refudiate my point by point example of cheetolini being a dicktator wanna be..... LOL!!!! i'll gladly see your research. btw- make sure it's all unbiased credible links too 'mk?

CDZ - I want to know something
So putting more money into the hands of US citizens is Fascism?
Wanting illegal immigration to stop is Fascism?
Or is wanting people like you put into an insane asylum because you could harm yourself or others in your words Fascist, but really called SAFETY?
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.

BINGO. & Donald J Drumpf wants it so bigley to take hold here.

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Yep, you are certifiably one of the most stupid people who post here.

Everything in your link is an example of what Obama did, not only to the women that worked for him but the media he attacked constantly.

Does Obama Qualify as a Fascist?
On May 2, comedian-turned-commentator Rob Schneider joined the chorus, telling CBS Radio host Chris Stigall, “Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of.”
Friday, 02 May 2014
If a liberal is saying that we are being bad, you can sure bet it is the liberals who really are the bad ones..

lol.... please- by all means, get back to me when you go thru each & every tenet with a documented reason why you believe obama was a fascist to refudiate my point by point example of cheetolini being a dicktator wanna be..... LOL!!!! i'll gladly see your research. btw- make sure it's all unbiased credible links too 'mk?

CDZ - I want to know something
Shame they closed those asylums as you are a sure fire candidate for the rubber room..
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.

BINGO. & Donald J Drumpf wants it so bigley to take hold here.

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Yep, you are certifiably one of the most stupid people who post here.

Everything in your link is an example of what Obama did, not only to the women that worked for him but the media he attacked constantly.

Does Obama Qualify as a Fascist?
On May 2, comedian-turned-commentator Rob Schneider joined the chorus, telling CBS Radio host Chris Stigall, “Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of.”
Friday, 02 May 2014
If a liberal is saying that we are being bad, you can sure bet it is the liberals who really are the bad ones..

lol.... please- by all means, get back to me when you go thru each & every tenet with a documented reason why you believe obama was a fascist to refudiate my point by point example of cheetolini being a dicktator wanna be..... LOL!!!! i'll gladly see your research. btw- make sure it's all unbiased credible links too 'mk?

CDZ - I want to know something
Shame they closed those asylums as you are a sure fire candidate for the rubber room..

so basically you got nuthin'.
Don't know if it falls into the category of treason, but it damned sure does in the losing side's crybaby department.
I wish for Trump's Agenda to fail, because I see it as dragging our country down to it's lowest common denominators. How can I support success on an agenda that is the antithesis of everything I stand for and is bad for our country? :dunno:

The rich like what Trumps doing. The poor are going to be devastated shortly. New Condos just opened in the small town I live in--they only want $4000.00 a month for rent. Oh but thank goodness they raised the minimum wage.
I wish for Trump's Agenda to fail, because I see it as dragging our country down to it's lowest common denominators. How can I support success on an agenda that is the antithesis of everything I stand for and is bad for our country? :dunno:

The rich like what Trumps doing. The poor are going to be devastated shortly. New Condos just opened in the small town I live in--they only want $4000.00 a month for rent. Oh but thank goodness they raised the minimum wage.
And whose fault is it for those stupid enough to still be on minimum wage? The Victims of liberalism? You betcha...
I wish for Trump's Agenda to fail, because I see it as dragging our country down to it's lowest common denominators. How can I support success on an agenda that is the antithesis of everything I stand for and is bad for our country? :dunno:

The rich like what Trumps doing. The poor are going to be devastated shortly. New Condos just opened in the small town I live in--they only want $4000.00 a month for rent. Oh but thank goodness they raised the minimum wage.
And whose fault is it for those stupid enough to still be on minimum wage? The Victims of liberalism? You betcha...

The knowledge of God is worth a trillion gazillion x any money is worth. God knew the seekers of money and pleasures 2Timothy 3-- I have been there.

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