A Message to you Rudy

Nobody seems interested in the actual case. They are more interested in abusing me than criminality by Rudy.

I was involved in a case once where my opponent was claiming one thing in my case and quite another in a related case. I won because it didnt take a genius to work out his game.

Rudy is playing a dangerous game if this is his strategy.
He still has the "big tits" case to come as well as his difficulties in Atlanta.

Rudy needs to stop his messing around" and had "better think of his future"
Most of the Progs with power have an absolute hate for the other side and for people of a certain color shade and gender also. For the failures of their own it is 100% the fault of the people they despise to them. This is dangerous. It is not about rights and justice as much as it is revenge of the past and the perceptions of the present.
Most of the Progs with power have an absolute hate for the other side and for people of a certain color shade and gender also. For the failures of their own it is 100% the fault of the people they despise to them. This is dangerous. It is not about rights and justice as much as it is revenge of the past and the perceptions of the present.
How does that apply to this case where Rudy told lies about election workers thaat saw them recieve death threats ?
He is the author of his own downfall.
Nobody seems interested in the actual case. They are more interested in abusing me than criminality by Rudy.

I was involved in a case once where my opponent was claiming one thing in my case and quite another in a related case. I won because it didnt take a genius to work out his game.

Rudy is playing a dangerous game if this is his strategy.
He still has the "big tits" case to come as well as his difficulties in Atlanta.

Rudy needs to stop his messing around" and had "better think of his future"

Are you pretending to be a barrister too? :eek:

But yeah, Rudy’s a hoot. :)
It's funny to see how Trumpers avoid the fact that a sitting US president launched a hate campaign against 2 innocent women for doing their civic duty......as much as yall whine about how you are "under attack" by a tyrannical government -- these women WERE LITERALLY attacked by a guy -- who didn't give a fuck about the harm he brought to them -- and yall are ok with it, because...hey, they are just a couple of no-good riggers....

Where is that proof yall claimed Rudy had??
It's funny to see how Trumpers avoid the fact that a sitting US president launched a hate campaign against 2 innocent women for doing their civic duty......as much as yall whine about how you are "under attack" by a tyrannical government -- these women WERE LITERALLY attacked by a guy -- who didn't give a fuck about the harm he brought to them -- and yall are ok with it, because...hey, they are just a couple of no-good riggers....

Where is that proof yall claimed Rudy had??
I think Rudy has already admitted it was all bollox. Or that might have been another case. It gets confusing..

Anuway its his constitutional right to lie. Its a central tenet of the GOP
Speaking of Rudy (in a thread about Rudy).....

Anyway, today's WaPo has a succinct explanatory on why Rudy got this week's judgement against him vis-a-vis this defamation lawsuit. In short, Rudy tried to game the judge and the court. The judge decided enough is enough.

Here's some taster paragraphs (for all of you with a digital subscription to the Washington Post, well, you can go there and read the whole enchilada):


".....U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell, presiding over a lawsuit brought by two Georgia election workers, Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, who claim Giuliani defamed them when he accused them of tampering with the election results. Giuliani, through his own obstructionism, managed the feat of losing the case before it went to trial. Howell simply ruled against Giuliani, citing his repeated and flagrant failure to comply with his legal obligations to turn over relevant information to the other side.

An experienced lawyer and prosecutor, Giuliani nonetheless “has given only lip service to compliance with his discovery obligations and this Court’s orders by failing to take reasonable steps to preserve or produce” information, wrote Howell, an Obama appointee. “Instead, Giuliani has submitted declarations with concessions turned slippery on scrutiny and excuses designed to shroud the insufficiency of his discovery compliance.”

Howell’s bottom line: Giuliani gets to go to trial — but only on the question of how much money he owes. “Rather than simply play by the rules designed to promote a discovery process necessary to reach a fair decision on the merits of plaintiffs’ claims, Giuliani has bemoaned plaintiffs’ efforts to secure his compliance as ‘punishment by process,’” Howell wrote. “Donning a cloak of victimization may play well on a public stage to certain audiences, but in a court of law this performance has served only to subvert the normal process of discovery in a straightforward defamation case, with the concomitant necessity of repeated court intervention.”

Facing criminal charges in Georgia and other civil lawsuits, Giuliani might have had strategic reasons for sitting on potential evidence, Howell noted, but that isn’t her concern. “Withholding required discovery in this case has consequences.”

........to read Howell’s 57-page opinion is to understand that this is not a judge acting out of pique or even exasperation — she’s protecting the integrity of the legal process.


There is a folk-wisdom colloquialism oft-used when some bloke tries to flim flam another and then gets a stern warning, as in: "F*ck around and find out".

As so it is.....................Rudy did. And Rudy found out.

Do any of the posters to this thread wish to offer their guess on how much Rudy is gonna hafta pay the two poll-worker ladies?
How does that apply to this case where Rudy told lies about election workers thaat saw them recieve death threats ?
He is the author of his own downfall.
Just after 9/11 when New York was in crisis, Rudy went on Saturday Night Live and calmed people. Every possible way of talking to the people he did. His personal ways are judged. He comforted the citizens of that city. And people questioned if he was a RINO even back then.
Just after 9/11 when New York was in crisis, Rudy went on Saturday Night Live and calmed people. Every possible way of talking to the people he did. His personal ways are judged. He comforted the citizens of that city. And people questioned if he was a RINO even back then.
That was a long time ago.His subseuent behaviour has shown him to be a less than admirable character.
Or are you saying that he should be let off the consequences of his actions ?

Stop your messing around.

Bad news for the hair dye guy as he crashes in Georgia. it was digraceful the way that maga treated these two ladies and I hope that Gulani is bankrupted by this.

Meanwhile here are The Specials with some advice for him.

Fun fact. - the name of the trombone player in The Specials is actually RICO.
Isnt that a coincidence given Rudys other difficulties with the legal system ?

RIP Rico Rodriguez

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