Rudy Giuliani avoids trial by settling with Georgia election workers he defamed


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
So after all this, it's somehow settled without appeals or any further litigation?

Rudy Giuliani has reached an agreement with two Georgia election workers that he defamed to settle the nearly $150 million judgment against him, in a deal that will allow him to keep his home and most valuable possessions.

The settlement agreement brings to an end a yearslong saga over Giuliani’s false statements after the 2020 presidential election, when the former New York City mayor was a lawyer for then-President Donald Trump.

Giuliani was about to face trial and potentially lose the Florida condo in which he says he lives and several New York Yankees World Series rings. He had been in litigation with the women, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, over whether his $3.5 million Florida condo is his primary residence and can be exempt from the women’s debt collection efforts.

Why settle when you have a judgement in?

And notice this part:

“This litigation has taken its toll on all parties. This whole episode was unfortunate,” Giuliani continued. “I and the Plaintiffs have agreed not to ever talk about each other in any defamatory manner, and I urge others to do the same.”

Why would they have to agree not to defame him back?

Something smells to high hell about all this. Was there a thought an appeal court would overturn all this? Was something found that backed up Guiliani's claims?
So after all this, it's somehow settled without appeals or any further litigation?

Why settle when you have a judgement in?

And notice this part:

Why would they have to agree not to defame him back?

Something smells to high hell about all this. Was there a thought an appeal court would overturn all this? Was something found that backed up Guiliani's claims?
It means they were happy to take an undisclosed number of tens of millions of dollars from Rudy so they didn't have to hound his old ass to his grave. :lol:
They could have gotten that anyway. And sooner or later we will find out how much they took. I doubt it is 10's of millions of dollars.
If they could of gotten hundreds of millions and all his properties after a long drawn out legal battle then the discount they took to skip all that and for Rudy to at least keep a pot to piss in, is going to be a significant amount.
So after all this, it's somehow settled without appeals or any further litigation?

Why settle when you have a judgement in?

And notice this part:

Why would they have to agree not to defame him back?

Something smells to high hell about all this. Was there a thought an appeal court would overturn all this? Was something found that backed up Guiliani's claims?

DemoKKKrats are running every shakedown they can before the new sheriff arrives and starts arresting them.
If they could of gotten hundreds of millions and all his properties after a long drawn out legal battle then the discount they took to skip all that and for Rudy to at least keep a pot to piss in, is going to be a significant amount.

he's keeping all his assets according to reports.

Something spooked either the plaintiffs or the plaintiff's attorneys into settling this late in the game.
DemoKKKrats are running every shakedown they can before the new sheriff arrives and starts arresting them.

The thing is Trump wouldn't have been able to impact this, at least with a pardon. It's a civil matter.
he's keeping all his assets according to reports.

Something spooked either the plaintiffs or the plaintiff's attorneys into settling this late in the game.

Or..... they chose to take a reduced but probably still significant payout to not have to pry their money from Rudy's cold dead hands. :dunno:

Or..... they chose to take a reduced but probably still significant payout to not have to pry their money from Rudy's cold dead hands. :dunno:

Their lawyers were working pro-bono on the assumption Rudy would have to pay legal fees.

You could be right, but the timing makes me think something was going to be brought up in this trial that favored the defense.
They could have gotten that anyway. And sooner or later we will find out how much they took. I doubt it is 10's of millions of dollars.
Why are you speaking of the victims as if they did something wrong? They did nothing wrong, Giuliani the defendant did.

Why is your annoyance focused on the victims and not the criminal? Oh, of course, you're a trumpanzee :auiqs.jpg:
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Why are you speaking of the victims as if they did something wrong? They did nothing wrong, Giuliani the defendant did.

Why is your annoyance focused on the victims and not the criminal? Oh, of course, you're a trumpanzee :auiqs.jpg:

I am wondering why they settled on the cusp of an even bigger victory.

This is as perplexing as the Minbari surrendering at the end of the Earth-Minbari war.
So after all this, it's somehow settled without appeals or any further litigation?

Why settle when you have a judgement in?

And notice this part:

Why would they have to agree not to defame him back?

Something smells to high hell about all this. Was there a thought an appeal court would overturn all this? Was something found that backed up Guiliani's claims?
Smart move by Rudy's lawyers to settle, rather than see Rudy reduced to a pennyless bum.
Smart move by Rudy's lawyers to settle, rather than see Rudy reduced to a pennyless bum.

It takes two to tango. Why did the plaintiffs settle on the cusp of what you are assuming would be another win in court?
It takes two to tango. Why did the plaintiffs settle on the cusp of what you are assuming would be another win in court?
The large judgement was never attainable, in actual dollars and not really the goal. I guarantee, the ladies lawyers got paid, Rudy's lawyers get paid and the ladies got a chunck of change and or property, well above either of their normal expected earnings, due to Dumbass Rudy, falsely setting them up as target. They won, every time they went to court, and would undoubtably have won again, but winning isn't winning if the money does not flow. It is only being proven right and justified. Forced to settle, rather than stall losing one more piece at a time, was stupid, with the writing on the wall. Goal was not to turn Rudy to a homeless street urchin, but to be venerated as right, get a significant settlement and legal fees on Rudy's dime. They accomplished all of that.
The large judgement was never attainable, in actual dollars and not really the goal. I guarantee, the ladies lawyers got paid, Rudy's lawyers get paid and the ladies got a chunck of change and or property, well above either of their normal expected earnings, due to Dumbass Rudy, falsely setting them up as target. They won, every time they went to court, and would undoubtably have won again, but winning isn't winning if the money does not flow. It is only being proven right and justified. Forced to settle, rather than stall losing one more piece at a time, was stupid, with the writing on the wall. Goal was not to turn Rudy to a homeless street urchin, but to be venerated as right, get a significant settlement and legal fees on Rudy's dime. They accomplished all of that.

that's a lot of text just to say I don't fucking know.

Lets see the settlement.
LOL in other words Rudy got to keep everything and the Riggers didn’t get shit.

They know daddy’s home on Monday and all the lawfare is over with.

The Riggers are settling for not being prosecuted by the new DOJ/FBI that starts on Tuesday.


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