A message from a Mexican to The USA

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Please take back your Mexicans



The wall will do more to keep us in..... line than to keep anyone out. We are already asked about citizenship within 100 miles of the Rio Grande- the Police State despises free movement.
That's been going on for a long time ...I thought they stopped those border check 65 miles away from the border where they would harass the shit out of american citizens ...

I've been yellin about the militarization of the police for years ..I used to drive 2 cop homos crazy on another board that is no longer around .

Shooting dogs for no reason ...people had no idea what's been going on but a lot more of em these days are wise to the fact that its outta control...black lives matter damaged the libertarians and assorted righties push to bring attention to the issue of the militarization of the police by turning people off from it by making it all about skin color
Its funny, 50 years ago the Spaniards (from Mexico) I knew where veterans of the Spanish-American war and even fought in WWI. They became rag men, they had sad ol swayback ponies they sold rides to children on, junk men like good ol' Bonifacio. History is lost. Now, Mexican illegals walk over me like they own the place. They have no clue, as do most of you.
Mexican illegals walk over me like they own the place. They have no clue, as do most of you.
Nobody except godverment employees walks all over anyone- being disingenuous doesn't lend credibility-
I'm here in Texas lived here all my life (except when I was stationed in Long Beach in the Navy) and the only problem I ever had with Mexicans was when some, spoiled, smart ass white boy went to the Mexican part of town and started trouble and came running back to where we were- he went there first.
My best friend in the Navy was a Mexican from Rockdale, Tx -
Mexican illegals walk over me like they own the place. They have no clue, as do most of you.
Nobody except godverment employees walks all over anyone- being disingenuous doesn't lend credibility-
I'm here in Texas lived here all my life (except when I was stationed in Long Beach in the Navy) and the only problem I ever had with Mexicans was when some, spoiled, smart ass white boy went to the Mexican part of town and started trouble and came running back to where we were- he went there first.
My best friend in the Navy was a Mexican from Rockdale, Tx -
Well good for you. But the rest of us have had problems with illegal aliens, I kinda doubt that's an isolated occurrence. I live in Colorado, way far from the southern border and its a ginormous problem. People lose jobs and homes, the huge negative impact on our judicial system. Colorado is not a border state, it's hundred of miles from the any border. We didn't ask for this, we didn't allow it to happen, it was forced on us.
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American jobs, American workers are like the dodo. I've seen Taxi drivers, forklift operators, carpenters, plumbers, die builders...tradesmen vanish under the thumb of globalist that hire slipshod Mexican workers because..."profit uber ales".
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Well good for you. But the rest of us have had problems with illegal aliens, I kinda doubt that's an isolated occurrence. I live in Colorado, way far from the southern border and its a ginormous problem. People lose jobs and homes, the huge negative impact on our judicial system. Colorado is not a border state, it's hundred of miles from the any border. We didn't ask for this, we didn't allow it to happen, it was forced on us.
Yes, good for me, and quite sanctimonious for you. Congratulations- what you are living are the results of sanctimony believing in itself- people have always lost jobs and homes at which time they adapt and move on or they don't. Matter of fact, Manifest Destiny ensured many lost their homes and their way of life to your hypocritical, self serving sanctimony. Maybe you should run for office.
As for your speaking for "the rest of us", can you provide the credentials that grants you that authority?
American jobs, American workers are like the dodo. I've seen Taxi drivers, forklift operators, carpenters, plumbers, die builders...tradesmen vanish under the thumb of globalist that hire slipshod Mexican workers because..."profit uber ales".
No you haven't- you've seen change, which is inevitable. It's a one constant in this world that you deal with or don't. The Mexicans I know and have known are hard workers. And I assure you, there are a lot more of them down here than there are in Colorado- I suspect you're just prejudice.
Anecdote: My ex wife and I and another couple drove to a skiing trip in Colorado years ago- we stopped to eat somewhere in Colorado. I went to the restroom to pee, and on the wall, above the urinal was a hand written sign that stated: Texans go home and take a Mexican with you-
Colorado has some pretty country, but the attitude is pretty sanctimonious - if not down right hypocritical since a lot of it's state income is from outsiders (including Texans) visiting- the Mexicans clean your hotel rooms and mow your yards and clean your filthy bathrooms- you have no room to talk so piously.
American jobs, American workers are like the dodo. I've seen Taxi drivers, forklift operators, carpenters, plumbers, die builders...tradesmen vanish under the thumb of globalist that hire slipshod Mexican workers because..."profit uber ales".
No you haven't- you've seen change, which is inevitable. It's a one constant in this world that you deal with or don't. The Mexicans I know and have known are hard workers. And I assure you, there are a lot more of them down here than there are in Colorado- I suspect you're just prejudice.
Anecdote: My ex wife and I and another couple drove to a skiing trip in Colorado years ago- we stopped to eat somewhere in Colorado. I went to the restroom to pee, and on the wall, above the urinal was a hand written sign that stated: Texans go home and take a Mexican with you-
Colorado has some pretty country, but the attitude is pretty sanctimonious - if not down right hypocritical since a lot of it's state income is from outsiders (including Texans) visiting- the Mexicans clean your hotel rooms and mow your yards and clean your filthy bathrooms- you have no room to talk so piously.

Saying "change" is not an excuse for bad policy.

BUild the wall, deport the fucking illegals, fuck the employers.
BUild the wall, deport the fucking illegals, fuck the employers.
Easy for you to say- but not easy to do.
Change, for the sake of change isn't always good depending on the change. That doesn't negate the fact, with several million years for History for evidence, that change is inevitable. You adapt or you don't. Personally, I think it best to adapt. I didn't get to my age by fighting change. However, reaching my age allows a different perspective.
Hollering about doing one thing or another is change that usually doesn't end well.
The ONLY thing you can change is your attitude. The choice is, and always will be, your's to make.
BUild the wall, deport the fucking illegals, fuck the employers.
Easy for you to say- but not easy to do.
Change, for the sake of change isn't always good depending on the change. That doesn't negate the fact, with several million years for History for evidence, that change is inevitable. You adapt or you don't. Personally, I think it best to adapt. I didn't get to my age by fighting change. However, reaching my age allows a different perspective.
Hollering about doing one thing or another is change that usually doesn't end well.
The ONLY thing you can change is your attitude. The choice is, and always will be, your's to make.

WE can choose to change policy. We can build the wall and deport the illegals and fuck the employers.

I never said it would be easy. So not sure why you brought that up.
Mexican illegals walk over me like they own the place. They have no clue, as do most of you.
Nobody except godverment employees walks all over anyone- being disingenuous doesn't lend credibility-
I'm here in Texas lived here all my life (except when I was stationed in Long Beach in the Navy) and the only problem I ever had with Mexicans was when some, spoiled, smart ass white boy went to the Mexican part of town and started trouble and came running back to where we were- he went there first.
My best friend in the Navy was a Mexican from Rockdale, Tx -
Well good for you. But the rest of us have had problems with illegal aliens, I kinda doubt that's an isolated occurrence. I live in Colorado, way far from the southern border and its a ginormous problem. People lose jobs and homes, the huge negative impact on our judicial system. Colorado is not a border state, it's hundred of miles from the any border. We didn't ask for this, we didn't allow it to happen, it was forced on us.

Do you mean that people from south of the border actually force stores to sell to them, landlords to rent to them and employers are... what... held at gunpoint and forced to give the little brown people a job? OR is it more likely that your neighbors are willingly engaging in the free enterprise system?
BUild the wall, deport the fucking illegals, fuck the employers.
Easy for you to say- but not easy to do.
Change, for the sake of change isn't always good depending on the change. That doesn't negate the fact, with several million years for History for evidence, that change is inevitable. You adapt or you don't. Personally, I think it best to adapt. I didn't get to my age by fighting change. However, reaching my age allows a different perspective.
Hollering about doing one thing or another is change that usually doesn't end well.
The ONLY thing you can change is your attitude. The choice is, and always will be, your's to make.

As more and more people wake up to the fact that the Democrats nutty wall idea won't work, the extremists are trying to take over social media with that build a wall crap. What they fail to see is that it is much like gun owners. Every time the government threatens to outlaw weapons, people buy more. Every time the extremists raise Hell about immigration, the more politicians find ways to get as many as fast as they can. One day soon, they will outnumber us with their American supporters and this will become a moot discussion.

I predict that the day they round up the last documented foreigner will be the day after Uncle Scam confiscates the last firearm in America.
Mexican illegals walk over me like they own the place. They have no clue, as do most of you.
Nobody except godverment employees walks all over anyone- being disingenuous doesn't lend credibility-
I'm here in Texas lived here all my life (except when I was stationed in Long Beach in the Navy) and the only problem I ever had with Mexicans was when some, spoiled, smart ass white boy went to the Mexican part of town and started trouble and came running back to where we were- he went there first.
My best friend in the Navy was a Mexican from Rockdale, Tx -
Well good for you. But the rest of us have had problems with illegal aliens, I kinda doubt that's an isolated occurrence. I live in Colorado, way far from the southern border and its a ginormous problem. People lose jobs and homes, the huge negative impact on our judicial system. Colorado is not a border state, it's hundred of miles from the any border. We didn't ask for this, we didn't allow it to happen, it was forced on us.

Do you mean that people from south of the border actually force stores to sell to them, landlords to rent to them and employers are... what... held at gunpoint and forced to give the little brown people a job? OR is it more likely that your neighbors are willingly engaging in the free enterprise system?

It is not the stores' job to police the border or check to see if each customer is in the country legally.

That is the job of the government.
BUild the wall, deport the fucking illegals, fuck the employers.
Easy for you to say- but not easy to do.
Change, for the sake of change isn't always good depending on the change. That doesn't negate the fact, with several million years for History for evidence, that change is inevitable. You adapt or you don't. Personally, I think it best to adapt. I didn't get to my age by fighting change. However, reaching my age allows a different perspective.
Hollering about doing one thing or another is change that usually doesn't end well.
The ONLY thing you can change is your attitude. The choice is, and always will be, your's to make.

As more and more people wake up to the fact that the Democrats nutty wall idea won't work, the extremists are trying to take over social media with that build a wall crap. What they fail to see is that it is much like gun owners. Every time the government threatens to outlaw weapons, people buy more. Every time the extremists raise Hell about immigration, the more politicians find ways to get as many as fast as they can. One day soon, they will outnumber us with their American supporters and this will become a moot discussion.

I predict that the day they round up the last documented foreigner will be the day after Uncle Scam confiscates the last firearm in America.

So, your answer is to just let them come in and outnumber us that way?

Yeah, I'm not seeing the appeal there.

American jobs, American workers are like the dodo. I've seen Taxi drivers, forklift operators, carpenters, plumbers, die builders...tradesmen vanish under the thumb of globalist that hire slipshod Mexican workers because..."profit uber ales".
No you haven't- you've seen change, which is inevitable. It's a one constant in this world that you deal with or don't. The Mexicans I know and have known are hard workers. And I assure you, there are a lot more of them down here than there are in Colorado- I suspect you're just prejudice.
Anecdote: My ex wife and I and another couple drove to a skiing trip in Colorado years ago- we stopped to eat somewhere in Colorado. I went to the restroom to pee, and on the wall, above the urinal was a hand written sign that stated: Texans go home and take a Mexican with you-
Colorado has some pretty country, but the attitude is pretty sanctimonious - if not down right hypocritical since a lot of it's state income is from outsiders (including Texans) visiting- the Mexicans clean your hotel rooms and mow your yards and clean your filthy bathrooms- you have no room to talk so piously.
I've been in "Latin America' since the early eighties.The carpenters union hall was 60% Latino as was the ironworkers hall in Dade. The majority of the businesses were Cuban or other Latin owned, or co-owned with old FL crackers.My US lawyer still is the same Puerto Rican girl(61 now). My accountant is Argentine.
South FL died in 1993 or so when every unemployed dirtbag scam artist invaded post hurricane Andrew. Most from that thar bible bailt.These are the same assholes that build your multi-level shacks from not 2 x 4's and recycled tree chippings with Chinese drywall, idiotic basements and shingle roofs.

I had a landscape company post Andrew that I prided on being 100% gringo... What an idiot move that was. Within 3 weeks out of 17 employees only 2 were "gringo" my backhoe guy and a white shirt to deal with customers.He is a fully bilingual Guatemalan guy(CA born and raised) with a degree in horticulture but 100 % "gringo' at heart.Right down to the Doobie Bros,Fleetwood Mac and Hank Jr.
Then I GTFO of ol #1 and moved to a certified "shithole" complete with State Dept warnings. Central America(not Iowa)

Latinos hate the dirtbags that can't behave in their former countries so come to Merrykuh to do what they do best. Lie and steal. The ones that come legally are generally on a mission and work/educate their asses off to head WAY up a ladder.

Here's a good buddy of mine who has a house right down the hill from me on the peninsula.Started at ZERO.
A one way ticket and a "good luck son".
Imagine the WTF are YOU he encountered back in those days.

Who is Franklin Chang Díaz? Everything You Need to Know
All men are created equal and have certain UNalienable rights- among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no borders, no walls, no prejudice, etc.

Either you believe it or you don't. If you believe it, you live it. If you don't believe it you can't live it.

Aaron Tippen had a song- you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything, you've go to be your own man, not a puppet on a string, never compromise what's right, uphold your family name, you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything-

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