I think the Constitution has been bent and twisted into a form the Founders and Framers would not recognize except as an example of their worst fears. They crystallized a document to restrict the central government for all time yet left an amendment process, with high hurdles, for necessary changes. And they depended on an educated and moral people of a common heritage to zealously guard it, a divided government where each branch kept a lid on the others ambitions and finally...a set of sovereign entities called states to bind the central government to its duties.
The assault on these protections has been devastating. First you had the 14th amendment imposed by force of bayonets and conquest rather than will of people. It may have been backed by good intentions but so is the road to hell. Rulings relying on the 14 th amendment are the fruit of a poisoned tree... Imposed on an unwilling citizenry over their objections. And the tyrants doing it can grin and say "it's your constitution"...a lie. Neither the people nor the states ever ratified or accepted it.
But the attacks go deeper than that springboard. Like something from Orwells imagination they then claim that rights which didn't exist yesterday, and which the authors never saw, were really there all along waiting for jurists smart enough to see them.
The authors didn't know about it.... They were supernaturally channeling Oprah and Cher from the future and hiding it away in code all along!
The assault on these protections has been devastating. First you had the 14th amendment imposed by force of bayonets and conquest rather than will of people. It may have been backed by good intentions but so is the road to hell. Rulings relying on the 14 th amendment are the fruit of a poisoned tree... Imposed on an unwilling citizenry over their objections. And the tyrants doing it can grin and say "it's your constitution"...a lie. Neither the people nor the states ever ratified or accepted it.
But the attacks go deeper than that springboard. Like something from Orwells imagination they then claim that rights which didn't exist yesterday, and which the authors never saw, were really there all along waiting for jurists smart enough to see them.
The authors didn't know about it.... They were supernaturally channeling Oprah and Cher from the future and hiding it away in code all along!