A little for both camps of tribes


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
It was murder, plain and simple. There are no contradictory witnesses, no he-said-she-said. It is on the video, with no lapses. The man on the ground is clearly heard imploring mercy, begging to be allowed to breathe. Onlookers also implore. The officer knows the man is choking, yet keeps choking him. No police protocol calls for kneeling on the neck of an unresisting and handcuffed man. It was murder. It probably was sadism.

The police said he resisted arrest. They were lying. The surveillance video makes it plain. (Apparently they didn’t know that they were on camera.)

So why were they not arrested? An arrest by police requires “probable cause,” defined approximately as “ an articulable reason for believing that a specific person is committing a specific crime.” Would not having clearly identifiable perps committing the crime on video, plus audio, provide an articulable reason?

He was suspected of using counterfeit money-

But please, don't let your tribe down.
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Then, there is this

Any that still believe that something called Covid-19 was not a scam are just not looking closely enough. Much has been uncovered about the lies and deceit concerning the fraudulent crisis of this flu season, but plan B has already started. Phase 2 of the fake virus cannot be brought out just yet, and many people have figured out the insanity of the planned government response after being in home prison these past couple of months. The flu season is over, so there are no longer many deaths that can be falsely attributed to coronavirus, so another false flag crisis had to be structured in order to keep the sheep in line.

One death by police in Minneapolis (Cops murder approximately 1,200 innocent citizens every year) has been said to have caused a nationwide uproar and rioting and looting across the country. This makes no sense of course, but if one considers what is really happening, an understanding of events is possible. It seems to me that all of this is not only staged, but being stoked by the very enforcers pretending to stop it. There certainly is nothing organic about these riots in cities from coast to coast. Agitators have been sent in to cause havoc, many of whom are most likely undercover police officers, and this chaos has erupted everywhere almost overnight. What has been the result of this? The military has been called in, and is already patrolling the streets in several cities, and this terror will only escalate from here.

The warmongers in this case are the real ruling class and their political and enforcement pawns, and the enemy is every American.
It was murder, plain and simple. There are no contradictory witnesses, no he-said-she-said. It is on the video, with no lapses. The man on the ground is clearly heard imploring mercy, begging to be allowed to breathe. Onlookers also implore. The officer knows the man is choking, yet keeps choking him. No police protocol calls for kneeling on the neck of an unresisting and handcuffed man. It was murder. It probably was sadism.

The police said he resisted arrest. They were lying. The surveillance video makes it plain. (Apparently they didn’t know that they were on camera.)

So why were they not arrested? An arrest by police requires “probable cause,” defined approximately as “ an articulable reason for believing that a specific person is committing a specific crime.” Would not having clearly identifiable perps committing the crime on video, plus audio, provide an articulable reason?

He was suspected of using counterfeit money-

But please, don't let your tribe down.

You certainly havent let yours down. But your propaganda doesnt work so well while we can see the buildings burning.
It was murder. Plain an simple, but the riots are being paid for and organized by someone. Certainly NOT the "undercover cops", but by some rich and powerful group who have made it their goal to destroy this nation. "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
The broader overview is police stateism

after 3 months of lockdown, they needed a 'Floyd' for the great unwashed to focus their discontent on

The conspiracy view of these nationwide demonstrations with their — fortunately — still not so horrendous rioting, is crazy. Demonstrations and rioting in response to police killings has a long history. After Covid-19 lock-downs, given warm weather, given Trump and his movement’s constant incendiary rhetoric, and given this particularly nasty murder, protests were inevitable. Hopefully the violence will end soon. There are plenty of nasty and criminal folk in this country who want race war, but at least so far these demonstrations and even the looting are remarkably mixed racially. Also the attempts to reign in the rioting by community organizers and black elected officials offers hope that we will not see anything like the 1960s.
The rioters need to be detained and executed by the government. If they (Government) continue to let this pass the reticence of the public to launch into violent protest will only be weakened.
The rioters need to be detained and executed by the government. If they (Government) continue to let this pass the reticence of the public to launch into violent protest will only be weakened.
Local governments will certainly not react as this lunatic wishes. There is a real danger in this period that some white “armed militia” groups will try to intervene “to stop the violence.” I’m not talking about self-defense. I carry myself. Black citizens also have 2nd Amendment rights. We certainly don’t need, and haven’t seen, any of that shit. I don’t think we will. But Trump and Trumpster policies are throwing fuel on the fire, and his using the Patriot Act to make “membership” in Antifa illegal is very dangerous. Individual police prosecution of criminal activity is fine, but proscribing this extremely amorphous, often irresponsible, anti-fascist “group” is something else entirely. In fact, it will almost certainly backfire and make them more popular. Next Trump may start talking the same way about “Black Lives Matters,” which would lead to real catastrophe, as African Americans overwhelmingly support its aims.
The rioters need to be detained and executed by the government. If they (Government) continue to let this pass the reticence of the public to launch into violent protest will only be weakened.
Local governments will certainly not react as this lunatic wishes. There is a real danger in this period that some white “armed militia” groups will try to intervene “to stop the violence.” I’m not talking about self-defense. I carry myself. Black citizens also have 2nd Amendment rights. We certainly don’t need, and haven’t seen, any of that shit. I don’t think we will. But Trump and Trumpster policies are throwing fuel on the fire, and his using the Patriot Act to make “membership” in Antifa illegal is very dangerous. Individual police prosecution of criminal activity is fine, but proscribing this extremely amorphous, often irresponsible, anti-fascist “group” is something else entirely. In fact, it will almost certainly backfire and make them more popular. Next Trump may start talking the same way about “Black Lives Matters,” which would lead to real catastrophe, as African Americans overwhelmingly support its aims.
Whites need to take the steps necessary to build protective networks. This will only continue to get worse as demography shifts AWAY from a European based population.
We have seen this in Brazil, and South Africa. Whites are deeply hated due to the propaganda promoted by Socialist entities present in countries.
Everybody counts or nobody counts- Liberty and Justice for all has no caveat-

Cops have, for far too long, played judge, jury and executioner. That is not Trumps dong, BTW.
Justice is allegedly, according to the rule of law, innocent until proven guilty. Passing counterfeit money, IF indeed that did happen, is not a Death Sentence crime. Operating under the color of law vs the rule of law makes justice be blinded by, not blind.

This Country was founded to secure Liberty by gov't. Not restrict it.

Laws, by definition restrict Liberty. EnFORCEment is just that- forced compliance to anti-liberty measures for a fucking pay check coerced from citizens in the name of security- which is utter bullshit.

You people from BOTH tribes of the Duopoly will be in for a rude awakening when you finally discover the gov't, nor the cops, are on your side. You're either a tool or an enemy, both easily disposed of and replaced.

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
The shallow minded and the extra shallow minded are sad tools- it's evidence the Public Education system is an abject failure. Teaching compliance is NOT teaching how to find answers. It doesn't make a sharper tool of an enemy- it makes a dull person compliant to someone claiming a moral authority not granted.

An empty suit, or a costume with a badge and gun, does NOT give special privilege. It's supposed to add extra responsibility- but the suit and costume wearers went through the same Public Education system and the results are coming to bear- seeds sown bear fruit, no matter how bitter. And the "bitter" truth is; y'all are fucked-
The broader overview is police stateism

And in a predictably ironic turn of events, many on the “Right” who have traditionally long held the position of being adamantly opposed to a police state; are some of the most vocal in demanding that one be put in place. Immediately. How many more of our freedoms are gonna be pissed away without a fight over this event? Time will only tell...
Everybody counts or nobody counts- Liberty and Justice for all has no caveat-

Cops have, for far too long, played judge, jury and executioner. That is not Trumps dong, BTW.
Justice is allegedly, according to the rule of law, innocent until proven guilty. Passing counterfeit money, IF indeed that did happen, is not a Death Sentence crime. Operating under the color of law vs the rule of law makes justice be blinded by, not blind.

This Country was founded to secure Liberty by gov't. Not restrict it.

Laws, by definition restrict Liberty. EnFORCEment is just that- forced compliance to anti-liberty measures for a fucking pay check coerced from citizens in the name of security- which is utter bullshit.

You people from BOTH tribes of the Duopoly will be in for a rude awakening when you finally discover the gov't, nor the cops, are on your side. You're either a tool or an enemy, both easily disposed of and replaced.

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

What you say is largely total bullshit. The cops kill less people than bath tubs, and the killings are overwhelmingly just. Criminal Floyd in on video clearly resisting arrest. In fact, that's why he was on the ground, he refused to go to the vehicle.

But if you want to protest it, go ahead. The cop was already arrested (which should have happened - now give me virtue points) so I am not sure exactly what the point is at this point. However, once they riot... looting starts... shooting starts.
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The cops kill less people than bath tubs, and the killings are overwhelmingly just.
Anecdotal straw man arguments are just that. There is NO "just" killing, except in self defense-

I feared for my life is not "just" since they know when they put on the costume the chances of being scared are near 100%-

Drowning and submersion while in or falling into bath-tub341807,349

people were shot and killed by police in 2019

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