A little advice for Donald J Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
That large "splash" you heard today was Trump's credibility going in the toilet

He caved in to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats on his wall, and his right wing base of support is eroding, seeing him now as weak and unreliable. His legal woes are mounting, and the Democrats know they have the court of public opinion in their corner.

So, where does Trump go from here?? Well...here is a little advice for Donald J Trump

* Tone down your arrogance and start listening to Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. You may not like what they tell you, but their advice may well save your Presidency.

* Stop lying! Even the most hard core Trump supporters know "The Donald" has played fast and loose with the facts.

* Go back to being the "Art of the Deal Guy" Try to find common ground between moderate republicans and moderate democrats and get legislation passed. That's what good Presidents are remembered for.

You're already weakened Mr. President, if you stay on this path of yours, your administration will be nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in our nation's history.

Those are the facts Jack....Just the facts!

Nope, he has kept most his promises and there will be a wall, even if the traitors of the country do not want it.
That large "splash" you heard today was Trump's credibility going in the toilet
start listening to Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans.
Try to find common ground between moderate republicans and moderate democrats

So, in other words, genius, Donald's problem is that acting in good faith on the word of the Speaker for the good of the country for 21 days to see if finally, Congress will grow up and start working to get things done is a big splash of caving that has cost Trump all credibility? And what he really needs to do is start listening to and acting like all the GOP people conservatives are sick of and voted him into office because he WASN'T one of them? And finally, where Trump falls short is that he just needs to be more like John McCain and always reach 98% of the way across the aisle in appeasing the Left because that is about where their "common ground" resides?


In other words, Trump just needs to finally be more like the Lilly-liveried, pressed suit everyone voted for him for to get away from. o_O

You didn't really think that one through very well, did you.
That large "splash" you heard today was Trump's credibility going in the toilet

He caved in to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats on his wall, and his right wing base of support is eroding, seeing him now as weak and unreliable. His legal woes are mounting, and the Democrats know they have the court of public opinion in their corner.

So, where does Trump go from here?? Well...here is a little advice for Donald J Trump

* Tone down your arrogance and start listening to Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. You may not like what they tell you, but their advice may well save your Presidency.

* Stop lying! Even the most hard core Trump supporters know "The Donald" has played fast and loose with the facts.

* Go back to being the "Art of the Deal Guy" Try to find common ground between moderate republicans and moderate democrats and get legislation passed. That's what good Presidents are remembered for.

You're already weakened Mr. President, if you stay on this path of yours, your administration will be nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in our nation's history.

Those are the facts Jack....Just the facts!

That large "splash" you heard today was Trump's credibility going in the toilet

He caved in to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats on his wall, and his right wing base of support is eroding, seeing him now as weak and unreliable. His legal woes are mounting, and the Democrats know they have the court of public opinion in their corner.

So, where does Trump go from here?? Well...here is a little advice for Donald J Trump

* Tone down your arrogance and start listening to Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. You may not like what they tell you, but their advice may well save your Presidency.

* Stop lying! Even the most hard core Trump supporters know "The Donald" has played fast and loose with the facts.

* Go back to being the "Art of the Deal Guy" Try to find common ground between moderate republicans and moderate democrats and get legislation passed. That's what good Presidents are remembered for.

You're already weakened Mr. President, if you stay on this path of yours, your administration will be nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in our nation's history.

Those are the facts Jack....Just the facts!

Let's see. He's the president, a billionaire and married to the milfyest milf anyone's ever seen, and he's going to take adivse from Billy on USMB?
That large "splash" you heard today was Trump's credibility going in the toilet

He caved in to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats on his wall, and his right wing base of support is eroding, seeing him now as weak and unreliable. His legal woes are mounting, and the Democrats know they have the court of public opinion in their corner.

So, where does Trump go from here?? Well...here is a little advice for Donald J Trump

* Tone down your arrogance and start listening to Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. You may not like what they tell you, but their advice may well save your Presidency.

* Stop lying! Even the most hard core Trump supporters know "The Donald" has played fast and loose with the facts.

* Go back to being the "Art of the Deal Guy" Try to find common ground between moderate republicans and moderate democrats and get legislation passed. That's what good Presidents are remembered for.

You're already weakened Mr. President, if you stay on this path of yours, your administration will be nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in our nation's history.

Those are the facts Jack....Just the facts!


I'm sure he'll get right on taking your leftist messageboard shill-ass advice. :rolleyes:
That large "splash" you heard today was Trump's credibility going in the toilet

He caved in to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats on his wall, and his right wing base of support is eroding, seeing him now as weak and unreliable. His legal woes are mounting, and the Democrats know they have the court of public opinion in their corner.

So, where does Trump go from here?? Well...here is a little advice for Donald J Trump

* Tone down your arrogance and start listening to Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. You may not like what they tell you, but their advice may well save your Presidency.

* Stop lying! Even the most hard core Trump supporters know "The Donald" has played fast and loose with the facts.

* Go back to being the "Art of the Deal Guy" Try to find common ground between moderate republicans and moderate democrats and get legislation passed. That's what good Presidents are remembered for.

You're already weakened Mr. President, if you stay on this path of yours, your administration will be nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in our nation's history.

Those are the facts Jack....Just the facts!

I couldn't hear the "splash" for the "<<<<KA-CHING!!!!!>>>>" going into the lying leftist reporters' wallets for saying many bad lies about President Trump and getting the usual rewards from the usual billionaire suspects pushing for a communist (it takes a village) approach to replace the American Dream, which the leftist Congress has all but destroyed for everyone except themselves with their offshore bank accounts insuring them a future after they destroy ours.

Trump's base love his arrogant swaggering Apolitical style , it's really what MAGA is all about

Donald Trump, in other words, is the first person to run openly and without apology on a platform of American decline. Think about that for a moment. “Make America Great Again!is indeed an admission in the form of a boast. As he tells his audiences repeatedly, America, the formerly great, is today a punching bag for China, Mexico… well, you know the pitch. You don’t have to agree with him on the specifics. What’s interesting is the overall vision of a country lacking in its former greatness

What Trump Really Means When He Says He’ll Make America Great Again

Trump's base love his arrogant swaggering Apolitical style , it's really what MAGA is all about

Donald Trump, in other words, is the first person to run openly and without apology on a platform of American decline. Think about that for a moment. “Make America Great Again!is indeed an admission in the form of a boast. As he tells his audiences repeatedly, America, the formerly great, is today a punching bag for China, Mexico… well, you know the pitch. You don’t have to agree with him on the specifics. What’s interesting is the overall vision of a country lacking in its former greatness

What Trump Really Means When He Says He’ll Make America Great Again

We just love how he offends snowflakes. That's the best part.
We just love how he offends snowflakes. That's the best part.

Of course, in fact that's Trump's whole shtick

blaming someone or something holding us back from 'greatness'

liberals, mexico,china, dems , hollyweird.....

We just love how he offends snowflakes. That's the best part.

So it's all about you being trolls?

Newsflash for the OP.

Trump never was that "Art of the Deal" guy. There's nothing to go back TO. It was always a sham

Trump CAN'T stop lying. It's in his DNA
We just love how he offends snowflakes. That's the best part.

So it's all about you being trolls?

Newsflash for the OP.

Trump never was that "Art of the Deal" guy. There's nothing to go back TO. It was always a sham

Trump CAN'T stop lying. It's in his DNA

What's that, comrade? A post straight out of the Communist playbook, you say?

"29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture.""

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
We just love how he offends snowflakes. That's the best part.

So it's all about you being trolls?

Newsflash for the OP.

Trump never was that "Art of the Deal" guy. There's nothing to go back TO. It was always a sham

Trump CAN'T stop lying. It's in his DNA

What's that, comrade? A post straight out of the Communist playbook, you say?

"29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture.""

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Calling Trump out for the charlatan that he is has nothing to do with anything you just posted.

That was incredibly stupid
Art of the Deal: hold out 35 days to end up where you could have been on Day 1. Only you’ve pissed off the opposition and let down your allies and killed your poll numbers
We just love how he offends snowflakes. That's the best part.

So it's all about you being trolls?

Newsflash for the OP.

Trump never was that "Art of the Deal" guy. There's nothing to go back TO. It was always a sham

Trump CAN'T stop lying. It's in his DNA

What's that, comrade? A post straight out of the Communist playbook, you say?

"29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture.""

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You do know that tRump has said that the constitution is outdated don't you? At least when it doesn't fit for him!
That large "splash" you heard today was Trump's credibility going in the toilet

He caved in to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats on his wall, and his right wing base of support is eroding, seeing him now as weak and unreliable. His legal woes are mounting, and the Democrats know they have the court of public opinion in their corner.

So, where does Trump go from here?? Well...here is a little advice for Donald J Trump

* Tone down your arrogance and start listening to Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. You may not like what they tell you, but their advice may well save your Presidency.

* Stop lying! Even the most hard core Trump supporters know "The Donald" has played fast and loose with the facts.

* Go back to being the "Art of the Deal Guy" Try to find common ground between moderate republicans and moderate democrats and get legislation passed. That's what good Presidents are remembered for.

You're already weakened Mr. President, if you stay on this path of yours, your administration will be nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in our nation's history.

Those are the facts Jack....Just the facts!

Needless to say, that’s not going to happen.
Here's some advice.


Oh wait. The only thing keeping him out of jail is that he is President.

He CAN'T resign

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