A lawyer in California is pushing a ballot measure to legalize killing gay people

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This guy sounds like a perfect candidate for ISIS. He'd fit right in.

As the San Francisco Chronicle and Sacramento Bee reported, the proposal would require the execution of anyone who touches a person of the same sex for sexual gratification by "bullets to the head or by any other convenient method." It declares that it's "better that offenders should die rather than that all of us should be killed by God's just wrath." Private citizens would be allowed to step in to act as executioners if the state didn't within a year, meaning that the murder of gay and lesbian people would effectively be legalized.

A lawyer in California is pushing a ballot measure to legalize killing gay people - Vox
This guy sounds like a perfect candidate for ISIS. He'd fit right in.

As the San Francisco Chronicle and Sacramento Bee reported, the proposal would require the execution of anyone who touches a person of the same sex for sexual gratification by "bullets to the head or by any other convenient method." It declares that it's "better that offenders should die rather than that all of us should be killed by God's just wrath." Private citizens would be allowed to step in to act as executioners if the state didn't within a year, meaning that the murder of gay and lesbian people would effectively be legalized.

A lawyer in California is pushing a ballot measure to legalize killing gay people - Vox
Amazing, simply amazing. But, mentally deranged people are everywhere. And, just think, some of these people vote.
This guy sounds like a perfect candidate for ISIS. He'd fit right in.

As the San Francisco Chronicle and Sacramento Bee reported, the proposal would require the execution of anyone who touches a person of the same sex for sexual gratification by "bullets to the head or by any other convenient method." It declares that it's "better that offenders should die rather than that all of us should be killed by God's just wrath." Private citizens would be allowed to step in to act as executioners if the state didn't within a year, meaning that the murder of gay and lesbian people would effectively be legalized.

A lawyer in California is pushing a ballot measure to legalize killing gay people - Vox

I read about this a couple of weeks ago, but considering how vicious the vitriol against gays is often in USMB, I decided to not post.

This is some information from the SF GATE:

But McLaughlin’s measure is currently before Harris, whose options appear to be limited. Once the sponsor has paid the required fee, state law directs the attorney general to prepare a title and a maximum 100-word summary of the initiative and forward it to the secretary of state for a 90-day period of public signature-gathering. The secretary of state’s website says Harris is scheduled to take those actions by about May 4.

Does she have the power to refuse if the measure is patently unconstitutional? Harris isn’t saying; her office did not return repeated phone calls. But some veteran practitioners of election law said they don’t think so.

“The statute is clear: that the office has to prepare a summary provided the proponents have paid $200 and followed the right procedures,” said attorney Robert Stern, author of the state’s 1974 Political Reform Act. He said he’s never heard of a case in which the attorney general refused to issue a title and summary.
A bat shit crazy homophobe who wants to kill gay people is bad enough.

That the creature is a lawyer is downright scary!

But I must say, this is one of the good things about a secure democratic system.

That proposal is never going to become law in California. It will, however, allow millions upon millions of people to laugh at and/or scorn that lawyer, who is obviously a nutcase.

It's just a little shocking that in the 21st century, some people are willing to be so draconian...
This is so transparent. I'd remember his name and not hire him for anything, especially as an attorney
A bat shit crazy homophobe who wants to kill gay people is bad enough.

That the creature is a lawyer is downright scary!

Same way I feel about you faggots as politicians, lobbyist, teachers or many other positions which give you a platform to spread your vile and filth .....................
More information.

It is, in true fascist form, called "The Sodomite Suppression Act"

http://oag.ca.gov/system/files/initiatives/pdfs/15-0008 (Sodomy)_0.pdf

Since this is public domain and I am sure that people want a good laugh out of this nonsense, I will not (and have the right to) publish it in it's entirety:


Penal Code section 39

a) The abominable crime against nature known as buggery, called also sodomy, is a monstrous evil that Almighty God, giver of freedom and liberty, commands us to suppress on pain of our utter destruction even as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha.

b) Seeing that it is better that offenders should die rather than that all of us should be killed by God's just wrath against us for the folly of tolerating-wickedness in our midst, the People of California wisely command, in the fear of God, that any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.

c) No person shall distribute, perform, or transmit sodomistic propaganda directly or indirectly by any means to any person under the age of majority. Sodomistic propaganda is defined as anything aimed at creating an interest in or an acceptance of human sexual relations other than between a man and a woman. Every offender shall be fined $1 million per occurrence, and/or imprisoned up to 10 years, and/or expelled from the boundaries of the state of California for up to life.

d) No person shall serve in any public office, nor serve in public employment, nor enjoy any public benefit, who is a sodomite or who espouses sodomistic propaganda or who belongs to any group that does.

e) This law is effective immediately and shall not be rendered ineffective nor invalidated by any court, state or federal, until heard by a quorum of the Supreme Court of California consisting only of judges who are neither sodomites nor subject to disqualification hereunder.

f) The state has an affirmative duty to defend and enforce this law as written, and every member of the public has standing to seek its enforcement and obtain reimbursement for all costs and attorney's fees in so doing, and further, should the state persist in inaction over 1 year after due notice, the general public is empowered and deputized to execute all the provisions hereunder extra-judicially, immune from any charge and indemnified by the state against any and all liability.

g) This law shall be known as "The Sodomite Suppression Act" and be numbered as section 39 in Title 3 of the Penal Code, pertaining to offences against the sovereignty of the state. The text shall be prominently posted in every public school classroom. All laws in conflict with this law are to that extent invalid."

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A bat shit crazy homophobe who wants to kill gay people is bad enough.

That the creature is a lawyer is downright scary!

But I must say, this is one of the good things about a secure democratic system.

That proposal is never going to become law in California. It will, however, allow millions upon millions of people to laugh at and/or scorn that lawyer, who is obviously a nutcase.

It's just a little shocking that in the 21st century, some people are willing to be so draconian...

Lets see how foolish you look when he gets enough signatures to get the initiative on the ballot ....................lol
A bat shit crazy homophobe who wants to kill gay people is bad enough.

That the creature is a lawyer is downright scary!

But I must say, this is one of the good things about a secure democratic system.

That proposal is never going to become law in California. It will, however, allow millions upon millions of people to laugh at and/or scorn that lawyer, who is obviously a nutcase.

It's just a little shocking that in the 21st century, some people are willing to be so draconian...

Lets see how foolish you look when he gets enough signatures to get he initiative on the ballot ....................lol
So, that is a possibility because they pay signature gatherers here in CA and too many people sign petitions without looking. Would you support such a proposition?
A bat shit crazy homophobe who wants to kill gay people is bad enough.

That the creature is a lawyer is downright scary!

But I must say, this is one of the good things about a secure democratic system.

That proposal is never going to become law in California. It will, however, allow millions upon millions of people to laugh at and/or scorn that lawyer, who is obviously a nutcase.

It's just a little shocking that in the 21st century, some people are willing to be so draconian...

Lets see how foolish you look when he gets enough signatures to get the initiative on the ballot ....................lol

Getting on the ballot is not the same as becoming law.

You do understand that pretty large point, right?

So, instead of acting like fucking troll, learn to debate like an adult. It's nuts like you who make us straight people look like crazy people.
A bat shit crazy homophobe who wants to kill gay people is bad enough.

That the creature is a lawyer is downright scary!

But I must say, this is one of the good things about a secure democratic system.

That proposal is never going to become law in California. It will, however, allow millions upon millions of people to laugh at and/or scorn that lawyer, who is obviously a nutcase.

It's just a little shocking that in the 21st century, some people are willing to be so draconian...

Lets see how foolish you look when he gets enough signatures to get he initiative on the ballot ....................lol
So, that is a possibility because they pay signature gatherers here in CA and too many people sign petitions without looking. Would you support such a proposition?

Damn skippy ................
More information:

CA Attorney General unlikely to stop petition to kill gays SACRATOMATOVILLE POST

"From the moment she approves his petition he will need to collect 365,000 signatures (actually the figure is closer to 500,000 to account for errors) in 150 days to qualify for the ballot."


365,000 is 0.9% of the population of California. I bet you will be able to find 350,000 people in such a big state to sign onto his petition to get it onto a ballot.

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