A history lesson for those who may foolishly embrace today’s Democrat Leadership


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
On Jul 22, 2008 Obama revealed the Democrat Party’s plan to create a civilian national security force . . . a force essential to accomplishing the goals of the fringe element of the communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party.

In 2013 “Black Lives Matter” was formed . . . and has been a civilian national forceresponsible for today’s rioting, looting, arson, violence, and outright deadly attacks on local police departments.

And who is it that formed “Black Lives Matter”? It was founded by “trained Marxists”


And here is Patrisse Cullors, Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter, boldly, and in her own words, confirming she is a “trained Marxist”:

We also know Obama is a friend of Louis Farrakhan


And, Louis Farrakhan, a racist Black Nationalist, wants a separate state for Black Americans. See Nation of Islam’s Farrakhan calls for “separate state for black Americans”

Is it now, so difficult to believe, that “Black Lives Matter” is part of Obama’s, and the socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership’s, "civilian national security force"?


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to plunder, paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.
On Jul 22, 2008 Obama revealed the Democrat Party’s plan to create a civilian national security force . . . a force essential to accomplishing the goals of the fringe element of the communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party.

In 2013 “Black Lives Matter” was formed . . . and has been a civilian national forceresponsible for today’s rioting, looting, arson, violence, and outright deadly attacks on local police departments.
Bovine Excrement. You people need a history lesson. Actually, it is more likely that you need an ethics and integrity lesson, because you are probobly not so stupid as to believe this crap

Q: Is Obama planning a Gestapo-like “civilian national security force”?

A: This false claim is a badly distorted version of Obama’s call for doubling the Peace Corps, creating volunteer networks and increasing the size of the Foreign Service.

I read a quote from Rep. Paul Broun from Georgia which stated that Obama wants to set up a civilian national security force that was similar to the “Gestapo” or the Nazi Brownshirts.

What is the truth behind Obama’s statements that he wants to create a “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded [as the military]”?

This question stems from an interview that Republican Rep. Broun of Georgia gave to The Associated Press Nov. 10. The story carried a headline, “Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship.” It said that Broun “fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.” And it quoted him this way:
Rep. Paul Broun, Nov. 10: It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he’s [Obama’s] the one who proposed this national security force. … That’s exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it’s exactly what the Soviet Union did.

Obama was not talking about a “security force” with guns or police powers. He was talking specifically about expanding AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps and the USA Freedom Corps, which is the volunteer initiative launched by the Bush administration after the attacks of 9/11, and about increasing the number of trained Foreign Service officers who populate U.S. embassies overseas.

Follow the link to read more about what he actually proposed .I doubt if you will because it totally destroys your moronic narrative and challenges the very foundation of you beliefs about Obama
On Jul 22, 2008 Obama revealed the Democrat Party’s plan to create a civilian national security force . . . a force essential to accomplishing the goals of the fringe element of the communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party.

In 2013 “Black Lives Matter” was formed . . . and has been a civilian national forceresponsible for today’s rioting, looting, arson, violence, and outright deadly attacks on local police departments.

And who is it that formed “Black Lives Matter”? It was founded by “trained Marxists”


And here is Patrisse Cullors, Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter, boldly, and in her own words, confirming she is a “trained Marxist”:

We also know Obama is a friend of Louis Farrakhan

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And, Louis Farrakhan, a racist Black Nationalist, wants a separate state for Black Americans. See Nation of Islam’s Farrakhan calls for “separate state for black Americans”

Is it now, so difficult to believe, that “Black Lives Matter” is part of Obama’s, and the socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership’s, "civilian national security force"?


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to plunder, paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Without Barack Obama's endorsement and support of the Ferguson riots and all the Michael Brown disinformation, Black Lives Matter would not exist today.
In 2013 “Black Lives Matter” was formed . . . and has been a civilian national forceresponsible for today’s rioting, looting, arson, violence, and outright deadly attacks on local police departments.

And who is it that formed “Black Lives Matter”? It was founded by “trained Marxists”


And here is Patrisse Cullors, Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter, boldly, and in her own words, confirming she is a “trained Marxist”:
Oh you poor silly snowflakes!! She said that they are "trained Marxists" Bo-Hoo. She said that they have a political framework She did not say that their goal was to create a Marist America. Here is their website , Nothing so scary here

AS far as they being responsible for the violence goes, just more bullshit;

A police force controlled by a political party would be like the SA.
In 2013 “Black Lives Matter” was formed . . . and has been a civilian national forceresponsible for today’s rioting, looting, arson, violence, and outright deadly attacks on local police departments.

And who is it that formed “Black Lives Matter”? It was founded by “trained Marxists”


And here is Patrisse Cullors, Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter, boldly, and in her own words, confirming she is a “trained Marxist”:
Oh you poor silly snowflakes!! She said that they are "trained Marxists" Bo-Hoo. She said that they have a political framework She did not say that their goal was to create a Marist America. Here is their website , Nothing so scary here

AS far as they being responsible for the violence goes, just more bullshit;

The best that can be ascertained from that BLM website is the misdirected focus from alleged police brutality to all people who qualify as black. That is nothing more than blatant racial segregation.
Consistent with democrat policy.
Marx himself was a rabid racist, and the statement, 'black lives matter' is a pre-emptive racist statement: it does the violence first so that the victim-scapegoat that hears it or sees it has two choices: to react or not to react. The statement reifies itself at the expense of all other races. It is antipode to democracy.
Marx himself was a rabid racist, and the statement, 'black lives matter' is a pre-emptive racist statement: it does the violence first so that the victim-scapegoat that hears it or sees it has two choices: to react or not to react. The statement reifies itself at the expense of all other races. It is antipode to democracy.
We have some very clever people working in the background to create a dangerous divide among the American people. And they are getting an enormous amount of help from a Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists.

“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

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