A Hiring Boom "May" be on the way.


People are just standing in lines waitin' to become teachers. Hoo boy. And cab drivers too! Although I think cab drivers pay slightly better.

Just say, the topic is beyond your understanding and its all good.

Great move having government take over loans and reduce the payment. You will be paying longer and more interest. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Beyond my understanding? My mom just retired. She was a teacher. She started out with shit pay..long hours and lots of long nights. She had to get her masters.

That and I've had a few friends that were college professors. One guy did it during his time searching for another radio producer gig. He taught one class and was done. Shit pay..

So yeah..I have first hand experience with it.


No, you had SECOND Hand experience.

You never actually were a teacher: This would have given you first hand experience.
1st post
I never had any luck with the temp agencies, one time I got a voice mail from one of them saying they had a job for me. I called back, and the lady said sorry since you didn't answer we offered the job to the next person on the list who answered the phone, that didn't make any damn sense to me.

Part of our business is very time sensitive. We may get a call from a client saying that they need something and called another service as well..and the one who performs the quickest gets the order. We explain that to our tempos when they apply with us so they understand the importance of always being reachable..to the best oif their ability.

We have some temps that make great money with us. Great relationships. We give them bonuses this time a year. Last few years they werent overly impressive...but the appreciation was there...and returned with GREAT quality and a great representation of our firm.

I suggest you spread yourself out. It is a matter of establishing yourself with one who sees your differential...whatever it may be. Present yourself as confident, reliable, and willing to do whatever you can to represent them at the highest of levels.....dont make it like "I need to make money...or....im desperate...or....Im doing this only so unemployemtn sees I am looking for a job.

Instead, make it like you are an asset to them.....not that they are an asset to you.

You will find you are treated with great respect with that typoe of approach.

I'm all good now I got a full time job with the feds. :thup:

Eventually we'll all be good with "a full time job with the Feds."
I never had any luck with the temp agencies, one time I got a voice mail from one of them saying they had a job for me. I called back, and the lady said sorry since you didn't answer we offered the job to the next person on the list who answered the phone, that didn't make any damn sense to me.

Part of our business is very time sensitive. We may get a call from a client saying that they need something and called another service as well..and the one who performs the quickest gets the order. We explain that to our tempos when they apply with us so they understand the importance of always being reachable..to the best oif their ability.

We have some temps that make great money with us. Great relationships. We give them bonuses this time a year. Last few years they werent overly impressive...but the appreciation was there...and returned with GREAT quality and a great representation of our firm.

I suggest you spread yourself out. It is a matter of establishing yourself with one who sees your differential...whatever it may be. Present yourself as confident, reliable, and willing to do whatever you can to represent them at the highest of levels.....dont make it like "I need to make money...or....im desperate...or....Im doing this only so unemployemtn sees I am looking for a job.

Instead, make it like you are an asset to them.....not that they are an asset to you.

You will find you are treated with great respect with that typoe of approach.

I'm all good now I got a full time job with the feds. :thup:

Mr. Obama? Is that you?

If it is, you're going to be losing that job in about a year.

So you may want to consider my advice.
It's no "bubble". The world comes to the United States to educate it's people.

The United States Colleges and Universities are top flight..bar none.

OMG....there is no way you just denied that education is a bubble market right now. You didn't.


I suppose you can call anything a bubble if you like..and point to things to support your point.

My understanding of a "bubble" is a sector that is artificially propped up..despite weak demand. Like the "Housing" bubble at the beginning of the Bush administration.

There is Strong demand for US education. And that's world wide.

Using your definition - there was no housing bubble.
A bubble is a market that is artificially propped up for any reason. Including creating an ARTIFICIAL demand.
Education demand is false. It is not reality. We have eons of kids who couldn't graduate high school getting 4 year loans including room and board. No college in their right mind would accept these kids in the past, and not one bank would give them a loan prior to the government guaranteeing the loan.
Colleges are filled with kids who don't belong there. And the only reason they are there is because of insane student loan practices that are identical in everyway to the insane mortgage loan practices.
5th post
OMG....there is no way you just denied that education is a bubble market right now. You didn't.


I suppose you can call anything a bubble if you like..and point to things to support your point.

My understanding of a "bubble" is a sector that is artificially propped up..despite weak demand. Like the "Housing" bubble at the beginning of the Bush administration.

There is Strong demand for US education. And that's world wide.

Using your definition - there was no housing bubble.
A bubble is a market that is artificially propped up for any reason. Including creating an ARTIFICIAL demand.
Education demand is false. It is not reality. We have eons of kids who couldn't graduate high school getting 4 year loans including room and board. No college in their right mind would accept these kids in the past, and not one bank would give them a loan prior to the government guaranteeing the loan.
Colleges are filled with kids who don't belong there. And the only reason they are there is because of insane student loan practices that are identical in everyway to the insane mortgage loan practices.


Yer gonna make every Liberal's Head Explode with that kinda reality.
Just say, the topic is beyond your understanding and its all good.

Great move having government take over loans and reduce the payment. You will be paying longer and more interest. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Beyond my understanding? My mom just retired. She was a teacher. She started out with shit pay..long hours and lots of long nights. She had to get her masters.

That and I've had a few friends that were college professors. One guy did it during his time searching for another radio producer gig. He taught one class and was done. Shit pay..

So yeah..I have first hand experience with it.


No, you had SECOND Hand experience.

You never actually were a teacher: This would have given you first hand experience.

I did teach a Tae Kwon do class..and a Gymnastics class once..

Does that count? :doubt:

Okay..I stand corrected. :lol:
Beyond my understanding? My mom just retired. She was a teacher. She started out with shit pay..long hours and lots of long nights. She had to get her masters.

That and I've had a few friends that were college professors. One guy did it during his time searching for another radio producer gig. He taught one class and was done. Shit pay..

So yeah..I have first hand experience with it.


No, you had SECOND Hand experience.

You never actually were a teacher: This would have given you first hand experience.

I did teach a Tae Kwon do class..and a Gymnastics class once..

Does that count? :doubt:

Okay..I stand corrected. :lol:

So you helped little boys do back hand spings, back flips with full twists and...dare I say.....back bends?

Mr. Sandusky? Is that you?
Beyond my understanding? My mom just retired. She was a teacher. She started out with shit pay..long hours and lots of long nights. She had to get her masters.

That and I've had a few friends that were college professors. One guy did it during his time searching for another radio producer gig. He taught one class and was done. Shit pay..

So yeah..I have first hand experience with it.


No, you had SECOND Hand experience.

You never actually were a teacher: This would have given you first hand experience.

I did teach a Tae Kwon do class..and a Gymnastics class once..

Does that count? :doubt:

Okay..I stand corrected. :lol:


Since I was a public school teacher, I'll let you pass.
10th post
Part of our business is very time sensitive. We may get a call from a client saying that they need something and called another service as well..and the one who performs the quickest gets the order. We explain that to our tempos when they apply with us so they understand the importance of always being reachable..to the best oif their ability.

We have some temps that make great money with us. Great relationships. We give them bonuses this time a year. Last few years they werent overly impressive...but the appreciation was there...and returned with GREAT quality and a great representation of our firm.

I suggest you spread yourself out. It is a matter of establishing yourself with one who sees your differential...whatever it may be. Present yourself as confident, reliable, and willing to do whatever you can to represent them at the highest of levels.....dont make it like "I need to make money...or....im desperate...or....Im doing this only so unemployemtn sees I am looking for a job.

Instead, make it like you are an asset to them.....not that they are an asset to you.

You will find you are treated with great respect with that typoe of approach.

I'm all good now I got a full time job with the feds. :thup:

Mr. Obama? Is that you?

If it is, you're going to be losing that job in about a year.

So you may want to consider my advice.

How do you figure that?
OMG....there is no way you just denied that education is a bubble market right now. You didn't.


I suppose you can call anything a bubble if you like..and point to things to support your point.

My understanding of a "bubble" is a sector that is artificially propped up..despite weak demand. Like the "Housing" bubble at the beginning of the Bush administration.

There is Strong demand for US education. And that's world wide.

Using your definition - there was no housing bubble.
A bubble is a market that is artificially propped up for any reason. Including creating an ARTIFICIAL demand.
Education demand is false. It is not reality. We have eons of kids who couldn't graduate high school getting 4 year loans including room and board. No college in their right mind would accept these kids in the past, and not one bank would give them a loan prior to the government guaranteeing the loan.
Colleges are filled with kids who don't belong there. And the only reason they are there is because of insane student loan practices that are identical in everyway to the insane mortgage loan practices.

Again...I am not just talking about domestic demand. And I am surprised by the "Kids who don't belong there" crapola. Every American kid belongs in college.

In any case..Bush cut taxes..and lowered interest rates to zero. That..and the deregulation brought about by the loss of Glass-Steagall created a plethora of predatory loan companies. That's a real bubble.
These are just musings..but lately there's been alot of frenzied activity from recruiters. And I just went to the office party of my old job and while talking to some of the guys there, many people who were looking for a year or more are getting snapped up.

What's going on?

Well aside from the economy getting better, the Bush tax cuts are set to expire. And there's not much evidence they did anything to help. Employers are sitting on tons and tons of liquidity and playing "shell games" to keep making money..without adding to the overall economy. Given the present anger in the public at large, I have a feeling that to quell some of this..there will be a hiring boom.

Who knows...:D

I don't think you'll see a "Hiring boom" till after the 2012 elections and that would depend greatly on the outcome.

Do you know something that I dont know about the power of the president??? The only way I see any president influencing the economy in a good way is by representing populist opinion that is based in sound economic theory. Aside from the power to veto and the command of the military the president is not intended to have all that much actual power. He is totally dependent on the congress.

I just want to see your thoughts behind your statement, if you have any. I am also interested to know what candidate you think would best fill the role that you have in mind. Ron Paul is the only one I see with any real plan that is within his power and is totally doable even with the 'do nothing' congress. Returning all the troops home from any country that requests it would be one hell of a start. Thats 200-300 thousand people with good middle class jobs moving into every neighborhood in the country. The border will be secured, which will cause the value of labor to rise. Plundering of the treasury and destruction of the dollar will be halted through the power of the veto. A competing currency will be introduced, although that must go through congress so there is little hope presently. Inflation will continue for years however as the market finds equilibrium from the 97% erosion of dollar values. Most important is the reductions in spending. Consider the 1 trillion in cuts a start. 1 trillion is kinda a magic number, its just enough to start seriously addressing the debt. Overnight confidence the dollar will begin surge. So this is going to effect the market hard and fast in three very good ways. Purchasing power of the general public is going to rise, regulations that prevent competition and expansion of economy will be reduced, and lower taxes.
*shrugs*we don't need a blip, we need sustained jobs growth, OVER 130k......and we better have a bang up Q4.

Third quarter GDP was revised downward once again to 1.8% on an annual basis.

Personal consumption growth for the third quarter was also moved downward from 2.3% to 1.7%.

Analysts expected GDP estimates to hold steady at 2.0%, after growing an estimated 1.3% in the second quarter.

Last month, Q3 GDP was revised down sharply to 2.0% from 2.5% initially, a disappointing number amid generally positive data over the last few months. This newest revision marks a disappointment of 0.7% from the initial October estimates.

Read more: Revised Downward To 1.8% - Business Insider

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