A group called "DisruptJ20" is planning to destroy property on inauguration day

So here is this group named above that declared openly the plan of disrupting the inauguration, the festivities and balls. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing. One thing is for sure if they do it and do not have permit for protesting they should be beaten and arrested by police. Zero tolerance should be applied. I amnot sure D.C. police is up to the task and am quite sure they will let shit happen. However, the Trump administration certainly will pursue some form of punishment for these leftist thugs and persecute them to the full extent of the law unlike the O. Hussein Obama administration encouraging this despicable behaviour.
Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

And they will have to face the 'Wall of Meat' Bikers for Trump to Present the Wall of Meat in DC

That's cute. I like it.
So here is this group named above that declared openly the plan of disrupting the inauguration, the festivities and balls. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing. One thing is for sure if they do it and do not have permit for protesting they should be beaten and arrested by police. Zero tolerance should be applied. I amnot sure D.C. police is up to the task and am quite sure they will let shit happen. However, the Trump administration certainly will pursue some form of punishment for these leftist thugs and persecute them to the full extent of the law unlike the O. Hussein Obama administration encouraging this despicable behaviour.
Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

Those breaking the law should be arrested. Those peacefully protesting should not. It's pretty simple.
So here is this group named above that declared openly the plan of disrupting the inauguration, the festivities and balls. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing. One thing is for sure if they do it and do not have permit for protesting they should be beaten and arrested by police. Zero tolerance should be applied. I amnot sure D.C. police is up to the task and am quite sure they will let shit happen. However, the Trump administration certainly will pursue some form of punishment for these leftist thugs and persecute them to the full extent of the law unlike the O. Hussein Obama administration encouraging this despicable behaviour.
Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

And they will have to face the 'Wall of Meat' Bikers for Trump to Present the Wall of Meat in DC

I don't know....the Bikers are concerned about hiring security for their bikes and having enough porta-potties. SEND MONEY!!!!!
Yep, that's what I expect too. Most tinpot dictators round up anybody who opposes them and throws them in jail. Watch while he turns us from a Democratic Republic to a Banana Republic.
Watch while he turns our banana republic into the capitalist mecca we once were.
Disruption is not the same as destruction. There might be some amount of destruction, but you got a credible link that says that is their stated goal?
Disruption isn't legal either. Lefties can't get it. You are not allowed to shut down someone else's rights.
Trump colluded with our enemy to gain the presidency in a very irregular election,
^^^. We need to come up with a name to call these fruit cakes who think Trump conspired with Putin like the term "birthers" was coined for the birth certificate conspirators.
Apparently they said as much in the video, and I never said they were the same. Hell, my guy lost also, you don't see me loosing my shit over political rhetoric, running around like Chicken Little crying about the sky falling.

They said as much? What does that mean? Link?
Sorry, I went through the video again and didn't see/hear destruction other than a comment by the guy in the video, my bad. So we'll just have to see whether there's rioting and/or destruction if indeed the agitators show up or not. But the point is inaugurations are the civic celebration of our nation's continued peaceful transition of power from one leader to the next and it doesn't change the fact that disrupting that or any other event is unlawful. If they want to show up and protest that's fine, the DC cops will keep them at a distance and as long as they are peaceful no one will be arrested, I know, I lived there for 35 years, I know how it works.

I suspect that in a group that large there might be a few thug law breakers, but you ca't blame the entire group for that. No, there is nothing sacred about their celebration that makes it illegal to disrupt it. Trump colluded with our enemy to gain the presidency in a very irregular election, and his expected childish actions are feared by a large section of the country. Protests will happen.

In the entire history of our country we've never had mass protests because someone was elected President, Bulldog and it's happening now because your side doesn't have the class to admit that they lost an election nor the ability to change because they lost an election! The far left is acting like spoiled children throwing a tantrum in a store because Mommy didn't let you have your candy!
In the history of our nation we have never had someone lose the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, and get the Presidency. In the history of our nation we have never had such a liar as the orange clown run for President. In the history of our nation we never had a President so unprepared, character, knowledge, and experiance.

You cocksucks for eight years have repeated every stupid thing that someone said about President Obama and his family. Well, now you get it back in spades. No quarter asked or given.
Your chocolate Jesus lied every time he opened his blow hole.
Race card is all you've got, once again, because you want to remove his belief system. His Marxist beliefs, his lifelong associates. That is plenty.
Maybe we should fight them?

People need to realise that this isn't the Play Doh and stroking puppies bedwetting crowd.

These are full time Anarchists and Far Left agitators and as such should be in the category of potential American Domestic Terrorists.

Then why didn't they protest Obama...who, until this week, was by no means a leftist. Obama was an elitist/corporatist...so why Trump, who hasn't even become President yet...and not Obama who engaged in the largest trickle down economics in history?
What was there to protest about President Obama? Other than the fact he is part black. We saw plenty of hate for him on these boards because of that.

However, look at what the orange clown is promising. And end to Obamacare, and 30 million Americans losing health care coverage. In the meantime, the GOP has made clear their intentions to end or privatize Social Security. And end Medicare and Mediaid. Bet we have a trade war by the end of this year. With all that implies for our economy.

Yes, the very people that put the orange clown in office will be the ones that lose the most. He will not bring back the jobs. Because the major job losses come from the automation of industry. And we just don't need dummies anymore. Not even if they are middle class and white. Well, at least they will remain white. And since he thinks education is a waste, it will be far harder for the next four years to get the education necessary to remain in the middle class.

Yes, you have a nation now fearful and distrustful of the new leadership. And they are going to demonstrate that tomorrow.
Maybe we should fight them?

People need to realise that this isn't the Play Doh and stroking puppies bedwetting crowd.

These are full time Anarchists and Far Left agitators and as such should be in the category of potential American Domestic Terrorists.

Then why didn't they protest Obama...who, until this week, was by no means a leftist. Obama was an elitist/corporatist...so why Trump, who hasn't even become President yet...and not Obama who engaged in the largest trickle down economics in history?

Why did the Anti-War crowd have marches protesting GWB going into Iraq and were on the streets screaming and banging pots and pans, yet the Anti-War Crowd suddenly went quiet when Obama was bombing seven nations?
Here's your problem....they did NOT suddenly go quiet. That's your masters telling you they did.
Race card is all you've got, once again, because you want to remove his belief system. His Marxist beliefs, his lifelong associates. That is plenty.
Maybe we should fight them?

People need to realise that this isn't the Play Doh and stroking puppies bedwetting crowd.

These are full time Anarchists and Far Left agitators and as such should be in the category of potential American Domestic Terrorists.

Then why didn't they protest Obama...who, until this week, was by no means a leftist. Obama was an elitist/corporatist...so why Trump, who hasn't even become President yet...and not Obama who engaged in the largest trickle down economics in history?
What was there to protest about President Obama? Other than the fact he is part black. We saw plenty of hate for him on these boards because of that.

However, look at what the orange clown is promising. And end to Obamacare, and 30 million Americans losing health care coverage. In the meantime, the GOP has made clear their intentions to end or privatize Social Security. And end Medicare and Mediaid. Bet we have a trade war by the end of this year. With all that implies for our economy.

Yes, the very people that put the orange clown in office will be the ones that lose the most. He will not bring back the jobs. Because the major job losses come from the automation of industry. And we just don't need dummies anymore. Not even if they are middle class and white. Well, at least they will remain white. And since he thinks education is a waste, it will be far harder for the next four years to get the education necessary to remain in the middle class.

Yes, you have a nation now fearful and distrustful of the new leadership. And they are going to demonstrate that tomorrow.
Ah....the Race Card Card. I would say I'm gonna miss it, but I'm sure you Alt-Righties will keep it alive.
Proof is in the pudding'
Race card is all you've got, once again, because you want to remove his belief system. His Marxist beliefs, his lifelong associates. That is plenty.
Maybe we should fight them?

People need to realise that this isn't the Play Doh and stroking puppies bedwetting crowd.

These are full time Anarchists and Far Left agitators and as such should be in the category of potential American Domestic Terrorists.

Then why didn't they protest Obama...who, until this week, was by no means a leftist. Obama was an elitist/corporatist...so why Trump, who hasn't even become President yet...and not Obama who engaged in the largest trickle down economics in history?
What was there to protest about President Obama? Other than the fact he is part black. We saw plenty of hate for him on these boards because of that.

However, look at what the orange clown is promising. And end to Obamacare, and 30 million Americans losing health care coverage. In the meantime, the GOP has made clear their intentions to end or privatize Social Security. And end Medicare and Mediaid. Bet we have a trade war by the end of this year. With all that implies for our economy.

Yes, the very people that put the orange clown in office will be the ones that lose the most. He will not bring back the jobs. Because the major job losses come from the automation of industry. And we just don't need dummies anymore. Not even if they are middle class and white. Well, at least they will remain white. And since he thinks education is a waste, it will be far harder for the next four years to get the education necessary to remain in the middle class.

Yes, you have a nation now fearful and distrustful of the new leadership. And they are going to demonstrate that tomorrow.
Ah....the Race Card Card. I would say I'm gonna miss it, but I'm sure you Alt-Righties will keep it alive.
Another way to disrupt is to block turnstiles at the Metro Stations

It is the only way to get in or out

speaking of protesters blocking public roadways

did you happen to see the new bill being passed in North Dakota

that protects drivers from legal consequences if they inadvertently hit

injure or kill pedestrians who are obstructing traffic


North Dakota bill aimed at Standing Rock protest
Yes, you bastards are so proud of Sand Creek.

go pound sand retard

people are sick of your ways
Disruption is not the same as destruction. There might be some amount of destruction, but you got a credible link that says that is their stated goal?
We never disrupted, destroyed anything when Obama had his inauguration, so why can't you guys be respectful? Complain before or after, but Inauguration Day is a special day for all of us. He is president to both sides. It's not about Donald Trump.

Sorry, it's hard to be respectful when your clown hasn't earned a bit of respect. Yes it is a special day for all of us, but you expect more than half of the country to just STFU while you celebrate a travesty.
Disruption is not the same as destruction. There might be some amount of destruction, but you got a credible link that says that is their stated goal?
Disruption isn't legal either. Lefties can't get it. You are not allowed to shut down someone else's rights.

Can't shut down other's rights? Let me check with the minorities who were targeted with all the unneeded voter ID or the people in the LGBTQ community and I'll get back with you.
Disruption is not the same as destruction. There might be some amount of destruction, but you got a credible link that says that is their stated goal?
Disruption isn't legal either. Lefties can't get it. You are not allowed to shut down someone else's rights.

Can't shut down other's rights? Let me check with the minorities who were targeted with all the unneeded voter ID or the people in the LGBTQ community and I'll get back with you.
Do that. With some facts this time.
Sorry, it's hard to be respectful when your clown hasn't earned a bit of respect. Yes it is a special day for all of us, but you expect more than half of the country to just STFU while you celebrate a travesty.
What do you think Onama's election was to half the country? Yet there was no demonstration, no protests. Our country was being pushed into socialism and for awhile it seelile it was going to be permanent.

Well, now we're heading back to freedom, full steam. Tough shit if you don't like it, but shame on your side for taking your hatred to the streets.
Can't shut down other's rights? Let me check with the minorities who were targeted with all the unneeded voter ID or the people in the LGBTQ community and I'll get back with you.
There is no justification to oppose Voter ID.except to commit vote fraud. Everybody has ID. You can't function commercially in America without it. If it wasn't, why would sanctuary minded state governors issue ID to illegals? They are doing it so these illegals can register and blend in.
So here is this group named above that declared openly the plan of disrupting the inauguration, the festivities and balls. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing. One thing is for sure if they do it and do not have permit for protesting they should be beaten and arrested by police. Zero tolerance should be applied. I amnot sure D.C. police is up to the task and am quite sure they will let shit happen. However, the Trump administration certainly will pursue some form of punishment for these leftist thugs and persecute them to the full extent of the law unlike the O. Hussein Obama administration encouraging this despicable behaviour.
Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

I just heard on the BBC World Service that that Women's March on Washington on Saturday could get 250,000 women, shouting and banging pots and pans.

These women are obviously very frustrated, what do they want The Donald to do exactly?

The Donald will be the American President on Saturday, he'll be a very, very busy man, he can't be expected to get out there to these women and grab 250,000 pussies can he?

Wow, these crazy women are frustrated because The Donald can't grab their 250,000 pussies :smoke: :omg:
So here is this group named above that declared openly the plan of disrupting the inauguration, the festivities and balls. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing. One thing is for sure if they do it and do not have permit for protesting they should be beaten and arrested by police. Zero tolerance should be applied. I amnot sure D.C. police is up to the task and am quite sure they will let shit happen. However, the Trump administration certainly will pursue some form of punishment for these leftist thugs and persecute them to the full extent of the law unlike the O. Hussein Obama administration encouraging this despicable behaviour.
Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

And they will have to face the 'Wall of Meat' Bikers for Trump to Present the Wall of Meat in DC

"And they will have to face the 'Wall of Meat' Bikers for Trump to Present the Wall of Meat in DC"

The Wall of Meat....um, no, I better not, let's not go there :wine::tomato:

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