A great victory for the internet!

Government and big business are one in the same these days, in case you didn't notice...all FCC regulation is going to do is become a barrier to entry, just like everything else the government regulates. Gotta make it hard for the upstarts to come in and compete with your corporate cronies.

Republicans and big business are on in the same. New regulations will prevent ISP's from charging you more for the same service.

If Republicans are for something, it will screw YOU.

Wow. Your stupid must really hurt! Get yourself some of that Obamacare!
BTW, if this is truly democracy in action, whom on the board did I get to vote onto the board? This isn't democracy in action or the Republic, it is a fascist take over.
Republicans and big business are on in the same. New regulations will prevent ISP's from charging you more for the same service.

Democrats and government are one in the same. New regulations will prevent free and open exchange on internet connection you are paying for.

If Republicans are for something, it will screw YOU.

If Democrats are interested in the "better good" then you're screwed.
Republicans and big business are on in the same. New regulations will prevent ISP's from charging you more for the same service.

Democrats and government are one in the same. New regulations will prevent free and open exchange on internet connection you are paying for.

If Republicans are for something, it will screw YOU.

If Democrats are interested in the "better good" then you're screwed.

That's a dumb statement. Why post it?
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Woo hoo, freedom of speech is over. The FCC can now impose strict limits on what people may write or post.

You have won a huge victory in your war on civil rights!
This posts proves you are criminally ignorant of the entire issue...
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Woo hoo, freedom of speech is over. The FCC can now impose strict limits on what people may write or post.

You have won a huge victory in your war on civil rights!
This posts proves you are criminally ignorant of the entire issue...

Actually, you are criminally ignorant when it comes to freedom in general.
All I know is what effects me, and I think that true for everyone. How the internet is today works great for me it can only go down hill. I don't see where this is a big deal for gamers either, I can see where bandwidth for everyone will slow. Will it slow for everyone, I doubt anyone will notice. As they probably would couldn't tell the difference now.

The sad part is that the left has taken this stand, even though their are those on left against the power grab, is that the only reason that those on the left are in love with it because once again they can throw it into the right side's face.

Really pathetic the power grab of the left, really sad how they get their jollys.

Bandwidth will slow if your ISP turns it down.

You really should educate yourself in how the internet works before making stupid comments.
This posts proves you are criminally ignorant of the entire issue...

It is you mindless leftists who are ignorant. The FCC now has the same control on the Internet as they had on TV and Radio in the 1970's.

We have lost a huge amount of freedom. The only saving grace is that expect the Republicans to repeal this.
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Woo hoo, freedom of speech is over. The FCC can now impose strict limits on what people may write or post.

You have won a huge victory in your war on civil rights!
This posts proves you are criminally ignorant of the entire issue...

Actually, you are criminally ignorant when it comes to freedom in general.
My point has been proven...please,please continue...
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Woo hoo, freedom of speech is over. The FCC can now impose strict limits on what people may write or post.

You have won a huge victory in your war on civil rights!
This posts proves you are criminally ignorant of the entire issue...

Actually, you are criminally ignorant when it comes to freedom in general.
My point has been proven...please,please continue...

What point? Please, elaborate for us.
This posts proves you are criminally ignorant of the entire issue...

It is you mindless leftists who are ignorant. The FCC now has the same control on the Internet as they had on TV and Radio in the 1970's.

We have lost a huge amount of freedom. The only saving grace is that expect the Republicans to repeal this.
So your stupidity goes back that far...can't say I'm surprised.

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