A great mayor of the greatest city in America

Idiot doesn't care or understand the Constitution. Stop and frisk, for example. He'd rather the police react to violent crime after it happens as opposed to preventing it. Yep, he's looking out for the Muslims and the criminals for sure... And idiots applaud him for it... Because it sounds good in a speech.
I was right, Democrats are just going to move further to the left. Progressives are batshit crazy traitors to the core, and the OP proves it.
I was right, Democrats are just going to move further to the left. Progressives are batshit crazy traitors to the core, and the OP proves it.
Traitors is too much of a judgment, I think. They are just misguided and really think their color is a bad one while being "anti-racist".

Nope, they are traitors. At least the elitist leaders are. They actively side with those that seek to destroy anything and everything that is either white, Christian, capitalist, or conservative. They despise America, especially its history, legacy, and laws. These pieces of shit want to erase our borders, ban Christianity, and eradicate the white race. It isn't a conspiracy theory either, many of them openly admit it here all the time.
By the way goono, your avatar is correct. Trump is NOT your president.
Not until January 20th 2017.
Tic toc tic toc....................................................
It's always hilarious when someone living in the rat and crime infested, smog covered, crime ridden anus of America with drug dealers and other lefty protectees tries to insult those living in the low crime, clean air sporting, true freedom of “fly over country.” Most there just laugh hoping those like guano just stay in their delusional paradise. Maybe the wall we need to build is around the cities to keep the guanos of the world happy in their delusions.

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