A good use for prison inmates

Because forcing people to clean up toxic pollution which may sicken, permanently disable, or kill them, is a violation of their rights.

So.... They're in prison. They were not fit for society, so why TF do they have rights? FFS, if there's highly toxic crap, let them suit up and clean it up. You know, so it's safer. But that's better than it just laying in a river, the ocean or in some landfill that's going to eventually intoxicate the drinking water or air of decent, law abiding citizens. (who are actually fit for society)
We just got back from a trip out West. Drove from Vegas down to Tucson. I was surprised at the amount of litter on the sides of the roads.


As an ex trucker, you wouldn't believe some of the places around this country. The amount of plastics polluted alone would be enough to cover an entire average size state.

One thing that could be done would be to create the same type of plastic, or even just two types of plastics for everything. And both made to be recyclable. There are some types that can't be recycled.

This would help recyclers, because a huge part of the process is separating the non recyclable plastics from the recyclable. Add up what gets thrown in the landfill, and there's probably enough plastics to build all sorts of amazing things.
Plus it would reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
Ever see a trash truck when it picks up garbage and not all of it goes into the truck? I have and it's one of the reasons you see trash on the side of the road.

"In our efforts to reduce waste, we have often heard people say that the “real” problem is the people who throw their garbage on the sidewalk and out their car windows. Of course, we agree that we should change this behavior, but the truth is that littering is not the real problem. We need to change the entire system because the plastic trash that floats in the world's oceans actually decompose and release potentially toxic substances into the water"

"First, much of the litter items we see—aluminum cans, straws, plastic bags, etc.—are lightweight and easily blow off of garbage trucks, landfills, and off the tops of recycling and trash cans. How often have we seen overflowing bins with trash spilling over onto the sidewalk? These items are also easily transported during rain events, when rain carries them downstream and into watersheds, usually ending up in lakes, rivers, and oceans. Therefore, even items that are properly disposed find their way into local neighborhoods and critical habitats alike"


A good use for prison inmates​

Speed bumps. Moving target practice. Sandbags for flooding. Medical testing. Catapult ammo. Human shields (We can sell them to Hamas). Crash test dummies. Second person in vehicle for HOV lanes. Trump food tester for poison. Wheel chocks. Someone to be President that won't sell his soul to China for cash. Voodoo dolls. Voters that are smarter than liberals...
However, once again you are wrong....
See: U.S. prison labor programs violate fundamental human rights, new report finds

Inmates didn't care enough about their victims or themselves to remain "fit for society." So why should anyone else?
I see nothing wrong with slave labor in prisons. They get fed, they get some sort of healthcare. They get housed. FFS, let them work for it.
Ever see a trash truck when it picks up garbage and not all of it goes into the truck? I have and it's one of the reasons you see trash on the side of the road.

uh no. I call total BS. The trucks are deep with a crusher. They pick up dumpsters or cans and dump them in and smash it once in a while.

City garbage trucks are not spilling trash all along the roads.
Kamala? Is that you?

I clean a couple mile stretch of county road as part of an adopt-a-road program and I can vouch for what you say. I picked up 240 lbs of litter last year and the next day the road was littered with miniature liquor bottles and chelada cans along with various Bud Light cans. I think the recycle programs for inmates are a great idea for federal prisons. Keeps states like OR and WA from raiding recycle cash cows.
People here on the west coast are filthy PIGS. Dozens of large garbage bags of trash picked up along the same 1 mile stretch of highway year after year after year. I have witnessed the filthy pigs just tossing their fast foot shit out the window. Oddly I don't see this behavior on the east coast. I want to punch these litter bugs right in the face.
Out west it seems to have a direct correlation to the amount of Brown Illegals roaming around. Sad but true observation. Closer to the border the problem grows.
I'm a fairly big supporter of recycling and cleaning up environments that people pollute. All areas are important. But I have a curiosity about the oceans and waters ways. Especially the pacific garbage patch. I realize there's more important places that need to be cleaned up. The technology they using for cleaning up waterways is getting better. But the main fall back of recyling is the human labor that goes into it. It's simply not profitable for a company to take on the task.

So I'm thinking why not let the prison population take on the task. There's a ton of prisons all across the USA. With cheap or almost zero labor costs, this might make recycling profitable. Most prisoners don't do much more than just sit around and trade snack cakes and fight over what's on TV.
Put them to work for something that'll actually help with something good.
Here are three states that use inmates to clean up the highway:
  • Ohio: The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) uses inmates instead of state workers to clean highways.
  • New Jersey: The Department of Corrections (DOC) provides inmates to pick up litter and cut grass near sign posts and guiderails.
  • Mississippi: Inmates work to keep roads clean.
uh no. I call total BS. The trucks are deep with a crusher. They pick up dumpsters or cans and dump them in and smash it once in a while.

City garbage trucks are not spilling trash all along the roads.

That was his attempt at making a mountain (or trash), out of a mole hill.
Here are three states that use inmates to clean up the highway:
  • Ohio: The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) uses inmates instead of state workers to clean highways.
  • New Jersey: The Department of Corrections (DOC) provides inmates to pick up litter and cut grass near sign posts and guiderails.
  • Mississippi: Inmates work to keep roads clean.

I've been through all those states, thousands of times. They're not used near enough.
Cleaning up the pollution in the ocean can be a good business. If we slow down the corrupted money spent on the green scam we can make headway on that.
Cleaning up the pollution in the ocean can be a good business. If we slow down the corrupted money spent on the green scam we can make headway on that.

Finding a profitable way to recycle is the key, IMO. The free market works wonders.

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