A former Trump supporter describes her escape

It's on video.

He NEVER, EVER said to drink bleach. Please provide the quote or a link to the video. You either watched the speech where this controversy began but aren’t smart enough to figure out what he really said or didn’t watch the video at all and swallowed the rhetoric the MSM fed you and never bothered to research yourself. My guess would be the latter because that is what most liberals do, particularly with regards to Trump.
He NEVER, EVER said to drink bleach. Please provide the quote or a link to the video. You either watched the speech where this controversy began but aren’t smart enough to figure out what he really said or didn’t watch the video at all and swallowed the rhetoric the MSM fed you and never bothered to research yourself. My guess would be the latter because that is what most liberals do, particularly with regards to Trump.
No. He said it should be INJECTED
Hey jackass, we ain’t in a recession.

Not even close. Go sit in the corner

The consensus of economic experts just a few months ago was that we were headed for a recession. It is possible that they were wrong and that we may have a soft landing. They were also wrong when prediction that high inflation was transitory as it lasted far longer than what could be described in economic terms as transitory.

Now, that we understand that the consensus of experts can quite often be wrong, you lefties can get off your high horses about heavily politicized man-made climate change and recognize that sometimes a consensus is nothing more than a big group think where nobody dares to think out of the box or entertain alternatives that may place them on the outside and subject them to ridicule.
The consensus of economic experts just a few months ago was that we were headed for a recession. It is possible that they were wrong and that we may have a soft landing. They were also wrong when prediction that high inflation was transitory as it lasted far longer than what could be described in economic terms as transitory.

Now, that we understand that the consensus of experts can quite often be wrong, you lefties can get off your high horses about heavily politicized man-made climate change and recognize that sometimes a consensus is nothing more than a big group think where nobody dares to think out of the box or entertain alternatives that may place them on the outside and subject them to ridicule.
You claim some unnamed “experts” said we maybe headed for a recession…

Without a link

And that’s supposed to support your idiotic claim that we are IN a recession?

Go sit in the corner dope
No. He said it should be INJECTED

Nope, he didn’t say that either. Here is his full comment where he mentioned injecting. Note that it is the form of a question, not a directive.

And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.

Trump was then questioned about the injection comment to which he replied:

It wouldn’t be through injections, almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.

So, you see, some rather thick people may have mistakely though said to inject bleach in his first statement. Those with IQs above their shoe size realized a) it was in the form of a question and b) he was simply throwing ideas out there on ways to solve the problem and even mentioned that anything would have to be under the guidance of medical doctors. He then further clarified the statement to leave no doubt. I guess the MSM decided to leave that part out of their coverage. Granted, knowing the ignorance and pure stupidity levels of many people in this country coupled with just how disingenuous the MSM is, he shouldn’t have said a thing.

The fact is he NEVER said to drink bleach and Biden claimed and he NEVER said to inject it either.
Hey moron, you claimed we are on a recession.
Nowhere in that confused mess does it make that claim.

It predicts a recession sometime next year . It also notes that these same people predicted a recession last year and were wrong.

You are a fucking idiot

I never claimed we were “on a recession”.

Provide the exact citation.
Nope, he didn’t say that either. Here is his full comment where he mentioned injecting. Note that it is the form of a question, not a directive.

And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.

Trump was then questioned about the injection comment to which he replied:

It wouldn’t be through injections, almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.

So, you see, some rather thick people may have mistakely though said to inject bleach in his first statement. Those with IQs above their shoe size realized a) it was in the form of a question and b) he was simply throwing ideas out there on ways to solve the problem and even mentioned that anything would have to be under the guidance of medical doctors. He then further clarified the statement to leave no doubt. I guess the MSM decided to leave that part out of their coverage. Granted, knowing the ignorance and pure stupidity levels of many people in this country coupled with just how disingenuous the MSM is, he shouldn’t have said a thing.

The fact is he NEVER said to drink bleach and Biden claimed and he NEVER said to inject it either.
Right after your first bolded sentence he DOES SAY it would be by injection jackass.

He later walks that back? Yeah he talks in circles. We know that but he DID talk about injecting disinfectant. He also talked about putting light bulbs up yer ass “or some other way “

That was the “leadership” we got from that cretin during a global pandemic.

Yeah. Gimme some more of that shit
You claim some unnamed “experts” said we maybe headed for a recession…

Without a link

And that’s supposed to support your idiotic claim that we are IN a recession?

Go sit in the corner dope

LOL..I didn’t say we’re in a recession. I said that most economists agreed just a few short months ago that we were headed for one. I guess you don’t follow the economy much.
To them, that's "research".


And you obviously don’t follow the economy much either despite it being your profession. The market is different than the economy, though they are obviously linked.
Right after your first bolded sentence he DOES SAY it would be by injection jackass.

He later walks that back? Yeah he talks in circles. We know that but he DID talk about injecting disinfectant. He also talked about putting light bulbs up yer ass “or some other way “

That was the “leadership” we got from that cretin during a global pandemic.

Yeah. Gimme some more of that shit

It was in the form of a question. What don’t you understand? Like I said, he shouldn't have been pontificating on medicine or treatments, but only truly dumb people believe that he suggested injecting or drinking disinfectant. Biden fits the bill as he specifically claimed that Trump told people to drink bleacH, or maybe, just maybe, Biden and his handlers aren’t dumb, but rather know that their constituency is and will believe anything they say and wanted to build yet another false narrative that would be parroted by their bird brain supporters.

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