Washington Post Editor...Gay is a plagiarist and should resign...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Commentary...of course the editor couches her statement with the usual left wing rhetoric...conservatives bad, liberals good...in an attempt to insulate herself from the left.

But, she somehow, without racism or conservative ideology, came to the exact same conclusions...that Harvard President Gay was absolutely a plagiarist and should resign.

"She plagiarized her acknowledgments. I take no joy in saying this, but Harvard President Claudine Gay ought to resign. Her track record is unbefitting the president of the country’s premier university. Remaining on the job would send a bad signal to students about the gravity of her conduct."

The complete editorial...archived of course...

Opinion | Harvard’s Claudine Gay should resign

And here is the original...

If Missourian is saying that Ruth Marcus is a voice we should all listen to and heed, I've got some more of her opinions to post.
“This was not my original instinct. I thought, and continue to believe, that Gay’s accusers and their allies were motivated more by conservative ideology and the desire to score points against the most elite of institutions than by any commitment to academic rigor. This was, and is, accompanied by no small dose of racism and the conviction that a Black woman couldn’t possibly be qualified to lead Harvard.”

What a fucking load of bullshit.

Any University President should resign for plagiarism. Ethnicity and gender do not fucking matter.

These cult fucks have really manufactured right wing boogeymen under their beds.

This dumb asshole is claiming conservatives would be fine if it was a white man who plagarized?

Fuck off.
It is absolutely fascinating that so many cult fucks want to excuse plagiarism by a black female President of Harvard because any Trump supporter is RACIST.

What brainwashed assholes.
If Missourian is saying that Ruth Marcus is a voice we should all listen to and heed, I've got some more of her opinions to post.
Nope... I'm saying Ruth Marcus is someone YOU should listen to...because you know she has no ulterior motivation.

I don't need her to tell me that a person who plagiarized their doctorial thesis and more importantly tacitly condones Jewish Genocide can't be the president of Harvard.

Some of us are capable of figuring that out for ourselves. :smoke:
The precedent is set.

Plagiarism is acceptable at Harvard.

Anyone who hires a cheating communist Harvard graduate is a fool.
These are women that are running these institutions. THEY are not smart. They are easily manipulated. From the beginning of time, satan has targetted women to do his dirty work...because he can. I saw a couple videos yesterday...one was a young woman who threw a bulldog type puppy at a man for his right wing opinion. IT hurt the pup. I hope the man fled with the pup. 2nd was a woman who threw her small dog, off a second story parking deck. When you have women doing these things...heartless, cruel, unthinking things...then that society is in a pile of trouble.
These are women that are running these institutions. THEY are not smart. They are easily manipulated. From the beginning of time, satan has targetted women to do his dirty work...because he can. I saw a couple videos yesterday...one was a young woman who threw a bulldog type puppy at a man for his right wing opinion. IT hurt the pup. I hope the man fled with the pup. 2nd was a woman who threw her small dog, off a second story parking deck. When you have women doing these things...heartless, cruel, unthinking things...then that society is in a pile of trouble.
What misogynistic idiocy above. Women are the heartbeat and soul of our humanity.
Perhaps the most disturbing example is the least academic — Gay’s borrowing of words from another scholar, Jennifer L. Hochschild. In her acknowledgments for a 1996 book, Hochschild described a mentor who “showed me the importance of getting the data right and of following where they lead without fear or favor” and “drove me much harder than I sometimes wanted to be driven.”

Gay’s dissertation thanked her thesis adviser, who “reminded me of the importance of getting the data right and following where they lead without fear or favor,” and her family, “drove me harder than I sometimes wanted to be driven.”


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :hyper::hyper::hyper:

What a hilariously idiotic, corrupt, stupid bitch.

Good Lord.

Harvard certainly has lost all of its distinguishment as one of our best Universities.

It is now a pile of shit. Cheating, lying shit. From the top down. Utter trash.
If you are a black dyke, you are allowed to lie, cheat, and steal your way to the top. :rolleyes:

That will make the country better!

No more merit. All that matters is your skin color and who you like to fuck.
Commentary...of course the editor couches her statement with the usual left wing rhetoric...conservatives bad, liberals good...in an attempt to insulate herself from the left.

But, she somehow, without racism or conservative ideology, came to the exact same conclusions...that Harvard President Gay was absolutely a plagiarist and should resign.

"She plagiarized her acknowledgments. I take no joy in saying this, but Harvard President Claudine Gay ought to resign. Her track record is unbefitting the president of the country’s premier university. Remaining on the job would send a bad signal to students about the gravity of her conduct."

The complete editorial...archived of course...

Opinion | Harvard’s Claudine Gay should resign

And here is the original...

I would say the fact that Gay is a plagiarist is utterly obvious. :(
She's black.

They'll never PUBLICLY force her out. At best, they will offer her a HUGE payout in a closed-door meeting, on the basis that she resigns, and swear up and down to the MSM that it was her idea.

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