a former Marine has had enough of Trumps shit, and bailed ..

i just remember ww2 and 'korea' vets through my DAD and Uncles , neighbors who never drew attention to their wounds and war experience with talk and advertising and i personally liked and respected them as i knew that they joined up to fight war as enlisted or draftees and they did so out of a sense of Duty for their future Wives and kids and for America . My DAD and Uncles were a few of those vets and most of my friends Dads and my school teachers and many others were vets . Nowadays Volunteer military signs up for paychecks , citizenship , training , college , jobs , ambassadorships , bonuses and other perks BSand .
i dislike him , simply because he thinks that he is SPECIAL as a former 'marine' [as i roll my eyes] . Seems to me that he is / was simply a taxpayer paid public employee picked by 'hussein obama' XYZ .
---------------------------------- i see these guys walking around with veteran hats , t - shirts , license plates , yada , yada and other veteran identifiers and i just find it distasteful . None of my business though except as polite conversation and opinion on a message board . But when an article introduces someone as 'former' Marine . I just figure , SO WHAT . This guy was employed at one time as a 'volunteer Marine' in the Marine Corp. Charwin . And then , from what i understand this guy was an 'ambassador' and was put in place by 'hussein obama' so that means that 'hussein obama' picked him and thats the reason for the comment about 'hussein obama' Charwin , my friend :afro: .

Bottom line Trump cannot keep good people working for him. Now he has another job opening that he need to fill.

He has not even filled the rest of ambassador openings after one year.
Marine or not why bother to attack him with his hero credentials? Pismoe. Does that make you a big man?
Very funny pismoe.
Even Breitbart tells you that Trump is having problem hiring and keeping employees. Sad.

CNN: Facing Staffing Exodus, Trump Struggles to Fill West Wing - Breitbart

President Trump is finding it difficult to recruit staff to fill the vacancies, several people close to the West Wing say, as he faces the second year of his administration with daunting political odds and an ongoing Russia investigation.

In recent months, top advisers on foreign and domestic policy have announced their departures. Additional aides are expected to make their exit in the coming weeks. Chief of staff John Kelly has embarked upon an effort to fill the ranks by the end of January. But the absence of willing and qualified replacements, paired with a lengthy hiring process, make it unlikely he’ll reach that goal.
----------------------------------------- in the case of this Panama 'ambassador' so what , just another roadblock by embedded 'hussein obama' people that President Trump will have to overcome . Heck , hilary' and 'hussein' got one 'ambassador' killed in Ben Ghazi a few years ago and the USA lived through that Charwin. .

Stop your tickling me Pismoe. You can use your excuses however you want but this has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary.
i dislike him , simply because he thinks that he is SPECIAL as a former 'marine' [as i roll my eyes] . Seems to me that he is / was simply a taxpayer paid public employee picked by 'hussein obama' XYZ .
---------------------------------- i see these guys walking around with veteran hats , t - shirts , license plates , yada , yada and other veteran identifiers and i just find it distasteful . None of my business though except as polite conversation and opinion on a message board . But when an article introduces someone as 'former' Marine . I just figure , SO WHAT . This guy was employed at one time as a 'volunteer Marine' in the Marine Corp. Charwin . And then , from what i understand this guy was an 'ambassador' and was put in place by 'hussein obama' so that means that 'hussein obama' picked him and thats the reason for the comment about 'hussein obama' Charwin , my friend :afro: .

Bottom line Trump cannot keep good people working for him. Now he has another job opening that he need to fill.

He has not even filled the rest of ambassador openings after one year.
Marine or not why bother to attack him with his hero credentials? Pismoe. Does that make you a big man?
Very funny pismoe.
----------------------------------- they love your hero worship Charwin .
Even Breitbart tells you that Trump is having problem hiring and keeping employees. Sad.

CNN: Facing Staffing Exodus, Trump Struggles to Fill West Wing - Breitbart

President Trump is finding it difficult to recruit staff to fill the vacancies, several people close to the West Wing say, as he faces the second year of his administration with daunting political odds and an ongoing Russia investigation.

In recent months, top advisers on foreign and domestic policy have announced their departures. Additional aides are expected to make their exit in the coming weeks. Chief of staff John Kelly has embarked upon an effort to fill the ranks by the end of January. But the absence of willing and qualified replacements, paired with a lengthy hiring process, make it unlikely he’ll reach that goal.
----------------------------------------- in the case of this Panama 'ambassador' so what , just another roadblock by embedded 'hussein obama' people that President Trump will have to overcome . Heck , hilary' and 'hussein' got one 'ambassador' killed in Ben Ghazi a few years ago and the USA lived through that Charwin. .

Stop your tickling me Pismoe. You can use your excuses however you want but this has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary.
------------------------------------------- 'huesein obama' appointed your ' Marine' hero to his 'ambassadorship ' Charwin .
As a junior foreign service officer, I signed an oath to serve faithfully the president and his administration in an apolitical fashion, even when I might not agree with certain policies," Feeley said, according to an excerpt of a resignation letter read to Reuters on Friday.

"My instructors made clear that if I believed I could not do that, I would be honor bound to resign. That time has come."

U.S. ambassador to Panama resigns, says cannot serve Trump

What a fucking wimp......let's replace him with someone who can actually handle the job.
It wouldn't be hard to find someone with no morals.

LMAO he is not making a statement he has a huge pension..oh yeah I can tell someone to fuck off and have money coming into me every month..

Think clown think..he is a career military guy did his 20 years ..
Yeah, you hate him because he didn't have bone spur deferments like your hero.

How do I hate him in what way? Again he can make that statement because he had a military pension..he just wanted something to do...

Like how hard is it to be ambassador to Panama or New Zealand say?
Even Breitbart tells you that Trump is having problem hiring and keeping employees. Sad.

CNN: Facing Staffing Exodus, Trump Struggles to Fill West Wing - Breitbart

President Trump is finding it difficult to recruit staff to fill the vacancies, several people close to the West Wing say, as he faces the second year of his administration with daunting political odds and an ongoing Russia investigation.

In recent months, top advisers on foreign and domestic policy have announced their departures. Additional aides are expected to make their exit in the coming weeks. Chief of staff John Kelly has embarked upon an effort to fill the ranks by the end of January. But the absence of willing and qualified replacements, paired with a lengthy hiring process, make it unlikely he’ll reach that goal.
----------------------------------------- in the case of this Panama 'ambassador' so what , just another roadblock by embedded 'hussein obama' people that President Trump will have to overcome . Heck , hilary' and 'hussein' got one 'ambassador' killed in Ben Ghazi a few years ago and the USA lived through that Charwin. .

Stop your tickling me Pismoe. You can use your excuses however you want but this has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary.

When a person doesn't know that President Obama's first name is Barrack, can't spell the name of the Democratic Party, and continually tries to drag President Obama and Hillary Clinton into discussions of topics that have nothing to do with them, you know that this person is ignorant and a waste of time.
But the absence of willing and qualified replacements, paired with a lengthy hiring process, make it unlikely he’ll reach that goal.
That shouldn't be a problem. Hell they never worried about recruiting "qualified" candidates up to this point.

By now, it should be clear to all that the real problem is the thoroughly incompetent piece of dogshit stinking up the oval office.
As a junior foreign service officer, I signed an oath to serve faithfully the president and his administration in an apolitical fashion, even when I might not agree with certain policies," Feeley said, according to an excerpt of a resignation letter read to Reuters on Friday.

"My instructors made clear that if I believed I could not do that, I would be honor bound to resign. That time has come."

U.S. ambassador to Panama resigns, says cannot serve Trump

People with a backbone. Trump hates them.

He'll just appoint his gardener as ambassador likely. Or his mechanic.
As a junior foreign service officer, I signed an oath to serve faithfully the president and his administration in an apolitical fashion, even when I might not agree with certain policies," Feeley said, according to an excerpt of a resignation letter read to Reuters on Friday.

"My instructors made clear that if I believed I could not do that, I would be honor bound to resign. That time has come."

U.S. ambassador to Panama resigns, says cannot serve Trump

What a fucking wimp......let's replace him with someone who can actually handle the job.
It wouldn't be hard to find someone with no morals.

or any RW'r who likes the taste of Trumps fat old ass ...
More resignations.

Anti-abortion activist Teresa Manning resigns from HHS post

Anti-abortion activist Teresa Manning resigned from her post as deputy assistant secretary for population affairs on Friday, a Health and Human Services Department spokesman tells CNN.

"HHS would like to thank her for her service to this administration and the American people," the spokesman's statement read. It did not provide a reason for Manning's resignation.

Well, clearly there are people who do care about how their country is run. You're not one of them... oh well.
More people are quitting. Here’s another one.

Trump's Interior secretary can't seem to stay out of trouble

Yesterday, the Interior secretary faced more bad news, as NBC News reported.

Nine of the 12 members of the National Park System Advisory Board have resigned, saying the Interior Department has ignored it since President Donald Trump took office a year ago, the board's chairman said Tuesday.
No one with character is willing to work with the Orange Doosh.

He seems to require all of his stooges to endlessly lie for him and to have absolute loyalty (to the Doosh, NOT to America).
More resignations.

Anti-abortion activist Teresa Manning resigns from HHS post

Anti-abortion activist Teresa Manning resigned from her post as deputy assistant secretary for population affairs on Friday, a Health and Human Services Department spokesman tells CNN.

"HHS would like to thank her for her service to this administration and the American people," the spokesman's statement read. It did not provide a reason for Manning's resignation.

It is absolutely appalling that two such ignorant political activists as Manning and Huber are being paid, by us, deliberately to inflict damage on the women and girls of the United States. Birth control doesn't work??? Abstinence??? To add insult to injury, both of these bitches are women, and the Pervert-In-Chief's budget includes $277 million to substitute their cult shit for real, practical information that would help the female population, particularly our young girls, stay out of the kind of trouble that could ruin their lives, and would help our boys to not get girls pregnant, with the ensuing complications, and would help them avoid contracting STDs. Cultists should not be in charge of our public health programs. trump has given the cultists free rein over the American People.
The Evangelical Christians are like who is Godly enough to support as President ?

Oh I know, the guy who screwed a porn star while his wife was home with a newborn baby then paid $130,000 to keep the porn star quiet.

The Evangelical Christians are like who is Godly enough to support as President ?

Oh I know, the guy who screwed a porn star while his wife was home with a newborn baby then paid $130,000 to keep the porn star quiet.


You would think that this champion of virtue would have been at the birth to comfort his wife and then stayed at home to see to the care of his newborn and his postpartum wife. So much of "family values" involves the much-celebrated notion of "personal responsibility." We won't even go into what love is supposed to mean.
The Evangelical Christians are like who is Godly enough to support as President ?Oh I know, the guy who screwed a porn star while his wife was home with a newborn baby then paid $130,000 to keep the porn star quiet.
You would think that this champion of virtue would have been at the birth to comfort his wife and then stayed at home to see to the care of his newborn and his postpartum wife. So much of "family values" involves the much-celebrated notion of "personal responsibility." We won't even go into what love is supposed to mean.

Its against his core belief to treat women decently
More people are quitting. Here’s another one.

Trump's Interior secretary can't seem to stay out of trouble

Yesterday, the Interior secretary faced more bad news, as NBC News reported.

Nine of the 12 members of the National Park System Advisory Board have resigned, saying the Interior Department has ignored it since President Donald Trump took office a year ago, the board's chairman said Tuesday.
--------------------------------------------------------- IGNORED Them eh [chuckle] so they are not of any use and the advisors got the message simply by being IGNORED eh ?? And so what , let them quit , who needs their lefty enviro advice Charwin ??

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