A Few ChiCom Flu Pet Peeves


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
First, seeing how gullible and inability to think for themselves the younger adult generation is. Wearing masks while driving, biking or walking outdoors alone without question. Just because ‘experts’ said they were useless then useful because they wanted to see how easy it is to manipulate people. People believing a t-shirt over the face protects them from a virus has them rolling on the floor laughing.

‘Experts’ closing entrance/exit doors of stores in order to funnel everyone into close quarters to enter and exit. In the name of social distancing of course.

‘Experts’ saying stand 6’ apart in the airport terminal, then cramming you and 300 others into an airtight tube shoulder to shoulder for hours because it’s safe to do so.

The hypocrisy of the biggest tyrants for controlling citizens in the name of safety violating their own rules and never paying a price when caught.

Vaccinists of the experimental substance insisting everyone get injected like it’s some parody of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers of those that haven’t been assimilated yet. If you got the magic vaccine, why do you care if I do our not?


Remember two weeks to flatten the curve? Again, no price paid and people still listening to them.

Wearing a mask while talking to the TV camera or me on a zoom meeting. My gun finger twitches every time.

‘Experts’ saying it’s safe to have mass demonstrations and riots but don’t go into a church sitting 6’ apart because that’s not safe.

Remember ‘as soon as a vaccine comes out’? Yeah, they’re also still listened to.

But a few, many more
First, seeing how gullible and inability to think for themselves the younger adult generation is. Wearing masks while driving, biking or walking outdoors alone without question. Just because ‘experts’ said they were useless then useful because they wanted to see how easy it is to manipulate people. People believing a t-shirt over the face protects them from a virus has them rolling on the floor laughing.

‘Experts’ closing entrance/exit doors of stores in order to funnel everyone into close quarters to enter and exit. In the name of social distancing of course.

‘Experts’ saying stand 6’ apart in the airport terminal, then cramming you and 300 others into an airtight tube shoulder to shoulder for hours because it’s safe to do so.

The hypocrisy of the biggest tyrants for controlling citizens in the name of safety violating their own rules and never paying a price when caught.

Vaccinists of the experimental substance insisting everyone get injected like it’s some parody of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers of those that haven’t been assimilated yet. If you got the magic vaccine, why do you care if I do our not?

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Remember two weeks to flatten the curve? Again, no price paid and people still listening to them.

Wearing a mask while talking to the TV camera or me on a zoom meeting. My gun finger twitches every time.

‘Experts’ saying it’s safe to have mass demonstrations and riots but don’t go into a church sitting 6’ apart because that’s not safe.

Remember ‘as soon as a vaccine comes out’? Yeah, they’re also still listened to.

But a few, many more

The fauci Flu
The very bizarre scene of an LAPD motorboat arresting a lone guy on a paddleboard in the ocean for not wearing a mask.

Worse was the Friday coroner's report. Every death certificate of those that died during the week was changed from whatever the cause of death was to covid. The Friday spike.
First, seeing how gullible and inability to think for themselves the younger adult generation is. Wearing masks while driving, biking or walking outdoors alone without question. Just because ‘experts’ said they were useless then useful because they wanted to see how easy it is to manipulate people. People believing a t-shirt over the face protects them from a virus has them rolling on the floor laughing.

‘Experts’ closing entrance/exit doors of stores in order to funnel everyone into close quarters to enter and exit. In the name of social distancing of course.

‘Experts’ saying stand 6’ apart in the airport terminal, then cramming you and 300 others into an airtight tube shoulder to shoulder for hours because it’s safe to do so.

The hypocrisy of the biggest tyrants for controlling citizens in the name of safety violating their own rules and never paying a price when caught.

Vaccinists of the experimental substance insisting everyone get injected like it’s some parody of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers of those that haven’t been assimilated yet. If you got the magic vaccine, why do you care if I do our not?

View attachment 489509

Remember two weeks to flatten the curve? Again, no price paid and people still listening to them.

Wearing a mask while talking to the TV camera or me on a zoom meeting. My gun finger twitches every time.

‘Experts’ saying it’s safe to have mass demonstrations and riots but don’t go into a church sitting 6’ apart because that’s not safe.

Remember ‘as soon as a vaccine comes out’? Yeah, they’re also still listened to.

But a few, many more

What about the same people who said THIS was perfectly OK at last winter's Superbowl because it represented too much money lost if done any other way

Screen Shot 2021-05-14 at 4.06.48 PM.png

are the same jackals allowing Amazon to refuse to deliver a chair into my locked and sealed home or a utility to come fix their telecom gear--- both of which I depend on ---because the risks are just too high.
A motorcycle accident victim being listed as a ChiCom Flu death, my aunt being told her ChiCom Flu test was positive despite she never took one.

And nobody gets fired or even reprimanded.

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