A Dare. Name Some Things All Parties Have In Common.


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
If you research party platforms it's very clear they all pretty much want the same thing.

Once Big Corporate Donations come in and find a puppet, it doesn't matter what the party wants.

I dare the community to simply name some things all parties have in common without turning into trolls. Shouldn't be that hard, but we will see it is impossible. An angry hate driven troll will show up and step away from opinion or facts and start hating on someone personally.
We will see lot's of views, but no one willing to put in the basic information that all parties want the same things.
Neither party is for the working man, the middle income citizen.
Neither party is serious about stopping immigration until every American who wants a job has a job.
Republicans want cheap labor, Democrats wants cheap votes.
Not even the libertarian is for the working man. They want to open the border to anyone who wants to work here regardless of how many unemployed people we have. None of the parties is fighting for me.
Platforms are meaningless when the briefcases full of cash show up.

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