A brief history of the end of the United States.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
We know that America was founded on principles that allowed people to control government from the bottom up in lieu of being controlled from the top down as was the status quo when our constitution was written. This was a grand experiment that went against the grain of history. Our founders had an instinctive belief that common people possess a collective wisdom that supersedes a ruling elite that walks so far in front of its followers it loses sight of them. Remember the French Revolution? Your leaders do which is probably why all that razor wire is decorating the “People’s House” in Washington DC right now.

In 2016 permanent Washington came under threat from a plebian population that was unimpressed with all those Harvard and Yale aristocrats that had dispensed with their company pensions, good paying jobs, affordable health insurance and personal liberties. Blue-collar throngs used their votes to elect Donald Trump who was calling for a return to the days when America took care of its own first. Those handicap parking stickers and electric shopping carts the people were getting really did not make up for the loss of personal dignity many suffered while US industry was traded to foreign players like poker chips for future considerations so lobbyists, corporate interests and American politicians could get rich and stay that way.

Clearly, the people needed to be shown who was in charge and the American press which had sadly devolved into propaganda arms of the government, led the charge against the upstart, unwashed working class that refused to genuflect to the entrenched politburo of Washington authority. Investigations, allegations, accusations, and all manner of crimes against the state danced in the public realm as US intelligence agencies used secret police tactics not against foreign enemies but against an American president.

In spite of massive authoritarian attacks on the people, the re-election of permanent Washington’s antagonist and threatening swamp drainer was well on track. The only option was to corrupt the election process and it has worked for now. Now the country is unrecognizable as a democracy under propaganda that creates movements against white supremacy that is thinly veiled Holocaust methodology suggesting that an ethnic group is born defective and unfixable.

Prices are rising and economic misery in approaching. Remember the French Revolution. They better leave that razor wire right where it is.
Oh no! Raymond’s back with his silly overly dramatic posts.

To think dumb Don a threat to the DC establishment, is to purposely avoid the facts. For Christ’s sake, he filled his administration with establishment assholes. He was never a threat.

Please wake up Raymond. You’re much too old for this foolishness.
Who knew Weltschmerz was so rampant in this country...
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Your side's actions call for them. If you can pull off this latest bit, and get the nation to focus on 5 hours of rioting from our side, while ignoring the 5 years of rioting from your side,

this country, as we have known it, is over.
Thank God!
We know that America was founded on principles that allowed people to control government from the bottom up in lieu of being controlled from the top down as was the status quo when our constitution was written. This was a grand experiment that went against the grain of history. Our founders had an instinctive belief that common people possess a collective wisdom that supersedes a ruling elite that walks so far in front of its followers it loses sight of them. Remember the French Revolution? Your leaders do which is probably why all that razor wire is decorating the “People’s House” in Washington DC right now.

In 2016 permanent Washington came under threat from a plebian population that was unimpressed with all those Harvard and Yale aristocrats that had dispensed with their company pensions, good paying jobs, affordable health insurance and personal liberties. Blue-collar throngs used their votes to elect Donald Trump who was calling for a return to the days when America took care of its own first. Those handicap parking stickers and electric shopping carts the people were getting really did not make up for the loss of personal dignity many suffered while US industry was traded to foreign players like poker chips for future considerations so lobbyists, corporate interests and American politicians could get rich and stay that way.

Clearly, the people needed to be shown who was in charge and the American press which had sadly devolved into propaganda arms of the government, led the charge against the upstart, unwashed working class that refused to genuflect to the entrenched politburo of Washington authority. Investigations, allegations, accusations, and all manner of crimes against the state danced in the public realm as US intelligence agencies used secret police tactics not against foreign enemies but against an American president.

In spite of massive authoritarian attacks on the people, the re-election of permanent Washington’s antagonist and threatening swamp drainer was well on track. The only option was to corrupt the election process and it has worked for now. Now the country is unrecognizable as a democracy under propaganda that creates movements against white supremacy that is thinly veiled Holocaust methodology suggesting that an ethnic group is born defective and unfixable.

Prices are rising and economic misery in approaching. Remember the French Revolution. They better leave that razor wire right where it is.
Lies! All conspiracy theory lies!
These apocalyptic threads are coming fast and furious from the Trumpsters.

Can you imagine if people were afraid to wear Biden hats in any major US city like you fascists stopped people from wearing Trump hats because they were getting beaten up by leftists? Can you imagine people throwing water and intimidating leftists in restaurants like you do because they support the wrong candidate? Can you imagine leftists being driven off TV and all major internet sites like you fascist do now?

I cannot believe how far fascism has gone just in my lifetime in the United States of America. It is so different than when I was a kid. No one was afraid of Americans then like they are now. And then there's how you're stealing elections. It is apocalyptic
Can you imagine if people were afraid to wear Biden hats in any major US city like you fascists stopped people from wearing Trump hats because they were getting beaten up by leftists? Can you imagine people throwing water and intimidating leftists in restaurants like you do because they support the wrong candidate? Can you imagine leftists being driven off TV and all major internet sites like you fascist do now? I cannot believe how far fascism has gone just in my lifetime in the United States of America. It is so different than when I was a kid. No one was afraid of Americans then like they are now. And then there's how you're stealing elections. It is apocalyptic
Fascist fascism commie commie!

Can you imagine if people were afraid to wear Biden hats in any major US city like you fascists stopped people from wearing Trump hats because they were getting beaten up by leftists? Can you imagine people throwing water and intimidating leftists in restaurants like you do because they support the wrong candidate? Can you imagine leftists being driven off TV and all major internet sites like you fascist do now? I cannot believe how far fascism has gone just in my lifetime in the United States of America. It is so different than when I was a kid. No one was afraid of Americans then like they are now. And then there's how you're stealing elections. It is apocalyptic
Fascist fascism commie commie!


Yes, you fascists would be flipping out if you were literally in physical danger for wearing a Biden hat. But you are the fascists, so all is good, stop whining ...
Up until recently the people had one thing to fight the wickedness of concentrated wealth at the top. They had their vote. Now they have no faith in that one saving grace. The people witnessed unpunished crimes by high officials. The people witnessed evil amplified by disinformation and misinformation. The people have lost trust in the good faith of leadership.

The day of the sheep will not end well.
These apocalyptic threads are coming fast and furious from the Trumpsters.

Can you imagine if people were afraid to wear Biden hats in any major US city like you fascists stopped people from wearing Trump hats because they were getting beaten up by leftists? Can you imagine people throwing water and intimidating leftists in restaurants like you do because they support the wrong candidate? Can you imagine leftists being driven off TV and all major internet sites like you fascist do now?

I cannot believe how far fascism has gone just in my lifetime in the United States of America. It is so different than when I was a kid. No one was afraid of Americans then like they are now. And then there's how you're stealing elections. It is apocalyptic

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