A black woman called 911 because she was afraid of a police officer. A violent arrest followed.

So you dont even know yet you've been defending it? LOL.

Getting out the car isnt against the law. So you cant be arrested for something thats not illegal.
Getting out of the car is not against the law, however not getting back in the car when given a lawful order from a police officer is.
Question is, did he instruct her to either stay in the car, or get back in the car.
With as many viral animals out there right now looking to shoot white police officers, do you think it unreasonable for an officer to want to take immediate charge of any situation he finds himself in?

Not following lawful orders is illegal.
A white giving a black a lawful order reminds them too much of slavery. Its not politically correct to do so.

To me, not liking being given a lawful order falls under the concept of tough shit for them.
I have to admit, I have a problem with following a "lawful" order from a police officer too, but I do it. pisses me off but I'm not going to take the chance of going to jail just so some cowboy wannabe can feel superior in all ways.

What's wrong with following what a police officer requests as long as it isn't unethical, illegal, or immoral?
Getting out of the car is not against the law, however not getting back in the car when given a lawful order from a police officer is.
Question is, did he instruct her to either stay in the car, or get back in the car.
With as many viral animals out there right now looking to shoot white police officers, do you think it unreasonable for an officer to want to take immediate charge of any situation he finds himself in?

Not following lawful orders is illegal.
A white giving a black a lawful order reminds them too much of slavery. Its not politically correct to do so.

To me, not liking being given a lawful order falls under the concept of tough shit for them.
I have to admit, I have a problem with following a "lawful" order from a police officer too, but I do it. pisses me off but I'm not going to take the chance of going to jail just so some cowboy wannabe can feel superior in all ways.

What's wrong with following what a police officer requests as long as it isn't unethical, illegal, or immoral?
I just have an authority issue.
The one time I am thinking of was when I was on my porch, on my own property, (5 acres wooded) and the police were searching for someone that had evidently run into the woods around my area, they ordered me to go in the house. I'm like bitch, I live here how about you GTF off of my property?
But, I went in. Traffic stops are another thing, I pretty much keep my hands in view and stay in the car, don't need some jumpy cadet putting a hole in my head because I reached for my coffee or something.
Not following lawful orders is illegal.
A white giving a black a lawful order reminds them too much of slavery. Its not politically correct to do so.

To me, not liking being given a lawful order falls under the concept of tough shit for them.
I have to admit, I have a problem with following a "lawful" order from a police officer too, but I do it. pisses me off but I'm not going to take the chance of going to jail just so some cowboy wannabe can feel superior in all ways.

What's wrong with following what a police officer requests as long as it isn't unethical, illegal, or immoral?
I just have an authority issue.
The one time I am thinking of was when I was on my porch, on my own property, (5 acres wooded) and the police were searching for someone that had evidently run into the woods around my area, they ordered me to go in the house. I'm like bitch, I live here how about you GTF off of my property?
But, I went in. Traffic stops are another thing, I pretty much keep my hands in view and stay in the car, don't need some jumpy cadet putting a hole in my head because I reached for my coffee or something.

Oh, an anarchist.

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