A black woman called 911 because she was afraid of a police officer. A violent arrest followed.

Tap the brakes there Barney Fife. You forget who you're working for. Or you've forgotten what country you live in.

I'm not a LEO. I realized long ago that I couldn't do that job in this panty waisted nation. I know what country I'm in, unfortunately. I also know that lack of fear of/deference to LEOs by the public is killing this nation.

No, the police can all be fired overnight and replaced with qualified prospectives.

Qualified prospectives? Does that mean people who let those in society do what they want when they want because they want?

Ask a pimp? :laugh:

I asked you but apparently you either are too stupid or too gutless to answer.
I doubt there would be any sympathy for the woman had she been white.
I don't believe sympathy for this woman is the issue. Rather it is critical assessment of that cop's seemingly instinctual tendency to escalate a relatively minor situation. He obviously is so preoccupied with his sense of importance that the relatively minor nature of the offense became irrelevant and the fact that his authority was being challenged infuriated him.

As mentioned in a previous message, when one's only tool is a hammer one tends to treat every situation like a nail. I perceive this cop to be another of those loose-cannons whose lack of judgment is responsible for the currently rising anti-police atmosphere. He is the kind of cop the Nation's police fraternity can do without -- and I'm certain that every psychologically stable cop in the U.S. with an I.Q. above 85 agrees with me.

Had the dumb bitch stayed in the car like she should have done, nothing occurs. Tells me she wanted to escalate the situation because how dare a white cop say anything to a black.

So you agree the situation occurred because she felt the need to challenge authority for not AGREEING with why she was stopped?

She got out the car before knowing who was in the car behind her. If getting out your car, to you, is an act of violence then that is the reason you're not a cop and imagine being John Wayne or Bruce Willis

Bullshit. If she didn't know a cop was behind her, why did she pull over?

You said she got out because he was white. Stop being stupid and walking back every post you make
The meltdown is what the black bitch that got upset a white cop stopped her did.

I doubt there would be any sympathy for the woman had she been white.

Would a white woman have even done what this person did?

All those defending this woman would have said the white woman should have stayed in the car.

Again, that is not why she was arrested.

Why do you say she was arrested? Remember, saying because she was black or the police officer had his feeling hurt isn't a valid answer.

The cop said she was arrested and charged not me. Did you know that or were you too busy defending shit you didnt know?

You said you knew that not staying in the car wasn't the reason why she was arrested. Surely someone that know that would know the reason. In your case, you don't know shit but run your fucking mouth like you do.

I didn't expect you to answer. Your kind are worthless.
I doubt there would be any sympathy for the woman had she been white.
I don't believe sympathy for this woman is the issue. Rather it is critical assessment of that cop's seemingly instinctual tendency to escalate a relatively minor situation. He obviously is so preoccupied with his sense of importance that the relatively minor nature of the offense became irrelevant and the fact that his authority was being challenged infuriated him.

As mentioned in a previous message, when one's only tool is a hammer one tends to treat every situation like a nail. I perceive this cop to be another of those loose-cannons whose lack of judgment is responsible for the currently rising anti-police atmosphere. He is the kind of cop the Nation's police fraternity can do without -- and I'm certain that every psychologically stable cop in the U.S. with an I.Q. above 85 agrees with me.

Had the dumb bitch stayed in the car like she should have done, nothing occurs. Tells me she wanted to escalate the situation because how dare a white cop say anything to a black.

So you agree the situation occurred because she felt the need to challenge authority for not AGREEING with why she was stopped?

She got out the car before knowing who was in the car behind her. If getting out your car, to you, is an act of violence then that is the reason you're not a cop and imagine being John Wayne or Bruce Willis

Bullshit. If she didn't know a cop was behind her, why did she pull over?

You said she got out because he was white. Stop being stupid and walking back every post you make

You said she didn't know who was in the car behind her. That's a lie.
I doubt there would be any sympathy for the woman had she been white.
I don't believe sympathy for this woman is the issue. Rather it is critical assessment of that cop's seemingly instinctual tendency to escalate a relatively minor situation. He obviously is so preoccupied with his sense of importance that the relatively minor nature of the offense became irrelevant and the fact that his authority was being challenged infuriated him.

As mentioned in a previous message, when one's only tool is a hammer one tends to treat every situation like a nail. I perceive this cop to be another of those loose-cannons whose lack of judgment is responsible for the currently rising anti-police atmosphere. He is the kind of cop the Nation's police fraternity can do without -- and I'm certain that every psychologically stable cop in the U.S. with an I.Q. above 85 agrees with me.

Had the dumb bitch stayed in the car like she should have done, nothing occurs. Tells me she wanted to escalate the situation because how dare a white cop say anything to a black.

So you agree the situation occurred because she felt the need to challenge authority for not AGREEING with why she was stopped?

She got out the car before knowing who was in the car behind her. If getting out your car, to you, is an act of violence then that is the reason you're not a cop and imagine being John Wayne or Bruce Willis

Bullshit. If she didn't know a cop was behind her, why did she pull over?

You said she got out because he was white. Stop being stupid and walking back every post you make

You said you knew that getting out of the car isn't why she was arrested. You refused to say why she was. Stop being the typical coward like you kind, boy.
I doubt there would be any sympathy for the woman had she been white.

Would a white woman have even done what this person did?

All those defending this woman would have said the white woman should have stayed in the car.

Again, that is not why she was arrested.

Why do you say she was arrested? Remember, saying because she was black or the police officer had his feeling hurt isn't a valid answer.

The cop said she was arrested and charged not me. Did you know that or were you too busy defending shit you didnt know?

You said you knew that not staying in the car wasn't the reason why she was arrested. Surely someone that know that would know the reason. In your case, you don't know shit but run your fucking mouth like you do.

I didn't expect you to answer. Your kind are worthless.

So you dont even know yet you've been defending it? LOL.

Getting out the car isnt against the law. So you cant be arrested for something thats not illegal.
I don't believe sympathy for this woman is the issue. Rather it is critical assessment of that cop's seemingly instinctual tendency to escalate a relatively minor situation. He obviously is so preoccupied with his sense of importance that the relatively minor nature of the offense became irrelevant and the fact that his authority was being challenged infuriated him.

As mentioned in a previous message, when one's only tool is a hammer one tends to treat every situation like a nail. I perceive this cop to be another of those loose-cannons whose lack of judgment is responsible for the currently rising anti-police atmosphere. He is the kind of cop the Nation's police fraternity can do without -- and I'm certain that every psychologically stable cop in the U.S. with an I.Q. above 85 agrees with me.

Had the dumb bitch stayed in the car like she should have done, nothing occurs. Tells me she wanted to escalate the situation because how dare a white cop say anything to a black.

So you agree the situation occurred because she felt the need to challenge authority for not AGREEING with why she was stopped?

She got out the car before knowing who was in the car behind her. If getting out your car, to you, is an act of violence then that is the reason you're not a cop and imagine being John Wayne or Bruce Willis

Bullshit. If she didn't know a cop was behind her, why did she pull over?

You said she got out because he was white. Stop being stupid and walking back every post you make

You said you knew that getting out of the car isn't why she was arrested. You refused to say why she was. Stop being the typical coward like you kind, boy.

You dont know why she was arrested but you defended it. So why the fuck would I tell you the reason the cop gave when you've already defended every action and made up reasons for it.

You're not interested in the truth...you see this as a black vs white thing
Would a white woman have even done what this person did?

All those defending this woman would have said the white woman should have stayed in the car.

Again, that is not why she was arrested.

Why do you say she was arrested? Remember, saying because she was black or the police officer had his feeling hurt isn't a valid answer.

The cop said she was arrested and charged not me. Did you know that or were you too busy defending shit you didnt know?

You said you knew that not staying in the car wasn't the reason why she was arrested. Surely someone that know that would know the reason. In your case, you don't know shit but run your fucking mouth like you do.

I didn't expect you to answer. Your kind are worthless.

So you dont even know yet you've been defending it? LOL.

Getting out the car isnt against the law. So you cant be arrested for something thats not illegal.

Yet you won't say why she was arrested will you, BOY?

Getting out of the car is a threat and he handled the threat. Don't like it, teach blacks to do the right thing.
Had the dumb bitch stayed in the car like she should have done, nothing occurs. Tells me she wanted to escalate the situation because how dare a white cop say anything to a black.

So you agree the situation occurred because she felt the need to challenge authority for not AGREEING with why she was stopped?

She got out the car before knowing who was in the car behind her. If getting out your car, to you, is an act of violence then that is the reason you're not a cop and imagine being John Wayne or Bruce Willis

Bullshit. If she didn't know a cop was behind her, why did she pull over?

You said she got out because he was white. Stop being stupid and walking back every post you make

You said you knew that getting out of the car isn't why she was arrested. You refused to say why she was. Stop being the typical coward like you kind, boy.

You dont know why she was arrested but you defended it. So why the fuck would I tell you the reason the cop gave when you've already defended every action and made up reasons for it.

You're not interested in the truth...you see this as a black vs white thing

I want why you think she was arrested. If you don't have the guts, tell me. It's OK. Many of your kind don't.
Again, that is not why she was arrested.

Why do you say she was arrested? Remember, saying because she was black or the police officer had his feeling hurt isn't a valid answer.

The cop said she was arrested and charged not me. Did you know that or were you too busy defending shit you didnt know?

You said you knew that not staying in the car wasn't the reason why she was arrested. Surely someone that know that would know the reason. In your case, you don't know shit but run your fucking mouth like you do.

I didn't expect you to answer. Your kind are worthless.

So you dont even know yet you've been defending it? LOL.

Getting out the car isnt against the law. So you cant be arrested for something thats not illegal.

Yet you won't say why she was arrested will you, BOY?

Getting out of the car is a threat and he handled the threat. Don't like it, teach blacks to do the right thing.

Thats not illegal and not the stated reason the cop arrested her. You're defending the wrong this LOL
Why do you say she was arrested? Remember, saying because she was black or the police officer had his feeling hurt isn't a valid answer.

The cop said she was arrested and charged not me. Did you know that or were you too busy defending shit you didnt know?

You said you knew that not staying in the car wasn't the reason why she was arrested. Surely someone that know that would know the reason. In your case, you don't know shit but run your fucking mouth like you do.

I didn't expect you to answer. Your kind are worthless.

So you dont even know yet you've been defending it? LOL.

Getting out the car isnt against the law. So you cant be arrested for something thats not illegal.

Yet you won't say why she was arrested will you, BOY?

Getting out of the car is a threat and he handled the threat. Don't like it, teach blacks to do the right thing.

Thats not illegal and not the stated reason the cop arrested her. You're defending the wrong this LOL

Then what's the reason she was arrested. You still don't have the guts to say, boy.
Tap the brakes there Barney Fife. You forget who you're working for. Or you've forgotten what country you live in.

I'm not a LEO. I realized long ago that I couldn't do that job in this panty waisted nation. I know what country I'm in, unfortunately. I also know that lack of fear of/deference to LEOs by the public is killing this nation.

No, the police can all be fired overnight and replaced with qualified prospectives.

Qualified prospectives? Does that mean people who let those in society do what they want when they want because they want?

Ask a pimp? :laugh:

I asked you but apparently you either are too stupid or too gutless to answer.

It was a dumb question, but it looks like I have to answer it. :rolleyes:

It would mean doing a lot of hiring, but if it is in the National Interest greatly enough, they will find all the people they need. How trustworthy they will be is an unknown.
What? People blindly agree with the cops actions and find the citizen at fault. Wow! That only happens on days that end with "Y"

This isn't about agreeing with the cops but realizing that the woman was at fault for getting out of her car.

You guys find fault with any action when it involves a cop and a citizen.

not true. many white people in this thread have had negative police experiences and have stated as much. you like to make shit up
Being from the shallow end of the gene pool, you would.

Yes, YOU are from the shallow end of the gene pool and that's why I identified you as being many of those. Thanks for agreeing.
Unfortunately for the lower rung whites like you, society has left you powerless, irrelevant and reduced to racial epithets on an internet board...
Nope, trump can't save you from yourself...
That deal so many centuries ago that lied and told you that you were better than Black people has expired.

You seem to think you know a lot of someone you don't know.

No one had to tell me I'm better. It was easy to see, boy.

Let's see, I'm employed and have been, don't have bastard children, didn't quit school, not a criminal, don't use social welfare, etc. Yeah, I'm powerless and irrelevant. Try looking at blacks who have high unemployment, 3/4 bastard children, high dropout rates, high criminal rates, extensive use of social welfare, and so on. They've done exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do. Since he said he'd "have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years", does that mean blacks think that's what they are since they did exactly what he said?
Still with the epithets...the vocabulary of lower rung whites everywhere...
Yeah, I understand your irrelevance has been exposed to you and the social contract of racism is being erased, however, trump still can't save you.
Fyi...be original and try some new epithets...lol.

So Lyndon Johnson was correct.

I'll stop considering you one when you stop being one.
Actually that phrase you want to reference has never been verified, sorta like your belief you are better than Black people...
Yes, YOU are from the shallow end of the gene pool and that's why I identified you as being many of those. Thanks for agreeing.
Unfortunately for the lower rung whites like you, society has left you powerless, irrelevant and reduced to racial epithets on an internet board...
Nope, trump can't save you from yourself...
That deal so many centuries ago that lied and told you that you were better than Black people has expired.

You seem to think you know a lot of someone you don't know.

No one had to tell me I'm better. It was easy to see, boy.

Let's see, I'm employed and have been, don't have bastard children, didn't quit school, not a criminal, don't use social welfare, etc. Yeah, I'm powerless and irrelevant. Try looking at blacks who have high unemployment, 3/4 bastard children, high dropout rates, high criminal rates, extensive use of social welfare, and so on. They've done exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do. Since he said he'd "have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years", does that mean blacks think that's what they are since they did exactly what he said?
Still with the epithets...the vocabulary of lower rung whites everywhere...
Yeah, I understand your irrelevance has been exposed to you and the social contract of racism is being erased, however, trump still can't save you.
Fyi...be original and try some new epithets...lol.

So Lyndon Johnson was correct.

I'll stop considering you one when you stop being one.
Actually that phrase you want to reference has never been verified, sorta like your belief you are better than Black people...

You mean you don't want to believe that it has just like you don't want to believe the latter. That I'm better has nothing to do with white vs. blacks but results involving a comparison of whites vs. blacks.
Unfortunately for the lower rung whites like you, society has left you powerless, irrelevant and reduced to racial epithets on an internet board...
Nope, trump can't save you from yourself...
That deal so many centuries ago that lied and told you that you were better than Black people has expired.

You seem to think you know a lot of someone you don't know.

No one had to tell me I'm better. It was easy to see, boy.

Let's see, I'm employed and have been, don't have bastard children, didn't quit school, not a criminal, don't use social welfare, etc. Yeah, I'm powerless and irrelevant. Try looking at blacks who have high unemployment, 3/4 bastard children, high dropout rates, high criminal rates, extensive use of social welfare, and so on. They've done exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do. Since he said he'd "have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years", does that mean blacks think that's what they are since they did exactly what he said?
Still with the epithets...the vocabulary of lower rung whites everywhere...
Yeah, I understand your irrelevance has been exposed to you and the social contract of racism is being erased, however, trump still can't save you.
Fyi...be original and try some new epithets...lol.

So Lyndon Johnson was correct.

I'll stop considering you one when you stop being one.
Actually that phrase you want to reference has never been verified, sorta like your belief you are better than Black people...

You mean you don't want to believe that it has just like you don't want to believe the latter. That I'm better has nothing to do with white vs. blacks but results involving a comparison of whites vs. blacks.
Sure sonny sure...
You have proven yourself to be an idiot with the facts of this thread,
An idiot who is reduced to screaming, "boy" and other boring racial epithets,
An idiot who has made numerous unsubstantiated comments concerning the woman due to her race,
An idiot who still believes trump is going to make him relevant in some unknown manner.

And the crowning idiocy of the day...I'm better than Black people not for a single thing, I as an individual have achieved.
I'm better because of an unspecified comparison of white vs. Black people...lol...

I did say you were an idiot...right???
Would a white woman have even done what this person did?

All those defending this woman would have said the white woman should have stayed in the car.

Again, that is not why she was arrested.

Why do you say she was arrested? Remember, saying because she was black or the police officer had his feeling hurt isn't a valid answer.

The cop said she was arrested and charged not me. Did you know that or were you too busy defending shit you didnt know?

You said you knew that not staying in the car wasn't the reason why she was arrested. Surely someone that know that would know the reason. In your case, you don't know shit but run your fucking mouth like you do.

I didn't expect you to answer. Your kind are worthless.

So you dont even know yet you've been defending it? LOL.

Getting out the car isnt against the law. So you cant be arrested for something thats not illegal.
you don't think that happens? Really, are you that naive?
You seem to think you know a lot of someone you don't know.

No one had to tell me I'm better. It was easy to see, boy.

Let's see, I'm employed and have been, don't have bastard children, didn't quit school, not a criminal, don't use social welfare, etc. Yeah, I'm powerless and irrelevant. Try looking at blacks who have high unemployment, 3/4 bastard children, high dropout rates, high criminal rates, extensive use of social welfare, and so on. They've done exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do. Since he said he'd "have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years", does that mean blacks think that's what they are since they did exactly what he said?
Still with the epithets...the vocabulary of lower rung whites everywhere...
Yeah, I understand your irrelevance has been exposed to you and the social contract of racism is being erased, however, trump still can't save you.
Fyi...be original and try some new epithets...lol.

So Lyndon Johnson was correct.

I'll stop considering you one when you stop being one.
Actually that phrase you want to reference has never been verified, sorta like your belief you are better than Black people...

You mean you don't want to believe that it has just like you don't want to believe the latter. That I'm better has nothing to do with white vs. blacks but results involving a comparison of whites vs. blacks.
Sure sonny sure...
You have proven yourself to be an idiot with the facts of this thread,
An idiot who is reduced to screaming, "boy" and other boring racial epithets,
An idiot who has made numerous unsubstantiated comments concerning the woman due to her race,
An idiot who still believes trump is going to make him relevant in some unknown manner.

And the crowning idiocy of the day...I'm better than Black people not for a single thing, I as an individual have achieved.
I'm better because of an unspecified comparison of white vs. Black people...lol...

I did say you were an idiot...right???

The problem is you're making the determination and you've proven you're incapable of doing so.

So you wanted specifics. If don't fit into any of the categories where fitting is a bad thing and for which blacks are high disproportionately represented based on their percentage in society. What I've done and succeeded in accomplishing was done based on qualification,s skills, etc. I didn't have to have programs like affirmative action in order to get selected. That, alone, puts me on a higher level.

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