A Biden talk show appearance has definitively answered the teleprompter question


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Biden talk show appearance has definitively answered the teleprompter question

13 Sep 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

For months now, people have been wondering whether all of Biden’s appearances, including the easy ones, are scripted. Now we know the truth.
For the Biden campaign, the Wuhan virus has been a benefit. It’s allowed Biden to conduct his interviews from the safety of his own home. Because there are no public appearances, his campaign can keep secret whether Biden relies on a teleprompter for even friendly, casual interviews. Videos of Biden’s slip-ups suggested that he was using a teleprompter, but the campaign wasn’t talking. Now, though, a sharp-eyed viewer looking at footage of Biden talking to James Corden believes he’s exposed Biden’s secret: Even for friendly, inconsequential interviews, Biden and his interlocutors have a script.
What’s new in the 2020 election, as opposed to 1988 or 2008, is Biden’s cognitive decline. Although his campaign and the mainstream media are denying it, it’s obvious to everyone. Several times, people have suspected that, during allegedly spontaneous question and answer sessions, he’s actually relying on a teleprompter:


There are two things you should take away from learning that Biden is relying on a script, even for friendly interviews. First, this confirms that his cognitive deficit is so severe he can no longer be trusted to speak on his own.
Second, it puts the lie to Benjamin Franklin’s quip that “three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” The Biden teleprompter cover-up has involved dozens of people. After all, for this to work, not only were Biden’s aides covering for him, all of the people who interviewed Biden and stuck to the script were in the know.
Nevertheless, all of them – all the staffers and left-wing individuals or outlets conducting the interviews – were so determined to remove Trump from office that none leaked this secret. It turns out that, when political power is at stake, leftists will take the truth to the grave with them.

All America is awaiting the Debates that begin September 29th, 2020... Will China a Joe be able to stand up to Trump? Surely everyone will be waiting to check Joey out for ear buds to receive the answers to the questions he receives during the debates.
I'm sure that the DNC will as they've done before get the questions before the Debates as they've done before ala Donna Brazile to the Hillary Campaign...
Hmm..., none of the scandals are working. Give Uncle Joe the Covid and let voters watch as he tries to campaign from a hospital bed behind a window.
Most Americans believe that China Joe Biden, has been an empty suit his whole life certainly since he was elected to Congress 40+ years. Can anyone name one bill with Biden’s name on it that did not make things worse? Name one policy Biden has been correct about. He was the one sent to Iraq to negotiate a SOFA agreement. He came home empty handed. Face it Joey is a puppet and does whatever his handlers say. Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have totally taken over and if Biden wins Harris becomes president. She is even further left than Obama.
A Biden talk show appearance has definitively answered the teleprompter question

13 Sep 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

For months now, people have been wondering whether all of Biden’s appearances, including the easy ones, are scripted. Now we know the truth.
For the Biden campaign, the Wuhan virus has been a benefit. It’s allowed Biden to conduct his interviews from the safety of his own home. Because there are no public appearances, his campaign can keep secret whether Biden relies on a teleprompter for even friendly, casual interviews. Videos of Biden’s slip-ups suggested that he was using a teleprompter, but the campaign wasn’t talking. Now, though, a sharp-eyed viewer looking at footage of Biden talking to James Corden believes he’s exposed Biden’s secret: Even for friendly, inconsequential interviews, Biden and his interlocutors have a script.
What’s new in the 2020 election, as opposed to 1988 or 2008, is Biden’s cognitive decline. Although his campaign and the mainstream media are denying it, it’s obvious to everyone. Several times, people have suspected that, during allegedly spontaneous question and answer sessions, he’s actually relying on a teleprompter:


There are two things you should take away from learning that Biden is relying on a script, even for friendly interviews. First, this confirms that his cognitive deficit is so severe he can no longer be trusted to speak on his own.
Second, it puts the lie to Benjamin Franklin’s quip that “three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” The Biden teleprompter cover-up has involved dozens of people. After all, for this to work, not only were Biden’s aides covering for him, all of the people who interviewed Biden and stuck to the script were in the know.
Nevertheless, all of them – all the staffers and left-wing individuals or outlets conducting the interviews – were so determined to remove Trump from office that none leaked this secret. It turns out that, when political power is at stake, leftists will take the truth to the grave with them.

All America is awaiting the Debates that begin September 29th, 2020... Will China a Joe be able to stand up to Trump? Surely everyone will be waiting to check Joey out for ear buds to receive the answers to the questions he receives during the debates.
I'm sure that the DNC will as they've done before get the questions before the Debates as they've done before ala Donna Brazile to the Hillary Campaign...
Hmm..., none of the scandals are working. Give Uncle Joe the Covid and let voters watch as he tries to campaign from a hospital bed behind a window.
Most Americans believe that China Joe Biden, has been an empty suit his whole life certainly since he was elected to Congress 40+ years. Can anyone name one bill with Biden’s name on it that did not make things worse? Name one policy Biden has been correct about. He was the one sent to Iraq to negotiate a SOFA agreement. He came home empty handed. Face it Joey is a puppet and does whatever his handlers say. Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have totally taken over and if Biden wins Harris becomes president. She is even further left than Obama.

Biden was holding a photo in one of his interviews and in the reflection of the glass of the photo frame was the teleprompter with Biden's words, he was saying, scrolling. Its a very sad thing to abuse the elderly in this manner. Tucker Carlson showed the video on his show Friday... it was stunning proof..
A Biden talk show appearance has definitively answered the teleprompter question

13 Sep 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

For months now, people have been wondering whether all of Biden’s appearances, including the easy ones, are scripted. Now we know the truth.
For the Biden campaign, the Wuhan virus has been a benefit. It’s allowed Biden to conduct his interviews from the safety of his own home. Because there are no public appearances, his campaign can keep secret whether Biden relies on a teleprompter for even friendly, casual interviews. Videos of Biden’s slip-ups suggested that he was using a teleprompter, but the campaign wasn’t talking. Now, though, a sharp-eyed viewer looking at footage of Biden talking to James Corden believes he’s exposed Biden’s secret: Even for friendly, inconsequential interviews, Biden and his interlocutors have a script.
What’s new in the 2020 election, as opposed to 1988 or 2008, is Biden’s cognitive decline. Although his campaign and the mainstream media are denying it, it’s obvious to everyone. Several times, people have suspected that, during allegedly spontaneous question and answer sessions, he’s actually relying on a teleprompter:


There are two things you should take away from learning that Biden is relying on a script, even for friendly interviews. First, this confirms that his cognitive deficit is so severe he can no longer be trusted to speak on his own.
Second, it puts the lie to Benjamin Franklin’s quip that “three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” The Biden teleprompter cover-up has involved dozens of people. After all, for this to work, not only were Biden’s aides covering for him, all of the people who interviewed Biden and stuck to the script were in the know.
Nevertheless, all of them – all the staffers and left-wing individuals or outlets conducting the interviews – were so determined to remove Trump from office that none leaked this secret. It turns out that, when political power is at stake, leftists will take the truth to the grave with them.

All America is awaiting the Debates that begin September 29th, 2020... Will China a Joe be able to stand up to Trump? Surely everyone will be waiting to check Joey out for ear buds to receive the answers to the questions he receives during the debates.
I'm sure that the DNC will as they've done before get the questions before the Debates as they've done before ala Donna Brazile to the Hillary Campaign...
Hmm..., none of the scandals are working. Give Uncle Joe the Covid and let voters watch as he tries to campaign from a hospital bed behind a window.
Most Americans believe that China Joe Biden, has been an empty suit his whole life certainly since he was elected to Congress 40+ years. Can anyone name one bill with Biden’s name on it that did not make things worse? Name one policy Biden has been correct about. He was the one sent to Iraq to negotiate a SOFA agreement. He came home empty handed. Face it Joey is a puppet and does whatever his handlers say. Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have totally taken over and if Biden wins Harris becomes president. She is even further left than Obama.

Biden is clearly reading his reply, then reciting it to the girl.
Not really a surprise, it is pretty well known that Biden has been scripting virtually everything.

Not sure how this is supposed to have any impact on anything at all though - no one is worried about Biden because he has a script - that is what most Biden voters are looking for. They do not like Trump's propensity to shoot his mouth off.
a President Biden would piss off liberals by cutting spending, and would piss off conservatives by banning fracking...so in the end, everyone would be pissed off. now that i think of it like that, it means we should give 4 more years to Trump!


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