91 Felonies

Exactly and the polls keep going up because nobody believes this shit. They're pulling this from their asses. I don't know another person on the whole entire planet living or dead that was charged with 91 felonies. It's ridiculous! 🙄
So what? There are lots of things you don't know. As of now Trump is a criminal defendant and juries will decide his fate unless he becomes president before they can convict him.
Nathan Bedford Forrest formed the KKK in Pulaski Tennessee after Republicans stomped the shit out of dimocrap slaver scum in the Civil War. Just a fact.

The KKK was not the least bit interested in Black people at the time. At all. They were no threat to southern dimocrap scum in any way, shape or form.

What was a threat to dimocrap scum was -- The Republican Party and how they had given Blacks the vote.

Blacks were Republicans back then. To man. Every last one of them. They also ran for, and won, several notable elections including for National Office.

The first people lynched by the dimocrap scum in the KKK were Republicans. Carpetbaggers. It wasn't for over 2 (two) decades that dimocrap scum in the KKK lynched their first black man.

What we're seeing now is the closest thing dimocrap scum can get to actually lynching a Republican.

As an aside, the 1924 dimocrap scum convention for President of The United States was, and still is, called, "The Klanbake". Look it up.

The only reason dimocrap FILTH deserted their KKK brethren is because it became inconvenient to be associated with them.

Robert KKK Byrd, the longest serving Senator in American History was a 'Grand Kleagle' in the KKK (Kleagle was the recruiter for them. A very, very important position)

FDR appointed Hugo Black of "Church and State'' fame, to the SCOTUS as a favor to southern dimocrap scum.

The distance between the 1866 KKK and today's dimocrap FILTH party is not as far as you might think
As repulsive as this persecution is, the most stunning parallel fact is that none of it has even dented Trump's political popularity. Despite all of the indictments, all the Media bad-mouthing, the entire culture has ganged up on Trump, he STILL polls better than the President who - we are supposed to believe - accumulated more popular votes than any Presidential candidate in history.

Refreshing. That's what it is. We patriotic Americans are not ALL idiots.
Poor reflection of todays Republican Party and more damning….their followers

I would never normally vote for Trump, but now I feel I have to.
Come on, 91 indictments is ridiculous, and not a single one is remotely valid.
No, but hiding Top Secret Documents
Using business funds to pay off a porn star
Bullying election officials and trying to use fake electors
Launching an insurrection


It is perfectly legal for presidents to give themselves permanent copies of classified docs. They all do it for their memoirs, libraries, etc.
Not only is it legal to pay hush money with business funds if you are a celebrity getting donations, but it is what the donors would want you to do.
It is demanding hush money that is criminal, but I don't see Stormy in jail?
There is no such thing as "fake electors". Alternate electors are always selected ahead of time.
Jan 6 does not remotely resemble an insurrection.
I was just looking at that. Does that make sense to anybody even on the left to be accused with 91 felonies? Find me the biggest baddest criminal in a big city and they probably won't even make it to half that amount. Anybody who doesn't see that all of the Trump trials is just one big witch hunt at this point really confuses me and makes my brain hurt.

It's pretty obvious, and has been since before he even took office in 2017, that every since the outcome of the 2016 election was known, the Democraps have been twisting every aspect of the criminal justice system that they can, however they can, to go after Trump. The point has been reached where, if it were to be provable that Trump really had committed any actual crime, it would be impossible to convict him of it, because the Democraps have cried “Wolf!” so loudly and prolifically against him for all the time he has been in office, and all the time since, that no sane person would now believe any accusation from them against him.
Grand Juries disagreed
Trump has admitted to many of the charges
His own people are testifying against him

Grand juries are notorious ham sandwiches.
They are only used when the grounds are so bad that the prosecutor is afraid of getting sued.

Trump has not admitted to any wrong doing at all.
He has admitted to having classified docs, but that is perfectly legal.
No one has testified against Trump yet.
It is perfectly legal for presidents to give themselves permanent copies of classified docs. They all do it for their memoirs, libraries, etc.
Not only is it legal to pay hush money with business funds if you are a celebrity getting donations, but it is what the donors would want you to do.
It is demanding hush money that is criminal, but I don't see Stormy in jail?
There is no such thing as "fake electors". Alternate electors are always selected ahead of time.
Jan 6 does not remotely resemble an insurrection.
the classified docs thing was the volume of documents, plus refusing to return them when asked, lying to his lawyers about it.
The hush money payment crimes were related to hiding them as business legal expense, which was a FEC rule violation. The crimes are filing false business records; a felony if connected to another crime.
Then the Georgia crimes were filing false documents & forgery among other crimes.
Grand juries are notorious ham sandwiches.
They are only used when the grounds are so bad that the prosecutor is afraid of getting sued.

Trump has not admitted to any wrong doing at all.
He has admitted to having classified docs, but that is perfectly legal.
No one has testified against Trump yet.
Ham sandwiches?
Then, despite all you accusations, why can’t you indict Democrats?

Why? No Evidence

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