9 of 10 Most Expensive States for Gas Are Democrat Controlled

You take the next 50 years and give us the quote in the US constitution that requires States to have a balanced budget.
Have fun.
Even the number of states whose laws require a balanced budget can be disputed, depending on the way the requirements are defined. The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has traditionally reported that 49 states must balance their budgets, with Vermont being the exception.

Gas was probably cheaper and easier back then. And back then we were the only ones driving. Today we have all of Europe, China, Mexicans, Russians, Indians, etc. All those nations are now also driving and polluting this planet.
3 years ago America exported more fossil fuels than it imported.
Today we have Democrats begging despots and terrorists for oil.
Even the number of states whose laws require a balanced budget can be disputed, depending on the way the requirements are defined. The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has traditionally reported that 49 states must balance their budgets, with Vermont being the exception.

It’s up to each state.
Why would anyone want New Mexico? It's a blue shithole full of people like you.
It looks like a red state. It's in the the right part of the country. How come you Republicans can't win over that state with your perfect policies?

New Mexico was won by Biden by a 10.79% margin of victory. ... Biden also carried a plurality of Caucasian/white voters in the state (49% to Trump's 48%).
3 years ago America exported more fossil fuels than it imported.
Today we have Democrats begging despots and terrorists for oil.
I don't believe that's true. I believe we only exported more than we imported on Biden's watch.

Stop lying.
That has happened recently. When you sent all our highest paying manufacturing jobs to Mexico and China, a lot of Michiganders moved to places like Atlanta.

That's why you lost Georgia.
All the manufacturing jobs that didn't go over seas went to places like Atlanta..

To escape liberals high taxes and corruption
3 years ago America exported more fossil fuels than it imported.
Today we have Democrats begging despots and terrorists for oil.
Since 2010, the United States has exported more refined petroleum products, including distillate fuel oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, and motor gasoline, among others, than it has imported.

Thanks Obama
All the manufacturing jobs that didn't go over seas went to places like Atlanta..

To escape liberals high taxes and corruption
If only they did I'd be happy. But they bypassed your sorry states and went to Mexico.

I wouldn't mind if Ford went to the south and started producing cars cheaper rather than go to Mexico. I wish you weren't FOS.
I googled Texas Debt and this came up

You are confused Moon Bat.

Take note of the states with the most debt and the states with the least debt. There is a difference of the political leadership in the list. I will quiz you on it later.

States with the Most Debt

1. New York

New York has the highest debt of any state, with total debt of over $203.77 billion. New York's total assets are around $106.61 billion, giving the state a debt ratio of 273.8%. The main culprit for New York's towering debt is overspending on Medicaid. New York has attempted to fill budget gaps by cutting school aid and health care costs in recent years.

2. New Jersey

New Jersey has the second-highest amount of debt in the country. The state's total liabilities total $222.27 billion, surpassing its assets by $198.67 billion. New Jersey's debt ratio is 441.7%. The largest source of debt is the state's unfunded pension and benefits system for public employees. New Jersey legislators are looking toward tax increases because of the state's debt and the growing pressure to fund other priorities such as infrastructure and education.

3. Illinois

Illinois has the third-highest debt in the U.S., with total liabilities equaling $248.67. With total assets of $53.05 billion, Illinois has $187.7 billion in unfunded liability. This creates a debt ratio of 468.7%, the largest in the U.S. To pay that off, every person in Illinois's 12.7 million population would need to pay $14,780. Like New Jersey, the biggest problem in Illinois contributing to the debt is billions of dollars for retired government workers' pensions and health insurance benefits.

4. Massachusetts

Massachusetts has the fourth-highest debt in the United States. Massachusetts's total liabilities are $104.53 billion, and its total assets are $34.214 billion, creating a debt of $68.43 billion. Long-term liabilities are at 305.5% of total assets. Massachusetts's largest sources of debt are infrastructure and pensions.

5. California

California has the fifth-highest debt of any state, with total liabilities coming out to $362.87 billion. Total assets come out to $301.1 billion, creating a $55.96 billion net debt and giving California a debt ratio of 120.5%. California's debt and liabilities can be broken down into three categories: retirement liabilities, budgetary borrowing, and bond debt. However, combining California's federal, state, and local debt brings California's debt total to over $1 trillion. According to this report, the debt would cost each resident of California $33,000 or each taxpayer $74,000.

States with the Least Debt​

1. Texas

Texas has the lowest debt of any state in the U.S. Alaska's total liabilities add up to $222.64 billion, and its total assets add up to $356.01 billion, giving Texas the highest net position in the country of $115.08 billion. Texas's debt ratio is 62.5%

2. Florida

Florida's debt is the second-lowest in the country. With total liabilities coming out to $66.78 billion and total assets coming out to $163.24 billion, Florida's net position is $97.6 billion. This means that Florida's debt ratio is 40.9%. While Floridas debt has decreased in recent years, it is expected to increase over the next two years.

3. Alaska​

Alaska has the third-lowest debt and the third-highest net position of $76.74 billion. Alaska's total liabilities add up to $12.65 billion, and its total assets add up to $89.17 billion. Although Alaska does not have a state income tax, its revenue is well-supplied by taxes on oil and gas production.

4. North Carolina

North Carolina's net position is $54.41 billion, making it the fourth-highest net position in the U.S. North Carolina's assets are $78.67 billion higher. Its total liabilities are $23.62 billion, giving a debt ratio of 30%.

5. Tennessee

Tennessee has the fifth-lowest debt in the U.S., having $8.04 billion in total liabilities and $46.54 billion in total assets, resulting in a net position of $39.3 billion and a debt ratio of 17.3%. Tennessee is one of the most tax-friendly states in the country and will have no state income tax by 2021. While remaining low-debt and low-tax, Tennessee has managed to triple its Rainy Day Fund and provide tax cuts to its residents, including a 30% decrease in-state sales tax on groceries.

Here are the 10 states with the highest debt per capita:

  1. Massachusetts ($11,130.02)
  2. Connecticut ($10,927.73)
  3. Rhode Island ($8,406.29)
  4. Alaska ($8,215.89)
  5. New Jersey ($7,426.04)
  6. New York ($7,243.07)
  7. Hawaii ($6,888.93)
  8. Vermont ($5,623.79
I won't need to call you. You will simply buy a battery car because you will no longer be able to afford the gas. You will ride the train instead of the plane because you won't be able to afford the airline ticket.

Gore pays a lot of taxes to have a second, third and 4th home.

Ah, the lefty dream:

You take the next 50 years and give us the quote in the US constitution that requires States to have a balanced budget.
Have fun.

Try reading asshole:

Although all states except North Dakota and Wyoming have some restrictions, the design and stringency of requirements varies across states. For example, although Minnesota and New Mexico require the governor to propose a balanced budget, they do not require the legislature to pass one. Texas and West Virginia, by comparison, require the legislature to pass a balanced budget, but they do not require the governor’s initial proposal to be balanced. In California, the governor must propose, the legislature must pass, and the governor must ultimately sign a balanced budget. In 2015, 38 states required the governor to submit a balanced budget to the legislature; 38 (though not necessarily the same 38) required the legislature to pass a balanced budget; and only one, California, required the governor to ultimately sign a balanced budget. BBRs typically only apply to states’ operating budgets, while capital and pension funds are usually exempt from these limitations.

The LESS someone knows, the MORE LIKELY they are to mistakenly OVERESTIMATE their knowledge and abilities.

Studies show it's way easier to identify someone who knows LESS than you than someone who knows more.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is the cognitive bias whereby people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability.

Does this all sound familiar? Someone you know?
Off the top of my head? YOU!
I can't prove this because there are no statistics but I'll be willing to bet that most illegal employers are Republicans regardless of what state they are in.

Man charged in Tibbetts' death worked at Iowa farm linked to prominent Republican​

Only because it was so embarrassing that he himself was hiring illegals. Otherwise he would have kept doing it. I bet he went back to hiring illegals now that he's not POTUS anymore.
no matter what state they are in?.....try California bobo....
what kind of jobs?.....high paying?.....min wage?....part time?....
Good jobs. The problem is the people looking for work aren’t qualified.

This should be a great time graduating college.

Also consider all the 50 somethings who retired during COVID? A lot of people are climbing the corporate ladder 10 years sooner than they otherwise would have.

And bad jobs. But those jobs now pay more. Wages went up.

Yes so did prices but corporations are gouging us. What should joe do?

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