9 Oath Keepers Indicted For Conspiracy, Including 7 Members Of The Tactical "Stack" Seen Entering Capitol In Combat Gear

If they think they're making friends by doing this.......think again

They're creating martyrs for whom the other 100 million will slowly organize to revenge.

Keep poking the bear.
What 100 million? Dude 80 million voted for Biden, by 2024 that number is gonna probably be the 100 million you're talking about..

The odd thing is; here in the almost dead dudes honeymoon phase none of you twisted fucks can tell us how his policies and actions to date are of clear benefit to good, real Americans...we are fully aware of all he’s done for Mexico’s people....But tell us Tard...What has the almost dead dude rolled out that is good for Americans?....GO!
Who are the real Americans? He's been trying to get the covid relief passed since he's been in office. But, of course the same usual suspects are holding up the process.
If they think they're making friends by doing this.......think again

They're creating martyrs for whom the other 100 million will slowly organize to revenge.

Keep poking the bear.
What 100 million? Dude 80 million voted for Biden, by 2024 that number is gonna probably be the 100 million you're talking about..

The odd thing is; here in the almost dead dudes honeymoon phase none of you twisted fucks can tell us how his policies and actions to date are of clear benefit to good, real Americans...we are fully aware of all he’s done for Mexico’s people....But tell us Tard...What has the almost dead dude rolled out that is good for Americans?....GO!
Who are the real Americans? He's been trying to get the covid relief passed since he's been in office. But, of course the same usual suspects are holding up the process.

Haha...ofcouse you shameless pukes default right to the free shit. Haha
If they think they're making friends by doing this.......think again

They're creating martyrs for whom the other 100 million will slowly organize to revenge.

Keep poking the bear.
What 100 million? Dude 80 million voted for Biden, by 2024 that number is gonna probably be the 100 million you're talking about..

The odd thing is; here in the almost dead dudes honeymoon phase none of you twisted fucks can tell us how his policies and actions to date are of clear benefit to good, real Americans...we are fully aware of all he’s done for Mexico’s people....But tell us Tard...What has the almost dead dude rolled out that is good for Americans?....GO!
Who are the real Americans? He's been trying to get the covid relief passed since he's been in office. But, of course the same usual suspects are holding up the process.

Haha...ofcouse you shameless pukes default right to the free shit. Haha
Well I guess all Republicans are millionaires and don't need help? I guess you weren't affected , none of your rich family or friends? I hope you help some of your broke Republican brothers...Jethro
He's been trying to get the covid relief passed since he's been in office. But, of course the same usual suspects are holding up the process.
Of course. Same Act for 25 years. Why even bother working with them at all? They are just trying to force it to reconciliation, to avoid even the APPEARANCE of voting for something Democrats want. They will force it to reconciliation, then say, "See! They refused to work in a bipartisan fashion! They can just forget about us being bipartisan, now!"

Rinse, repeat. They have done this before.
He's been trying to get the covid relief passed since he's been in office. But, of course the same usual suspects are holding up the process.
Of course. Same Act for 25 years. Why even bother working with them at all? They are just trying to force it to reconciliation, to avoid even the APPEARANCE of voting for something Democrats want. They will force it to reconciliation, then say, "See! They refused to work in a bipartisan fashion! They can just forget about us being bipartisan, now!"

Rinse, repeat. They have done this before.
The sad part is the Whole world watched how the Republican party is filled with hypocritical bootlickers, that let a con man take over and now him and his shithead kids run their party .
9 Oath Keepers Indicted For Conspiracy, Including 7 Members Of The Tactical "Stack" Seen Entering Capitol In Combat Gear tried to over take out capitol to kill then VP mike pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Yep. The VP never was in any danger, no chance of getting him, he is as protected as the POTUS, they had him whisked off to an underground bunker in a heartbeat, Nancy, well, no loss there. These people planned this going back to November, Pelosi and others heard the intel and left the Capitol wide open, a handful of largely UNARMED people overthrow the government? And their solution: to try to pin it all on the POTUS giving a rally down the street giving attention to how our election was hijacked as was his Constitutional duty and now they are trying to pin it all on 35 overwhelmed and largely abandoned police officers.

When is the impeachment investigation going to begin on Pelosi?
Haha....You pussies are some sick twisted fucked in the head weirdos.
Now start bitching about beaners breaking in to our country so us sane folks can start taking you serious.

ps.....I like posting up repeats of the avatar 'Loser's' stuff because.....well, because it is goshdarn amusing.

Yeah, the avatar too often dips into his deep vocuabulary....to only pick out the 'f-bombs', the 'beaners', the 'rug munchers', the 'queers', the 'pussies', and so on.

And so on.

Nonetheless, there is value there.
Comparative value.
A way for the rest of the board to feel a bit smug, a bit superior. A bit better than.....
And that's OK.


It was nothing but a false flag and I already gave the exact reason why it occurred.

Well, in addition to those occasional tsunamis of f-bombs referred to above, probably my next fav is the "false-flag" conspiracy fantasies. I call it the Marvel Comics section of our political landscape.

Nutters there be.
Nutters have always been.....and that's OK.
America is a Big Tent culture. Yay for us.
But nowadays some of the most colorful of nutters are coalescing over in 'False Flag Fantasia'. It lies somewhere near, as near as I can tell, Area 51, or 52, or, possibly, Mar-a-Lago(?)

Anyway, the caravan of nutters that is ginning themselves up to deny-deflect or dismiss the Trump Insurrection on Janaury 6th promises to be a satire gusher for a long time.

At least until heart disease or stroke takes out the Orange Jim Jones-Wannabe.

This is very interesting.

Our justice system is catching up to the traitors who tried to over take out capitol to kill then VP mike pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

It wasn't just people being riled up or a spur of the moment situation. This was planned.

Where does it say anything in your linked article about "killing" Pence and Pelosi? Or did you just make up or something?
She probably assumed the reader has not been in a coma since November.

I don't buy that shit. Someone probably mouthed off something about retribution against Pence, but it your lying media that actually turned it into a legitimate death threat.

Nobody with a working brain believes any of the crap you people get worked up about.
Pence and his security detail took it seriously, but ya, let's blame the media.
I've seen a lot of protests in DC since the 70s. Busloads coming from Maine and Texas and all over. Hundreds of thousands of people, dressed for the weather and carrying signs. Jan. 6 was the first time I ever saw "protesters" coming in helmets and combat gear, carrying 2-way radios and weapons like batons and bear spray, and the Creator only knows how many guns and bombs. Yeah, Jan. 6 was going to be "wild." It looks like even some Capitol cops were in on it. Anyone who thinks that this attack on the U.S. Government was just a protest that got out of hand is a complete imbecile.
This is very interesting.

Our justice system is catching up to the traitors who tried to over take out capitol to kill then VP mike pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

It wasn't just people being riled up or a spur of the moment situation. This was planned.

Let's take a deeper dive into what Trump supporters are really like.

This is very interesting.

Our justice system is catching up to the traitors who tried to over take out capitol to kill then VP mike pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

It wasn't just people being riled up or a spur of the moment situation. This was planned.


It was a planned, coordinated terrorist attack on America’s democracy.
My, my. Such excuses and lame justifications for the criminal acts of the insurrectionists.

It's pathetic to see people who hate our constitutional democratic republic so much.
The only thing more reprehensible than the rightwing terrorist attack on 1/6 is conservatives attempting to ‘justify’ or ‘excuse’ that rightwing terrorist attack.
If they think they're making friends by doing this.......think again

They're creating martyrs for whom the other 100 million will slowly organize to revenge.

Keep poking the bear.
Fuck the pussy bear.

The trump person you replied to seems to think that the people who attacked our capitol shouldn't be prosecuted for their crimes.

So much for them being all about "law and order."
The Capital attack was a leftist organized False Flag.

Biden was portrayed as the most popular Leftist President in US history. Garnering even more votes than Barack Obama....and Biden didn't even campaign !
All leftist media claimed he won legitimately by a landslide.

Problem was, they knew NO ONE would attend the inauguration since...well they lied and stole the election.

To cover, the left had to create a False Flag event to effectively ensure that they could come up with an excuse for why no one would be attending the
inauguration of "The Most popular President in US history" (cough cough)

They came up with this False Flag as the solution. Create a fake attack on the capital so they could lock it down,
thus "preventing the millions upon millions of Biden supporters from attending the inauguration (yeah, right)

Sadly, too many Americans are dumb enough to have bought it.
The Capital attack was a leftist organized False Flag.

Biden was portrayed as the most popular Leftist President in US history. Garnering even more votes than Barack Obama....and Biden didn't even campaign !
All leftist media claimed he won legitimately by a landslide.

Problem was, they knew NO ONE would attend the inauguration since...well they lied and stole the election.

To cover, the left had to create a False Flag event to effectively ensure that they could come up with an excuse for why no one would be attending the
inauguration of "The Most popular President in US history" (cough cough)

They came up with this False Flag as the solution. Create a fake attack on the capital so they could lock it down,
thus "preventing the millions upon millions of Biden supporters from attending the inauguration (yeah, right)

Sadly, too many Americans are dumb enough to have bought it.
The entire world outside of the Trump cult laughs at you and your embarrassing lies.

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