81 Million Votes

Call it whatever you want. The abuse of secrecy and ballot stuffing is cheating no matter what the results say. Bicyclists caught using illegal drugs that enhance physical strength have their wins routinely invalidated whenever the tests show drugs in their system. The Democrats can't pass laws fast enough to escort voter fraud in their favor. The Constitution law that was written by the founders did not anticipation today's competitive anomalies springing from a lack of moral character to play fair play on the part of cheaters trying to foist sociocommunism in place of that Constitution. The only trouble is, other societies who have embraced communism have to murder half the population of the countries they control freak to death until they become the spectre of monarchies, the likes of which this nation conducted a Revolutionary war against, to win human rights denied them by an uncaring monarch who lived in spendor in England, and the rat couldn't be bothered to listen to any American diplomat from the colonies who needed problems to be solved for the people who lived over here. Cheating and a vaccuous approach to accepting other people starts bloody wars. We could do better than that without the hoop-de-la criminal attitude shown by the 2000 mules toward Republicans who populate the middle class of this nation and who often bring things to their communities that make local people proud.
Beautrice, you have been fed lies! Be careful! Satan is sneaky, and revels in deceitful accomplishments! :eek-52:
Who cares? More than half the citizen's votes were not counted yet???

When did we ever stop counting votes at midnight?
I’m just asking if you had those numbers….I think said numbers shed light on the issue for wise people who have seen national elections go down before.
Some of us have the courage to connect the dots….but but but……DEMOCRACY!!!
Who cares? More than half the citizen's votes were not counted yet???

When did we ever stop counting votes at midnight?
There is no way that jit bag got elected with his gold-digging evil wife. The criminals, drugs and whores entering the nation is incredible. If these Prog leaders and media and entertainers lived the humble life it can be in a position of listening to agreement. They are all frauds.
I’m just asking if you had those numbers….I think said numbers shed light on the issue for wise people who have seen national elections go down before.
Some of us have the courage to connect the dots….but but but……DEMOCRACY!!!
As I recall in 2016, we pretty much knew who the winner was that night. No fake ballots were trucked in for several states to overtake the true winner in the middle of the night.
Biden won those...
Biden didn't win shit. Winning and stealing are not the same thing. Thats why Beijing Biden can't even fill a high school gym. The kind of votes that actually win an election draw YUGE crowds of people, not algorithms.
As I recall in 2016, we pretty much knew who the winner was that night. No fake ballots were trucked in for several states to overtake the true winner in the middle of the night.

Mmm mmmmmm

Biden didn't win shit. Winning and stealing are not the same thing. Thats why Beijing Biden can't even fill a high school gym. The kind of votes that actually win an election draw YUGE crowds of people, not algorithms.

Cry for me!

If Trump runs it will be because your ilk chose him to. Kalifornia alone gave Shrillary her 3 million vote margin yet you say those were NOT illegal? Hahahahahahaha.
The first step in taking the country back is just a couple months away. Trump is a private citizen that you Dimmers continue to treat as if he is causing the deterioration of the country we see now....he isn't, you are. 2024 will take care of itself.
right after the election, Trump created an election fraud team who investigated mass voter fraud and came up, with nothing, nada, zip, zero on illegals voting.... Don't you remember that...?
right after the election, Trump created an election fraud team who investigated mass voter fraud and came up, with nothing, nada, zip, zero on illegals voting.... Don't you remember that...?
That is not true, and there are numerous instances of proof....don't YOU remember that...and even a few cases where the mailin ballots were compared to actual signatures of the voter and FAILED.
Just because nobody does anything about it doesn't mean it didn't happen Dimmer.
This is just the other day. Can’t even get 3 dozen people to see him.
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If the hunter laptop hadn't been hidden it wouldn't have been 81 million. Biden would have lost. Seems most people didn't even care about his crackhead kid, they cared about all of his personal dealing with foreign countries against America's best interests. Then hiding it won them the election.

Why do you think rally size determines the candidate's vote count?

Trump lost to Hillary, and to Biden on the vote of citizens, regardless of Trump's rally size being bigger than Hillary's and Biden's rally size.
/———/ So. democrats hold rallies hoping no one shows up to prove a point?
The mind of libtards is a dark and scary place.

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