80 years ago today


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
80 years ago, in the Kiev ravine of Babi Yar, the nazis began mass executions of soviet citizens. First of all, the nazis sought to destroy the jews who lived in Kiev and its environs. The victims were also prisoners of war, communists, underground fighters, gypsies and others objectionable to the Third Reich. According to various estimates, in 1941-1943, the Nazis killed from 50 to 200 thousand people in the Babi Yar area. Hitler's executioners were assisted by collaborators from the ukrainian nationalists.

80 years ago, in the Kiev ravine of Babi Yar, the nazis began mass executions of soviet citizens. First of all, the nazis sought to destroy the jews who lived in Kiev and its environs. The victims were also prisoners of war, communists, underground fighters, gypsies and others objectionable to the Third Reich. According to various estimates, in 1941-1943, the Nazis killed from 50 to 200 thousand people in the Babi Yar area. Hitler's executioners were assisted by collaborators from the ukrainian nationalists.

And we can't let this and things like this be forgotten and we must teach our children about them. Me and others have noticed the nazi beliefs are making a comeback all over the earth . It may not be promoted as nazi beliefs but it's the thinking right out of the Nazi playbook and we need to be ready to stand against it in our workplace, classrooms and government before this evil takes hold again.
And we can't let this and things like this be forgotten and we must teach our children about them. Me and others have noticed the nazi beliefs are making a comeback all over the earth . It may not be promoted as nazi beliefs but it's the thinking right out of the Nazi playbook and we need to be ready to stand against it in our workplace, classrooms and government before this evil takes hold again.
Rightwing nationalism, a resurgence of white supremacy, and a violent xenophobia is certainly on the rise all over the world.
80 years ago, in the Kiev ravine of Babi Yar, the nazis began mass executions of soviet citizens. First of all, the nazis sought to destroy the jews who lived in Kiev and its environs. The victims were also prisoners of war, communists, underground fighters, gypsies and others objectionable to the Third Reich. According to various estimates, in 1941-1943, the Nazis killed from 50 to 200 thousand people in the Babi Yar area. Hitler's executioners were assisted by collaborators from the ukrainian nationalists.

Gee......Stalin killed pows, fellow Commies in a purge,underground fighters, gypsies and other objectionables like OWNING 2 FUCKING COWS INSTEAD OF 1. Did Hitler kill anyone who owned more than one cow unless you were a Jew

These were all fellow Russians and he did the same to the Germans. If you were a Russian of German decent, you were a fucking goner

How brainwashed people are of the horrific Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin and all they did
There is such an initiative to install memorial stones with the names of those killed by the Nazis. They decided to do this in Ukraine. And what did these geniuses do in Kiev? They are going to install (with the support of the German Embassy in Ukraine and the Holocaust Center) a stone in memory of Vladimir Bagaziy, a man who was appointed mayor of Kiev by the Germans during the days of the Babi Yar shootings...

Here are the court testimony from the protocol of the interrogation of policeman Vasily Pokotilo, who was in the personal guard of Bagaziy:
"After transferring me to the personal guard of Bogaziy, I began to go with him to the executions. There were three such trips. For the first time, 100 people were shot. These were jews, prisoners of war and partisans. The execution was carried out in Babi Yar, the germans fired from a machine gun. The corpses were buried by prisoners of war brought specially for this purpose.
The second time I was present with Bogaziy at the execution of 200 soviet citizens. This shooting was a terrible picture. When men were shot, women and children stood aside and watching what was happening, falling unconscious. The women were screaming wildly, begging for mercy. After the shooting, the german walked along the moat and finished, shooting with a machine gun, those who fell wounded and from fright.
The third time I was present with Bagaziya at the execution of a group of more than 300 people, among whom were women, children and men. The women and children were of jewish nationality. They were shot in the same way as the previous group.
I did not personally participate in these three shootings, but being in Bagaziy's personal guard, I watched with him the whole picture of what was happening."
The reds killed a lot more, and are still the scum of the Earth today. The Red Chinese arrest people for being Christians and then harvest their organs to sell on the world market. America's 'elites' and Democrats love them.
The Soviet /Nazi non aggression pact was signed in 1939 and broken by the Nazis in June 1941. Maybe the massacre of Jews in the Ukraine by the Nazis saved Stalin the trouble.
And we can't let this and things like this be forgotten and we must teach our children about them. Me and others have noticed the nazi beliefs are making a comeback all over the earth . It may not be promoted as nazi beliefs but it's the thinking right out of the Nazi playbook and we need to be ready to stand against it in our workplace, classrooms and government before this evil takes hold again.

Of course. It never happened when trump was there. Suddenly it appeared after Joe won. How coincidental.
Don't make me vomit.
You can pretend it isnt true all you want.
This is a Nazi propaganda leaflet intended for soviet soldiers, it tells about the victims of stalinism. The final figure for 1944 you can see is almost 55 million people. The Ministry of Propaganda of Dr. Goebbels is known for its truthful statement of facts, so these figures were deduced after a thorough investigation and work in Soviet archives. There is no doubt about it.
I am giving you this information to use in your noble struggle against communism.
P.S. Of course, we need to add another 50 million killed by Stalin after 1944. I have heard about this figure from Truth propagandists in various bourgeois media dumps.

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80 years ago, in the Kiev ravine of Babi Yar, the nazis began mass executions of soviet citizens. First of all, the nazis sought to destroy the jews who lived in Kiev and its environs. The victims were also prisoners of war, communists, underground fighters, gypsies and others objectionable to the Third Reich. According to various estimates, in 1941-1943, the Nazis killed from 50 to 200 thousand people in the Babi Yar area. Hitler's executioners were assisted by collaborators from the ukrainian nationalists.

Stalinist lie
"collaborators from the ukrainian nationalists."

all local killers were sovet red army solders - officers homo - Sovieticus, much like you

NKVD prisoner massacres - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › NKVD_prisoner_mass...


Lviv (Lwów in pre-war Poland): the massacres in this city began immediately after German attack, on June 22 and continued until June 28, culminating in the Lviv ...

interesting fact that Moscow propagandacondoms like you, are still using these pictures, selling them as Babi Yar´s victims pictures


these pictures from Babi Yar, in Independent Ukraine the Jews feel great!



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