72 Islamic Virgin Donkeys Meet Their Eternal Groom


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
You think his family will at least send us a thank you letter? And how is this any different than when Israel sends a Hamas animal terrorist to meet his virgins?

NBC News: Deputy al-Qaida leader al-Libi killed in drone strike
By Jim Miklaszewski and Robert Windrem NBC News

June 5, 2012, 11:25 am


AFP/IntelCenter/Getty Images This still image from video obtained on Oct. 18, 2011courtesy of IntelCenter shows al-Qaida's as-Sahab's video statement from Abu Yahya al-Libi on Algeria.

Senior al-Qaida leader Abu Yahya al-Libi was killed in a weekend drone strike in Pakistan, U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday.

A U.S. drone struck a militant compound early Monday morning in North Waziristan, part of Pakistan’s northwestern tribal area. Pakistan security reports indicated the pre-dawn strike killed 15 insurgents, with a total of nearly 30 killed in three weekend attacks. A U.S. official challenged those numbers, telling NBC News that the death toll was “less than a handful."

Al-Libi was a leading al-Qaida operative who was viewed as one of five candidates to succeed Osama bin Laden as leader of the terrorist group when he was killed last year.
Huh? Isn't he supposed to get virgins in heaven? That's not what I say, that's what they say.
232nd Deputy al-Qaida leader killed in drone strike
232nd Deputy al-Qaida leader killed in drone strike
yes, you should be happy and be eating sweets, no? He became an Islamic Martyr and therefore accorded his virgin donkeys. When will you get your virgin donkeys? Inshallah. You will make everybody proud.

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