700,000 plus illegals at the border


How can even Dems allow this??
You do realize this is the end of you too

Well, its a disaster for our medical system as noted in the article... and Im so sure there are not 700K American citizens looking for a job... or housing ....Hell Democrats! after this 700 thousand, lets let in another 700 K in less than a year!

This is mostly being allowed and facilitated by rich white liberals who are set for life. They never need to wait a long time in an emergency room, or have to worry about the future of their kids. Fuck them all.
How about 2 or 3 millions more

Wake up traditional America,,,

Traditional America is gone....thank you Obama thank you Obama and Company
America has to be divided into Red and Blue

That is the only solution to this shit.

Like MTG said!
View attachment 782337

Not even Obama did this

the thing the white dumbbb ass liberals do not understand is, when you let this many people in easy like this..no rules, they will not appreciate what they are given. They will be the first ones to start complaining and making demands.
Give me Legal immigrants all day long... who had to wait, had to study for American citizenship.. i dont give a damn what color their skin is or where they are from, but what our elected leaders are giving us now is complete bullshit.

How can even Dems allow this??
You do realize this is the end of you too
sounds fair after 200 years of US treating them like total BS lol. and most already have relatives here legally. Sorry about your luck. the number is way high of course.... sorry about Americanism and our laws and everything.....
sounds fair after 200 years of US treating them like total BS lol. and most already have relatives here legally. Sorry about your luck. the number is way high of course.... sorry about Americanism and our laws and everything.....
No asshole. If you're going to gloat about the hardship on the American people, then thats exactly what you are. I don't give a damn about the wrongs our corrupt government may have done.. because Americans who's lives will suffer because of that same governments actions NOW.... had nothing to do with it.
If anything, Latin Americans who have came here to work send BILLIONS of dollars back to their homes every year, and they have for years... and their families are living good because of it. It's their own damn corrupt governments responsibilities as well, for those peoples' well being. Why do you let these other governments off the hook? why do you deny their own responsibility? because you would rather lay the pressure on the citizens of another country?
Whatever has happened two hundred years ago.... we have had treaties and agreements since then, and we have laws that are supposed to protect everyone. we also have Legal immigration which is enough, and fair.
If you are against the American people? if thats how you really feel? then you can fuck off..you're a horse's ass.

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