68 senators move to circumvent Schumer and speed up the pace of votes


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Schumer has been the worst majority leader in decades, a real clown show.

Resentment over Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s stewardship of the Senate boiled over Thursday, with more than two-thirds of the chamber circumventing the leader in backing a bipartisan proposal to speed up the pace of voting.
In total 68 lawmakers — 35 Republicans and 33 Democrats — have signed onto a proposal by Sen. Thom Tillisthat would curtail the time allotted for voting on legislation and nominations.

Mr. Tillis, North Carolina Republican, began circulating the proposal this week after the Senate took roughly 50 minutes each to approve three of President Biden’s judicial nominees. Mr. Schumer was informed of the proposal and its support via letter on Thursday.

“Despite our collective efforts to encourage members to vote on the Senate floor in a timely manner, voters are often left open well beyond the allotted time, frustrating a majority of members from both sides of the aisle,” the letter reads. “Often, the outcome of the votes is not in doubt.”

The 68 lawmakers informed Mr. Schumer that they would instruct the Senate’s “presiding officer to close any vote in which” one of them was the “last remaining vote,” provided the final outcome would not be changed.

Similarly, the presiding officer would be instructed that any particular vote could be kept open if one of the 68 lawmakers requested so.

The proposal is a direct rebuke of Mr. Schumer, who as majority leader has the prerogative to enforce strict time limits for votes.


Schumer has been the worst majority leader in decades, a real clown show.

Resentment over Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s stewardship of the Senate boiled over Thursday, with more than two-thirds of the chamber circumventing the leader in backing a bipartisan proposal to speed up the pace of voting.
In total 68 lawmakers — 35 Republicans and 33 Democrats — have signed onto a proposal by Sen. Thom Tillisthat would curtail the time allotted for voting on legislation and nominations.
Mr. Tillis, North Carolina Republican, began circulating the proposal this week after the Senate took roughly 50 minutes each to approve three of President Biden’s judicial nominees. Mr. Schumer was informed of the proposal and its support via letter on Thursday.
“Despite our collective efforts to encourage members to vote on the Senate floor in a timely manner, voters are often left open well beyond the allotted time, frustrating a majority of members from both sides of the aisle,” the letter reads. “Often, the outcome of the votes is not in doubt.”
The 68 lawmakers informed Mr. Schumer that they would instruct the Senate’s “presiding officer to close any vote in which” one of them was the “last remaining vote,” provided the final outcome would not be changed.
Similarly, the presiding officer would be instructed that any particular vote could be kept open if one of the 68 lawmakers requested so.
The proposal is a direct rebuke of Mr. Schumer, who as majority leader has the prerogative to enforce strict time limits for votes.

time limits for votes and term limits for all Congresscritters
Schumer forgets all about Thurgood Marshall in his hustle to play the race card. What a putz Scuhmer is.

I still laugh at this one. Looks like Schumer has his mind firmly on anything but Senate business..

FUCK CHUCK...drunken piece of shit just like PIG-lousy and the rest of the SCUM demonRATS

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