65% of College Students Say Rioting and Looting is ‘Justified


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The children are the future.
For all of you under 50, enjoy how they treat you in your senior years with policies, healthcare and taxes.

The children are the future.
For all of you under 50, enjoy how they treat you in your senior years with policies, healthcare and taxes.

They just want the wacko Dems to pay their college bill
The children are the future.
For all of you under 50, enjoy how they treat you in your senior years with policies, healthcare and taxes.

I noticed that there are some schools are closed for all kinds of reasons on election day. The Dems are going to have protest and riots at these poll stations using school students. To keep the Conservatives busy from looking out for election fraud.
Millie Weaver was right about the Dems using children to do their dirty work for them. It is because they will get a slap on the wrist if they get caught.

The children are the future.
For all of you under 50, enjoy how they treat you in your senior years with policies, healthcare and taxes.

/QUOTE] Thanks for posting as this is a great example of how political polls are conducted and the way the wording weighs in significantly on all questions. Questions can be geared so respondents will answer in a certain mode. Some of this wording is intentional, but I do not claim to know the motives of any polling organization and am only going by common sense. With this particular question there is way too much in it to begin with, and a respondent could consider the last part as equally important (if not greater) than the part that the pollster assessed. Also, the inclusion of the following words: "to some degree" would also gain more affirmative answers than the same question without those 3 words.
The children are the future.
For all of you under 50, enjoy how they treat you in your senior years with policies, healthcare and taxes.

Wait until the Brown Shirts go knocking door to door when they seek someone. Actually, it's happened already in some instances hasn't it?

"Hello police? Yes, this is Mrs. Jones on 123 Nutjob Lane. I want to report that my neighbour had three people in her backyard yesterday. Yes, that's right. During a pandemic! None of them wearing masks, all type of talking going on, saliva in the air. I'd like you to go there and arrest her, throw the book at that evil, selfish woman. Our lives are at stake here and she goes and does that!?".
The children are the future.
For all of you under 50, enjoy how they treat you in your senior years with policies, healthcare and taxes.

It would be Priceless to see reality set in when a few days after the Looting and rioting they went to run some errands and realize that CVS had burned down and their favorite Starbucks had been looted and it's closed and they can't go to Whole Foods because it was gutted and the Apple store has been turned into shooting gallery
The children are the future.
For all of you under 50, enjoy how they treat you in your senior years with policies, healthcare and taxes.

Do you believe everyone who says they took a poll?
College students live in a bubble.
Wait about 20 years when they own homes and businesses.
Then ask them again if they still support rioting and looting. ... :cool:
they support it until what they have is looted from them
Like this idiot???

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Some of the dumbest assholes in this country are these confused college kids that have been brainwashed by bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

When they get brainwashed like that it is usually the result of bad parenting not instilling the right values.
College students live in a bubble.
Wait about 20 years when they own homes and businesses.
Then ask them again if they still support rioting and looting. ... :cool:
We don't have the time for them to grow up. Please pay attention to the Far East. China is coming up on us. The are not the Soviet Union.
Some of the dumbest assholes in this country are these confused college kids that have been brainwashed by bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

When they get brainwashed like that it is usually the result of bad parenting not instilling the right values.

I remember being in university and feeling like an alien. I took a sociology course or two and I'd listen to profs talk about how the poor get shafted and that we should feel some guilt being privileged and able to go to university.

Looking around at all the zombies nodding their head, I won't ever forget thinking to myself, "I grew up in Government Housing and I'm getting a lecture about how weak and useless I am supposed to be, at the same time being made to feel guilty about my high grades and ambition that allowed my acceptance into multiple Universities."

Afterwards, as I waited at the bus stop, freezing my ass off waiting for my ride back to my box of a home in the sky, I see one of my female classmate from that course driving by in what I recall was a Porcshe. The irony of it all, was parody worthy.

If she were around today she'd probably drive herself to a local riot to contribute to some abstract ideal, but she'd never want to hear the truth about abuses by government (of which so many in Canada love Big Government). Real effort requires a cold, hard look at ones assumptions and how they arrived there.

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