6,500-year-old metalworkers: Humanity’s 1st smelting furnaces found in Israel?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A new archaeological study shows that even some 6,500 years ago, Israel was already a start-up nation — complete with a metallurgy R&D hub in Beersheba. Salvage excavations in the Negev Desert capital in 2017 revealed 6,500-year-old copper smelting workshops using the earliest-known evidence of furnaces instead of small portable crucibles for metallurgy.
“This is the high tech of the period, there was no more sophisticated technology,” said Tel Aviv University Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef. The movement from crucible to furnace represents cutting-edge technology, said Ben-Yosef.

Metallurgy emerged in the Southern Levant during the second half of the 5th millennium BCE. According to Ben-Yosef, the Beersheba discovery indicates a technological evolution from an earlier method of smelting ore, which used small pottery crucibles, to these newly uncovered, larger in-ground furnaces.

This is pretty cool.
A new archaeological study shows that even some 6,500 years ago, Israel was already a start-up nation — complete with a metallurgy R&D hub in Beersheba...
An interesting archeological story spoiled by the idiotic reference to ancient “Israel” and comments here about the intelligence of “Jews” — neither of which existed at the time in question.
RE: 6,500-year-old metalworkers: Humanity’s 1st smelting furnaces found in Israel?
⁜→ DGS49, et al,

This was cool, but IRON was the real game-changer. I believe we owe iron to the Hittites - whoever the fuck the Hittites were.

Hittites were a people expanding, 14 to 13 Centuries BC ago, inhabiting what we call Central Turkey today. The Iron Age stars at about the 12th Century BC (3200 years ago). The period 6,500 years ago is ≈ 4500 BC (6.5 millennia ago) about the time of the oldest known gold hoard deposited at Varna Necropolis (Bulgaria Today)(I think I saw this in an Indian Jones movie or maybe Laura Croft).

So, someone was making coins and jewelry back then.


Unlike silver, gold doesn't breakdown in burial plots and tombs. A mistake in the Sherlock Holmes Story The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual. They found the Crown of Charles the First.

Most Respectfully,
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