54% of Wisconsin Voters against Recall

To answer your question I would have to assume your opinion is correct... Your opinion is bullshit, so I don't... It's funny as hell that you're trying to pass it off as fact though....:lol:

Actually no but thanks for taking the cowards way out.

Actually, yes... I cannot be blamed for your inability to distinguish fact from opinion...

Another day, another Dr. Smith fail...

What substance do you want me to provide to substantiate the fact that he represents the entire state?

More Dr. Smith fail...

and you can't even defend your own claim. Instead you try to hide behind my argument that he does not based on how he and his rhetoirc divided public sector workers from private sector workers.
Your statement is a fucking OPINION, not a FACT... I do not share your OPINION...

So why can't you provide anything of substance to support or defend your own claim??

Do you have anything real or are you going to continue running away from your own words with your tail between your legs?

Your "claim" is an OPINION... Why can't you recognize this?

I have to conclude you are either mentally deficient, a useless leftist hack, or (more likely) both....

Have a fucked up day....

Yeah keep running away from your own arguments.

I even quoted you and how you tried to claim he was representing the entire state and not just a minority and yet you cannot provide anything to substantiate the claim that he is represetning the whole of the state. based on how the poll shows a statistical tie or the recall it would seem that almost half the state disagrees with your OPINIONS.

Once again you egnage in "posting opinions without facts". LOL

In response to seawytch claiming walker has been devisive and not listening to people you claimed he "represented the entire state not just the minority who belong to unions" and I asked you to substantiate that claim However, you are still hiding behind the fact that i provided a counter argument within my question explaining how he has been devisive.

So if it helps you keep up ignore my counter argument about how he has been devisive and not representing the "entire state" and prove your argument that he hasn't been devisive and represents the entire state.

You caught up yet??
Another day - More Dr. Smith Fail...

Oh the pain, the pain....


Another day - more house cowardice as he runs away from defending his own arguments....


Don't you find it sad that all you are left with is trolling instead of actually attempting to defend your own arguments??
Actually he or she isn't a Dr.

Its D. R. Smith at least thats what he/she says.

I know... Equating him to the Dr. Smith character seems appropriate...;)

LOL the fact that you feel so threatened by me that you have to try and tear me down by trying to insult me instead of defending your own positions says all that needs to be said.

Attacking the messenger is all that you have left to offer. LOL

Now Dr. Smith is claiming a governor doesn't represent an entire state....:lol:

You can't make this shit up....lol

It's all about context moron. the fact that you continue to run and try to change the context only shows more of your cowardice and dishonesty.

seawytch said he wasn't listening to people and being devisive and you responded by claiming he "He represents the entire state...Not just the minority who belong to unions...." as you coutner to her claim that he wasn't listening to people.

In that context you are trying to claim that he was listening to or "representing" the entire state.

Your attempt to change the context is a sign of desperation on your part. but it is hilariousto watch you squirm as you try to respond with you one liner lame excuses and personal attacks. LOL

Now he says I'm running away....:lol:

Thre fail keeps coming...

You ran away from the argument pages ago.

I have responded to every one of your posts and yet you ran away from your own arguments and my responses. Deflecting won't change that fact.

Keep it up. LOL

Now Dr. Smith feels I'm threatened by some mentally deficient leftist hack...:lol:


it's pretty obvious considering how you have ran away from defending your own words and have engaged in attacking the messenger.
You are trying so desperately to tear me down personally when that does nothing to address the fact that you can't even defend your own arguments or the fact that you accuse me of "posting opinions without facts" when you are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing. That is in spite of the fact that I have provided sources while you have not.

keep trolling your desperation only makes this more entertaining. LOL
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Now Dr. Smith is claiming a governor doesn't represent an entire state....:lol:

You can't make this shit up....lol

It's all about context moron. the fact that you continue to run and try to change the context only shows more of your cowardice and dishonesty.

seawytch said he wasn't listening to people and being devisive and you responded by claiming he "He represents the entire state...Not just the minority who belong to unions...." as you coutner to her claim that he wasn't listening to people.

In that context you are trying to claim that he was listening to or "representing" the entire state.

Your attempt to change the context is a sign of desperation on your part. but it is hilariousto watch you squirm as you try to respond with you one liner lame excuses and personal attacks. LOL

My statements remain true... I made no reference to the OPINIONS in seahag's statement... I meant what I said: a governor, in this case Walker, represents an entire state and does things that will benefit the entire state... He is not to show favoritism to any particular group, especially a minority group...

You can continue these childish word games if you want, but I find you boring and uneducated...

Having a debate with you is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end...

Run along like a good little dweeb, Dr. Smith... Find another thread to spread your fail...

Now Dr. Smith is claiming a governor doesn't represent an entire state....:lol:

You can't make this shit up....lol

It's all about context moron. the fact that you continue to run and try to change the context only shows more of your cowardice and dishonesty.

seawytch said he wasn't listening to people and being devisive and you responded by claiming he "He represents the entire state...Not just the minority who belong to unions...." as you coutner to her claim that he wasn't listening to people.

In that context you are trying to claim that he was listening to or "representing" the entire state.

Your attempt to change the context is a sign of desperation on your part. but it is hilariousto watch you squirm as you try to respond with you one liner lame excuses and personal attacks. LOL

My statements remain true...

because you say so?? Where is the substance to support your OPINIONS?? LOL

I made no reference to the OPINIONS in seahag's statement...

then why were you responding to her post? What was the point of responding to her post and providing a counter argument if it was not meant to counter or respond to her argument??

I meant what I said: a governor, in this case Walker, represents an entire state and does things that will benefit the entire state...

That is what a governor is SUPPOSED to do but if you are claiming that is what walker did as was blatantly obvious based on your response to seawytch the where is your PROOF?? You have the substance to back it up don't you??

He is not to show favoritism to any particular group, especially a minority group...

are you claiming he hasn't?? According to..... what exactly?? Your baseless OPINIONS?? LOL

You can continue these childish word games if you want, but I find you boring and uneducated...
Having a debate with you is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end...

Run along like a good little dweeb, Dr. Smith... Find another thread to spread your fail...

More insults from you becuase you ahve nothing REAL to offer and once again are "posting opinions without facts" as you accused me of doing.

I have defended my arguments with sourses what have your provided besides more of your baseless opinions?

Thanks for the hypocrisy, dishonesty and cowardice. Everything that I have come to expect from you.

Now you can continue to attack the messenger and repeat your baseless and unsubstantiated claims as if that will somehow validate them but I have to go to lunch. LOL
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How can he "represent the entire state" when his railing against public sector workers was meant to divide the state??

So, if one sector of the population wants A... and another wants B... you're saying that whichever side the governor chooses, that means he does not represent the other side?

Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.
Edmund Burke, British Parliament

You do not have to agree with a sector of the constituency, to represent and serve them.
Poor Dr. Smith....

Shown for the loser he is and yet he continues to play word games...

Run along Dr. Smith...

In his mind he/she is never a loser.

He/She has outdebated you House and everything that he/she posts is a "cold hard" fact. In his/her or mind of course.

Everything you have posted is anything but a fact. In his/her mind of course.

Remind you of anyone??
Poor Dr. Smith....

Shown for the loser he is and yet he continues to play word games...

Run along Dr. Smith...

In his mind he/she is never a loser.

He/She has outdebated you House and everything that he/she posts is a "cold hard" fact. In his/her or mind of course.

Everything you have posted is anything but a fact. In his/her mind of course.

Remind you of anyone??

DrSmith is like a semi-articulate version of TM.
How can he "represent the entire state" when his railing against public sector workers was meant to divide the state??

So, if one sector of the population wants A... and another wants B... you're saying that whichever side the governor chooses, that means he does not represent the other side?

Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.
Edmund Burke, British Parliament

You do not have to agree with a sector of the constituency, to represent and serve them.

I already explained it's about context. Now if you would care to address my comments and this discussioon in it's entirety including how house was responding to seawytch's post then by all means do so.
Until then please don't waste my time with your out context attemps to defend house.

BTW I didn't see your response to the discsussion we were having earlier. Considering the fact that you accused me of running away from the debate when I merely logged out for the evening I think it's hilarious how you never even bothered to respond. Why is that?

I guess that shows that you were the one who couldn't handle the "smack down" doesn't it? LOL
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Poor Dr. Smith....

Shown for the loser he is and yet he continues to play word games...

Run along Dr. Smith...

In his mind he/she is never a loser.

He/She has outdebated you House and everything that he/she posts is a "cold hard" fact. In his/her or mind of course.

Everything you have posted is anything but a fact. In his/her mind of course.

Remind you of anyone??

I think it's hilarious that the same group of posters who made claims and then failed to substantiate them when asked to do so are now trolling after me instead of addressing the failure of their own unsubstantiated claims.

Where is your proof about reid? You made the claim that he said "any bills from the House are DOA." and even though you later tried to change that to "reid said that on quite a few of the House bills headed his way." it doesn't change the fact that you have done nothing to substantiate your own claims.

BTW telling me to "google it" does nothing to substantiate your arguments.

It seems to me that you just like house and conservative love to engage "posting opinions without facts" and I still find it hilarious that you trolls have spent the last few pages trying to demean and ridicule me instead of addressing the shortcomings of your own arguments. LOL
I already explained it's about context. Now if you would care to address my comments and this discussioon in it's entirety including how house was responding to seawytch's post then by all means do so.
Until then please don't waste my time with your out context attemps to defend house.

BTW I didn't see your response to the discsussion we were having earlier. Considering the fact that you accused me of running away from the debate when I merely logged out for the evening I think it's hilarious how you never even bothered to respond. Why is that?

I guess that shows that you were the one that couldn't handle the "smack down" doesn't it? LOL
A... use Spell-check. It's not that difficult
B... Context my left testicle. A governor represents ALL the people of this or her state, regardless of whether or not he agrees with them on certain issues.
C... House can defend himself, he needs no help, espeically in defending himself against you
D... You're a liar. A verbose one at that. I did not accuse you of running away... I said...
where did poor misunderstood DrSmith go? Did the smack down hurt him that much?
If you want to read an accusation into that, that's your prerogative.
E... So, it's okay for YOU to 'log out for the night', but if someone else does it, then THEY are the ones running away? Sounds a little hypocritical to me.

Face it. All you have regarding Walkers actions, motivations, etc., is your OPINION. They are like assholes. We all have them, and some of them stink.

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