40 to 45 GOP Senators Would Vote To Raise Debt Ceiling -- If Their Votes Are Kept Secret


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, said “40 or 45” Republicans would be willing to agree to allow a debt ceiling increase to come to a vote, as long as they did not have to cast a public ballot. The problem, he said, was the other five." Mr. McConnell has said the government must not be allowed to stop paying its debts; he has also said he will not let any Republicans vote to raise the debt limit, while moving to block Democrats from doing so themselves.

Senator Angus King of Maine, a moderate independent, sounded despondent. “There’s no bargaining. They’re just stamping their feet and saying no.” He added, “It’s a qualitatively new level of irresponsibility.” Senator Brian Schatz, Democrat of Hawaii, said:
“I have learned over many years that we cannot negotiate over things like whether or not to destroy the economy,” Mr. Schatz said, adding, “American politics has gone crazy because one party has gone crazy.”

Even tho the debt ceiling is a meaningless Senate rule put in place to appease isolationists who didn't want to get involved in WW1; it has been used as a political football by MAINLY republicans for decades.....and even tho Republicans are voting against paying for spending they already previously voted for -- the fact that so many in their base has no idea what the debt ceiling really is makes this a brilliant move by Mitch McConnell..Not only is the GOP willing to not vote to raise the debt ceiling, not only is the GOP demanding that the Democrats raise it by themselves -- even when the Democrats attempt to raise the debt on their own; the GOP filibusters to block them from doing it....brilliant!

And for Roy Blunt to admit that the majority of Republicans will vote to raise the debt ceiling; the fact that they will only do it if it is by secret ballot only further solidifies the cowardice and pathetic lunacy of GOP governing. This is why all they have left to offer their base is trolling and manufacturing goofy fake outrage.
Maybe President Biden needs to REACH ACROSS the aisle in a spirit of bipartisanship, if he really wants Republican cooperation?

What has Sleepy Joe done to move the Conservative Agenda forward an inch, since he seized power in January?

Has he forgotten the message of Bipartisan idol John McCain already?
Maybe President Biden needs to REACH ACROSS the aisle in a spirit of bipartisanship, if he really wants Republican cooperation?

What has Sleepy Joe done to move the Conservative Agenda forward an inch, since he seized power in January?

Has he forgotten the message of Bipartisan idol John McCain already?
Why is it Biden's responsibility to move the Conservative agenda forward??

The GOP is voting not to pay for shit they themselves passed...shut yo goofy ass up
Why is it Biden's responsibility to move the Conservative agenda forward??

The GOP is voting not to pay for shit they themselves passed...shut yo goofy ass up

Its about reaching across the aisle and mending fences, Biff.

I guess Sleepy Joe can do as he pleases, but I'm talking about getting the cooperation of all Americans. If we are all one, let's show we are all one, but putting aside politics.

If the Bidenistas want to sow discontent and disunity, they can continue on the current path.

"Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, said “40 or 45” Republicans would be willing to agree to allow a debt ceiling increase to come to a vote, as long as they did not have to cast a public ballot. The problem, he said, was the other five." Mr. McConnell has said the government must not be allowed to stop paying its debts; he has also said he will not let any Republicans vote to raise the debt limit, while moving to block Democrats from doing so themselves.

Senator Angus King of Maine, a moderate independent, sounded despondent. “There’s no bargaining. They’re just stamping their feet and saying no.” He added, “It’s a qualitatively new level of irresponsibility.” Senator Brian Schatz, Democrat of Hawaii, said:
“I have learned over many years that we cannot negotiate over things like whether or not to destroy the economy,” Mr. Schatz said, adding, “American politics has gone crazy because one party has gone crazy.”

Even tho the debt ceiling is a meaningless Senate rule put in place to appease isolationists who didn't want to get involved in WW1; it has been used as a political football by MAINLY republicans for decades.....and even tho Republicans are voting against paying for spending they already previously voted for -- the fact that so many in their base has no idea what the debt ceiling really is makes this a brilliant move by Mitch McConnell..Not only is the GOP willing to not vote to raise the debt ceiling, not only is the GOP demanding that the Democrats raise it by themselves -- even when the Democrats attempt to raise the debt on their own; the GOP filibusters to block them from doing it....brilliant!

And for Roy Blunt to admit that the majority of Republicans will vote to raise the debt ceiling; the fact that they will only do it if it is by secret ballot only further solidifies the cowardice and pathetic lunacy of GOP governing. This is why all they have left to offer their base is trolling and manufacturing goofy fake outrage.
What a great article from the NEW YORK SLIMES.....

"Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, said “40 or 45” Republicans would be willing to agree to allow a debt ceiling increase to come to a vote, as long as they did not have to cast a public ballot. The problem, he said, was the other five." Mr. McConnell has said the government must not be allowed to stop paying its debts; he has also said he will not let any Republicans vote to raise the debt limit, while moving to block Democrats from doing so themselves.

Senator Angus King of Maine, a moderate independent, sounded despondent. “There’s no bargaining. They’re just stamping their feet and saying no.” He added, “It’s a qualitatively new level of irresponsibility.” Senator Brian Schatz, Democrat of Hawaii, said:
“I have learned over many years that we cannot negotiate over things like whether or not to destroy the economy,” Mr. Schatz said, adding, “American politics has gone crazy because one party has gone crazy.”

Even tho the debt ceiling is a meaningless Senate rule put in place to appease isolationists who didn't want to get involved in WW1; it has been used as a political football by MAINLY republicans for decades.....and even tho Republicans are voting against paying for spending they already previously voted for -- the fact that so many in their base has no idea what the debt ceiling really is makes this a brilliant move by Mitch McConnell..Not only is the GOP willing to not vote to raise the debt ceiling, not only is the GOP demanding that the Democrats raise it by themselves -- even when the Democrats attempt to raise the debt on their own; the GOP filibusters to block them from doing it....brilliant!

And for Roy Blunt to admit that the majority of Republicans will vote to raise the debt ceiling; the fact that they will only do it if it is by secret ballot only further solidifies the cowardice and pathetic lunacy of GOP governing. This is why all they have left to offer their base is trolling and manufacturing goofy fake outrage.
No surprise here.

The reason the DNC has taken over all aspects of the country is because they have no real opposition party.
Its about reaching across the aisle and mending fences, Biff.

I guess Sleepy Joe can do as he pleases, but I'm talking about getting the cooperation of all Americans. If we are all one, let's show we are all one, but putting aside politics.

If the Bidenistas want to sow discontent and disunity, they can continue on the current path.
Mitch McConnell has already said he has no list of demands for raising the debt ceiling..he is just simply against raising it because he hopes the chaos that causes hurt Democrats more than Republicans...

So why should Biden need to reach across the aisle for someone who is blatantly admitting he is doing this in bad faith?

By the way.....Dems voted to raise the debt ceiling under Trump.....when Trump passed that 3 trillion dollar tax cut, Dems voted to pass the debt ceiling...

The last time we have been this close to defaulting on the debt -- that too was caused by Republicans...
If it was paid for we would not be $30 trillion and rising in debt.
I just told you that the infrastructure package has a funding mechanism....furthermore, infrastructure is an investment...

Take that faux concern over the debt elsewhere...because you folks usually clutch your pearls over it when it comes to implementing policies that benefit those with the least amount of power...

When it comes to that 2 trillion disaster of a Trump taxcut -- I don't recall Dems voted against raising the debt ceiling to pay for it..so spare me that both sides do it shit
Its about reaching across the aisle and mending fences, Biff.

I guess Sleepy Joe can do as he pleases, but I'm talking about getting the cooperation of all Americans. If we are all one, let's show we are all one, but putting aside politics.

If the Bidenistas want to sow discontent and disunity, they can continue on the current path.
How can you mend fences with the GOP when they are threatening to destroy our economy?
Mitch McConnell has already said he has no list of demands for raising the debt ceiling..he is just simply against raising it because he hopes the chaos that causes hurt Democrats more than Republicans...

So why should Biden need to reach across the aisle for someone who is blatantly admitting he is doing this in bad faith?

By the way.....Dems voted to raise the debt ceiling under Trump.....when Trump passed that 3 trillion dollar tax cut, Dems voted to pass the debt ceiling...

The last time we have been this close to defaulting on the debt -- that too was caused by Republicans...
And let's not forget when Republicans pulled a stunt like this to hurt Obama, they ended up hurting the country because our credit rating ended up being downgraded.
And let's not forget when Republicans pulled a stunt like this to hurt Obama, they ended up hurting the country because our credit rating ended up being downgraded.

If this is about not hurting the country, maybe Biden will learn from the past and not be a party to this.

By reaching across the aisle, he has the ability NOT to hurt the country. All he has to do is to uplift the GOP agenda.

It isn't like he has to worry about his base leaving- do you really think they will vote for Trump to get back at him?
If this is about not hurting the country, maybe Biden will learn from the past and not be a party to this.

By reaching across the aisle, he has the ability NOT to hurt the country. All he has to do is to uplift the GOP agenda.

It isn't like he has to worry about his base leaving- do you really think they will vote for Trump to get back at him?
The GOP is threatening to crater our economy. Fuck that and fuck them.
I just told you that the infrastructure package has a funding mechanism....furthermore, infrastructure is an investment...

Take that faux concern over the debt elsewhere...because you folks usually clutch your pearls over it when it comes to implementing policies that benefit those with the least amount of power...

When it comes to that 2 trillion disaster of a Trump taxcut -- I don't recall Dems voted against raising the debt ceiling to pay for it..so spare me that both sides do it shit

Clearly TRUMP was a better negotiator...

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