4 Years After The Panic of the 2007/2008 Economic Crisis And...

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
4 Years After The Panic of the 2007/2008 Economic Crisis And...conservatives are still in denial about what caused the economic crisis. 4 years of constant hysteria and whiney attacks on the President and Democratic members of Congress, and the nation is recovering in spite of the Wingnut World narrative of dreaded socialism and the need to take America back from some super powerful phantom.

A majority of Americans voted to stay with the President and the Democrats on their economic message and road to recovery. Obamacare, while not perfect, is now safe from right wing dismantling. Dodd Frank, while not perfect is a start on re-regulating parts of the financial markets.

Conservatives and far right wing elements within the GOP want to portray imperfection as a dangerous road to recovery and health, but a majority of Americans aren't buying that Noise Machine generated message. 4 years ago, a majority of Americans rejected on a national level, the policies and offerings of the GOP, and now Americans on a national level have again rejected the GOP offerings.

A majority of Americans support President Obama and the messages he ran on in the 2012 campaign. It may not be a mandate, but it is a win and it is the people who have spoken. It's how our system works.

It's time for the right to get out of the way. They are free to join, but they need to get out of the way. The people have spoken.

Its a mandate.

of the congressional seats up for election this time arround MOST of them went dem
A majority of Americans support President Obama and the messages he ran on in the 2012 campaign.

I think it would be more accurate to say that the "message" was "vote for me because Mitt Romney is the devil."
That's what people chose, because his campaign message was nothing more than the same blather that we've heard since 2007.
A majority of Americans support President Obama and the messages he ran on in the 2012 campaign.

I think it would be more accurate to say that the "message" was "vote for me because Mitt Romney is the devil."
That's what people chose, because his campaign message was nothing more than the same blather that we've heard since 2007.

maybe a handful of swing voters, but the President stood up in front of a majority of Americans during the debates and advocated for higher taxes on the Wealthy while pointing out Romney would not raise taxes.

a clear choice
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He's been saying that since 2007. Big fucking deal. It solves nothing. It's a plea to mindless, frothy drones who want to punish someone because of the economic crisis created by the govt.

A clear choice, indeed. If you're a fucking moron. 50% of the country = morons. How shocking
He's been saying that since 2007. Big fucking deal. It solves nothing. It's a plea to mindless, frothy drones who want to punish someone because of the economic crisis created by the govt.

A clear choice, indeed. If you're a fucking moron. 50% of the country = morons. How shocking

that may or may not be so, but a majority of Americans listened to the President say the difference between Romney and he was partly due to an outlook on tax policy.

The President's argument won
It IS true. The numbers speak for themselves. But again, people are just in punish someone mode and want to use the very authority that got us in thsi economic mess to start dishing out punishments for its outcome. It's idiotic.

yes, the idiots spoke. They spoke to elect appeals to emotion and nonsense that will not help antyhing in either the short or long term.

The president's "argument" won.
It IS true. The numbers speak for themselves. But again, people are just in punish someone mode and want to use the very authority that got us in thsi economic mess to start dishing out punishments for its outcome. It's idiotic.

yes, the idiots spoke. They spoke to elect appeals to emotion and nonsense that will not help antyhing in either the short or long term.

The president's "argument" won.

you sound so bitter and your resentments are showing.

If people wanted to punish somebody they would have punished the President.

A few billion dollars were spent on messaging saying the President owned the current economy . and he does. But people know it is better than what we faced 4 years ago.

Slow recovery. We all know it. We've all seen it. Problem for you is most Americans do not use Cable news programs for their primary source of info
You were just arguing on raising taxes for the rich. Now it's "the economy is getting better". Which is liek saying that my paper cut is healing and having my boss come by and take credit for it.

I'm not bitter at all. I realized long ago that people are getting more idiotic by the year. I had no horse in this race post the GOP primary. Maybe in 2016 he can say "I got unemplyment to 8%."
4 Years After The Panic of the 2007/2008 Economic Crisis And...conservatives are still in denial about what caused the economic crisis. 4 years of constant hysteria and whiney attacks on the President and Democratic members of Congress, and the nation is recovering in spite of the Wingnut World narrative of dreaded socialism and the need to take America back from some super powerful phantom.

A majority of Americans voted to stay with the President and the Democrats on their economic message and road to recovery. Obamacare, while not perfect, is now safe from right wing dismantling. Dodd Frank, while not perfect is a start on re-regulating parts of the financial markets.

Conservatives and far right wing elements within the GOP want to portray imperfection as a dangerous road to recovery and health, but a majority of Americans aren't buying that Noise Machine generated message. 4 years ago, a majority of Americans rejected on a national level, the policies and offerings of the GOP, and now Americans on a national level have again rejected the GOP offerings.

A majority of Americans support President Obama and the messages he ran on in the 2012 campaign. It may not be a mandate, but it is a win and it is the people who have spoken. It's how our system works.

It's time for the right to get out of the way. They are free to join, but they need to get out of the way. The people have spoken.


Given the bitterness on both sides witnessed in these threads over the recent months, it is hard to believe the two can settle down together and go ahead (I almost said 'progress', but that could be taken politically).

Again, this is partly because it's 'both sides'. Being offered only two parties that already control everything, people have to line up 'left' and 'right'. That is not a good description of the American people and does not well nor fully express their spirit.

There is far too much nuance of opinion for it to be reducible to two.
ObamaCare is going to create an unprecedented level of dependence on the federal government. And when it finally breaks the government tit and the milk starts to dry up, you are going to hear a whining such as has never been heard before.

This is not a prediction. It is a promise.

ObamaCare is going to create an unprecedented level of dependence on the federal government. And when it finally breaks the government tit and the milk starts to dry up, you are going to hear a whining such as has never been heard before.

This is not a prediction. It is a promise.



your last few predictions?

Oh yeah, a Romney landslide and what else? now you think you have credibility to make promises?
ObamaCare is going to create an unprecedented level of dependence on the federal government. And when it finally breaks the government tit and the milk starts to dry up, you are going to hear a whining such as has never been heard before.

This is not a prediction. It is a promise.



your last few predictions?

Oh yeah, a Romney landslide and what else? now you think you have credibility to make promises?

Wow. Just keep making shit up on the fly.

Care to point out where I predicted a Romney landslide?

Oh, that's right. I didn't. Far from it. :lol:

So try again, dipshit.

You were just arguing on raising taxes for the rich. Now it's "the economy is getting better". Which is liek saying that my paper cut is healing and having my boss come by and take credit for it.

I'm not bitter at all. I realized long ago that people are getting more idiotic by the year. I had no horse in this race post the GOP primary. Maybe in 2016 he can say "I got unemplyment to 8%."

The economy is getting better than it was in 2007/2008. The jobs are slow to come back, but that is how the kind of an economic mess we found ourselves in in 2007/2008 pan out.

Raising taxes on the wealthy is part of a solution for righting the economy. Obama sold it and the public bought it.

In 2016? No credible person makes hard assumptions on how it will look. You are a slow learner if you need years to figure out human nature. How fucking old are you?
4 Years After The Panic of the 2007/2008 Economic Crisis And...conservatives are still in denial about what caused the economic crisis. 4 years of constant hysteria and whiney attacks on the President and Democratic members of Congress, and the nation is recovering in spite of the Wingnut World narrative of dreaded socialism and the need to take America back from some super powerful phantom.

A majority of Americans voted to stay with the President and the Democrats on their economic message and road to recovery. Obamacare, while not perfect, is now safe from right wing dismantling. Dodd Frank, while not perfect is a start on re-regulating parts of the financial markets.

Conservatives and far right wing elements within the GOP want to portray imperfection as a dangerous road to recovery and health, but a majority of Americans aren't buying that Noise Machine generated message. 4 years ago, a majority of Americans rejected on a national level, the policies and offerings of the GOP, and now Americans on a national level have again rejected the GOP offerings.

A majority of Americans support President Obama and the messages he ran on in the 2012 campaign. It may not be a mandate, but it is a win and it is the people who have spoken. It's how our system works.

It's time for the right to get out of the way. They are free to join, but they need to get out of the way. The people have spoken.


Given the bitterness on both sides witnessed in these threads over the recent months, it is hard to believe the two can settle down together and go ahead (I almost said 'progress', but that could be taken politically).

Again, this is partly because it's 'both sides'. Being offered only two parties that already control everything, people have to line up 'left' and 'right'. That is not a good description of the American people and does not well nor fully express their spirit.

There is far too much nuance of opinion for it to be reducible to two.


the parties used to have liberals, moderates, and conservatives in their ranks. now the GOP is a party of a faction. the Democrats have a bigger tent.

left and right?

you jump between left and right, conservative and liberal, and Democrat and Republican and you will always get lost. learn the distinctions.

Nuance breeds agreement and compromise you friggin' dolt.
ObamaCare is going to create an unprecedented level of dependence on the federal government. And when it finally breaks the government tit and the milk starts to dry up, you are going to hear a whining such as has never been heard before.

This is not a prediction. It is a promise.



your last few predictions?

Oh yeah, a Romney landslide and what else? now you think you have credibility to make promises?

Wow. Just keep making shit up on the fly.

Care to point out where I predicted a Romney landslide?

Oh, that's right. I didn't. Far from it. :lol:

So try again, dipshit.

You were just arguing on raising taxes for the rich. Now it's "the economy is getting better". Which is liek saying that my paper cut is healing and having my boss come by and take credit for it.

I'm not bitter at all. I realized long ago that people are getting more idiotic by the year. I had no horse in this race post the GOP primary. Maybe in 2016 he can say "I got unemplyment to 8%."

The economy is getting better than it was in 2007/2008. The jobs are slow to come back, but that is how the kind of an economic mess we found ourselves in in 2007/2008 pan out.

Raising taxes on the wealthy is part of a solution for righting the economy. Obama sold it and the public bought it.

In 2016? No credible person makes hard assumptions on how it will look. You are a slow learner if you need years to figure out human nature. How fucking old are you?

Raising taxes on the wealthy is not part of any solution. it's the only part of anything Obama has offered.

800 billion over ten years in additional revenue from such a move, with "cuts" of a trillion in the same time period.

At 1.3 trillion annual deficit spends. Do math, genius. It's not even going to dent deficit spending. It's absurd and not a serious solution on any level.

I dont think you have a single clue about the financial crisis of 2006-08. Saying shit like "The jobs are slow to come back, but that is how the kind of an economic mess we found ourselves in in 2007/2008 pan out." proves that all the more.
You were just arguing on raising taxes for the rich. Now it's "the economy is getting better". Which is liek saying that my paper cut is healing and having my boss come by and take credit for it.

I'm not bitter at all. I realized long ago that people are getting more idiotic by the year. I had no horse in this race post the GOP primary. Maybe in 2016 he can say "I got unemplyment to 8%."

The economy is getting better than it was in 2007/2008. The jobs are slow to come back, but that is how the kind of an economic mess we found ourselves in in 2007/2008 pan out.

Raising taxes on the wealthy is part of a solution for righting the economy. Obama sold it and the public bought it.

In 2016? No credible person makes hard assumptions on how it will look. You are a slow learner if you need years to figure out human nature. How fucking old are you?

Raising taxes on the wealthy is not part of any solution. it's the only part of anything Obama has offered.

800 billion over ten years in additional revenue from such a move, with "cuts" of a trillion in the same time period.

At 1.3 trillion annual deficit spends. Do math, genius. It's not even going to dent deficit spending. It's absurd and not a serious solution on any level.

I dont think you have a single clue about the financial crisis of 2006-08. Saying shit like "The jobs are slow to come back, but that is how the kind of an economic mess we found ourselves in in 2007/2008 pan out." proves that all the more.


I guess we can expect the left to keep blaming Bush for another four years for Obama's deficit spending.

Its important that the disenfranchised, the oppressed, the helpless, the mindless, the losers, the dependents, the illegals be supplied healthcare by working americans...........

Its only fair, not matter the cost....................LOL
You were just arguing on raising taxes for the rich. Now it's "the economy is getting better". Which is liek saying that my paper cut is healing and having my boss come by and take credit for it.

I'm not bitter at all. I realized long ago that people are getting more idiotic by the year. I had no horse in this race post the GOP primary. Maybe in 2016 he can say "I got unemplyment to 8%."

The economy is getting better than it was in 2007/2008. The jobs are slow to come back, but that is how the kind of an economic mess we found ourselves in in 2007/2008 pan out.

Raising taxes on the wealthy is part of a solution for righting the economy. Obama sold it and the public bought it.

In 2016? No credible person makes hard assumptions on how it will look. You are a slow learner if you need years to figure out human nature. How fucking old are you?

Raising taxes on the wealthy is not part of any solution. it's the only part of anything Obama has offered.

800 billion over ten years in additional revenue from such a move, with "cuts" of a trillion in the same time period.

At 1.3 trillion annual deficit spends. Do math, genius. It's not even going to dent deficit spending. It's absurd and not a serious solution on any level.

I dont think you have a single clue about the financial crisis of 2006-08. Saying shit like "The jobs are slow to come back, but that is how the kind of an economic mess we found ourselves in in 2007/2008 pan out." proves that all the more.


"I've been left at the alter now a couple of times," said Obama.

Speaking to a half-filled room of reporters, the president laid out just how dramatic the cuts to the social safety would have been in the deal he was trying to give Republicans. He said that he couldn't believe Boehner walked away from the proposal he was offering: $3.5 trillion in spending cuts over 10 years, smaller tax increases than those laid out in a bipartisan Senate plan and cuts to entitlement programs, something Democrats have pushed hard against. It also didn't include revenues that Obama has insisted be in a final package, namely via closing tax loopholes and ending subsidies for the oil and gas industry.

"In other words, this was an extraordinarily fair deal," Obama told reporters. "If it was unbalanced, it was unbalanced in the direction of not enough revenue." Obama: Debt Ceiling Talks Fell Apart, Boehner Walked Out

now we have Obama-Boehner 2011 Near-Deal Blueprint for New Debt Talks

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